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Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Discussion Paper Based On an Ethnographic Investigation Ethical Issue Human development has necessitated the application of science ...

Admission Essay Name Institutional Affiliation Admission Essay After graduating from [Insert University] with [insert specific nursing course] in [year], my first job was a family ...

Lastname Firstname Professor Course Date: Admission Essay The Nursing program and I possess a similar vision. I desire to enter the program in your institution due to the great her...

What the dog saw Malcolm Gladwell What the dog and other ventures saw Malcolm Gladwell wrote the book what the dog and other adventures saw with the collection of the......

What changes the perspective of people, innovation Introduction Many times people do not care about the things they have, do not analyze or think where it arose or how that......

Use of Technology in Medicine Teams Introduction In health, many equipment and tools are used that work autonomously or with the direction of the human hand but that is linked......

Use of mathematics in the works of Jorge Luis Borges Introduction This essay is based on the enigmatic use of mathematics in the works and stories of the famous Argentine......

United Nations Poverty Problem Introduction How to end poverty? The United Nations global multimedia portability index establishes that 1.300 million people from 101 countries worl...

Understanding the meaning of atheism To understand the meaning of the term atheism, it may be necessary to first understand the etymological origin of the word itself, its most bas...

Truths of abortion and why it is practiced The objective of this work is to inform people about the issue of aborting and that is not how certain people from......

Trigonometry in everyday life Introduction. A branch of mathematics that studies the relationship between the sides and the angles of the triangles, the properties and applications...

Treatment of the community acquired in the community Introduction The pneumonia acquired in the community (NAC) or community pneumonia is defined as the acute inflammation of the p...

TRANSTORN BULIMIA OR ALTERATION OF FOOD   Eating disorders are presented when a person does not receive the caloric intake that his body requires to function according to his age,...

Transition of positive and normative accounting thinking In history it is said that accounting is born at the same moment that man sees the need to bring accounts, although, he......

Transhumanism and Eugenics: The future of Medicine The future of biomedical sciences As we see these sciences are currently under a revolution process and for example, we even reth...

Thomas Kuhn and the Scientific Revolution Introduction: A scientific revolution occurs when, according to Kuhn, scientists find anomalies that cannot be explained by the universall...

The Universe, a controversy to this day   The universe is cataloged as cosmos, the sciences that study it are astronomy and cosmology. Everything that exists is part of the......

The Universe according to Stephen Hawking Physically limited, but mentally free to investigate the mysteries of the universe, Hawking leads us in a long and interesting discovery t...

The truth in Philosophy Introduction Philosophy aims to subsist in our world by putting on the table the same issues that had been raised since ancient times;It is still a......

The truth and the search for the truth Introduction Yalom introduces us to an imaginary world, where our two protagonists Nietzsche and Breuer immerse us in several extraordinary a...

THE TREE OF EARTH SCIENCE Introduction Pío Baroja was born in San Sebastián in 1872. In Madrid he studied medicine and the pain was doctorate with the thesis. Psychophysics study...

The Stoics, Moral and Virtue According to the SAR "Happiness is a state of the mood that is pleased in the possession of a good", meanwhile Zeno defined happiness as......

The role and origin of women in Engineering A problem in which engineering and technology careers are involved is the "little participation of the female gender in these areas...

The right to fail: errors are a learning for life As many of the great sages to achieve their great works made mistakes, this is how it can be said......

The Renaissance: Movement of Science and Culture Introduction When talking about this rebirth, it is understood as an entrance door to the modern age, if it placed me at the......

The problem solving approach as a cognitive mediation strategy This is the list of all soulaudan considers that science in essence, is the human activity by which there is a......

THE POPPERIAN METHOD IN THE TEACHING OF LAW As Popper (1996) states "(...) Our knowledge is necessarily finite, while our ignorance is necessarily infinite". (p. 75). Ove...

The perception of social senses and products   These involuntary movements that people have called gestures indicate how to communicate. The gesture has a great significance accor...

The paradigms of the twentieth century, Colombia When we hear about paradigms, we usually assume that it is only about examples or beliefs common to a group of people or......

The origins of food care in Judaism: Kashrut Introduction  The food table within Judaism is known as a great characteristic of the people of Israel. This is due to the......

The obstacles that women have had towards gender equity Currently, one of the issues that is giving much to talk about, is gender equity and the controversy it generates in......

The Nazism and the power he had over Germany In this essay we will talk about Nazism, in full German nationalism, a movement fully led by Adolf Hitler as head......

The murder of the language teacher Introduction The murder of the language teacher is written with a mixture of realistic and fantastic elements, its literary genre is of science f...

The morality of cloning in the world of science   The word clone originates in the Greek "Klon", which implies branch or stem, which is a natural term that alludes......

The meaning of identity of the individual We need to start the identity to understand where you want to reach, we will rely on two antagonistic positions of philosophy. The......

The Mars channels and scientific innovation As the innovation of science affects the channels of Mars From the beginning, Mars, the neighboring panel of the Earth, interested us, f...

THE LEGAL EXPERIENCE OF ROME The book "The legal experience of Rome. Your projection on the threshold of the S.XXI ”was written by Ricardo Panero Gutiérrez and published in...

The journey of communication as an academic discipline Communication, as an academic discipline or scientific field, has had a long career to be accepted as such, something that do...

The inverse osmosis process as a solution to poverty and famine in Africa The issue of poverty and hunger is not something new or exclusive to today. It is true......

The importance of references in the texts on the web pages Introduction The information we find on the web is not regulated in any way in the veracity and authenticity......

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