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Free Enzyme Essay Examples and Topics for Students

Author’s Name: Instructor’s Name: Course: Date: DNA and Genetic Engineering DNA replication refers to the process through which a DNA doubles during cell division. This starts ...

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Name: Course: Professor: Date: There are always arising issue when it comes to the development of drug-resistant disease-causing microorganism, and this us because of how they unde...

Consequences of Duodenal Ampulla Blockage by A Tumor Name Institutional Affiliation The ampulla of Vater or the hepatopancreatic duct is a union of the common bile duct and the pan...

Genetics Assignment Student’s Name University Affiliation Genetics Assignment Genetic Tests Before Conception Tests such as the Counsyl Family Prep Screen 2.0 which is designed t...

Name: Professor: Subject: Date: Ebola Ebola is known to be one of the rarest and deadliest diseases that mostly affects human and non-human primates like chimpanzees and gorillas. ...

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First Name Last Name Instructor's Name Course Date Morphological Characteristics Bacteria comes with different shapes and forms and different genera comes with their specific shape...

Nursing Care Interventions for Managing patients presenting With Congestive Heart Failure The subjective and objective parameters of the patient reflected that she was suffering fr...

Biology transcription. Titin is the longest known protein which is responsible for the elasticity of muscles. Transcription is a step of gene expression in which a segment of DNA i...

Drugs Used to Regulate Blood Pressure Name Institution Drugs Used to Regulate Blood Pressure 1) What is your differential diagnosis for what is occurring with this patient? (2 pts)...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Enzyme activity Introduction Enzymes are the catalysts which speed up chemical reactions. Their compounds are proteins, and their ro...

Title Name Institution Date Aging remains one of the most complex physiological processes that has since attracted the attention of many scientists. Towards this end, theories have...

Student Professor Course Date DNA Replication Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the genetic material that stores information concerning the structure, development, function, and repro...

Enzymes and Enzyme Inhibitors Name Institution Enzymes and Enzyme Inhibitors Enzymes can be defined as the biological catalysts, which speeds up chemical reactions of a cell and th...

Cardiovascular Name Institution Patient's Personal and Medical History A female patient aged 46 years was admitted with cardiovascular disease, cardiomegaly, and interstitial oedem...

Dairy Products Name Institution Dairy products offer a wide range of diverse food intake for human beings. Milk contains sugar in it called lactose. The sugar requires enzymes lact...

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Name: Supervisor: Course: Date: Nutrition Basics DISCUSSION Characteristics and Examples of Nutritious Diets Characteristic 1: Built of animal-sourced foods and vegetables Example ...

Rotavirus Name: Institution:Rotavirus Rotavirus is the type of virus which mostly affects children who are below the age of 5. The virus infects the bowels and causes severe inflam...

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Stress Portrait of a Killer Student’s name Institution Stress Portrait of a Killer Stress can affect the brain part of memory and learning besides reducing the level of pleasure....

Enzymes Specificity Name Course Instructor Date Purpose: This experiment seeks to check the ability of lactase to specifically interact and bind to lactose as opposed to maltose. B...

NameProfessor Course Date Nalidixic Acid and Sulfonamide Antibiotics Urinary Bladder Infection Urinary bladder infection reveals the presence of microbial pathogens in the bladder ...

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The use of microorganisms, enzymes and other cellular components for contaminating degradation Bioremediation is a branch of biotechnology that has gained much importance in recent...

The cell: functions, characteristics and structure Introduction The cell is the anatomical and functional unit of living beings, being the smallest structure, capable of performing...

Structure and replication of nucleic acids, enzymes involved in DNA replication The steps involved in DNA packaging in eukaryotic organisms Throughout the cell cycle, chromatin und...

Strategies to enhance Alzheimer's pathology As already seen, EA pathogenesis is mainly based on the amyloid waterfall. However, numerous lines of research have shown that in order ...

Selected topics of multidisciplinary science Biotechnology Biotechnology is a multidisciplinary science that covers different techniques and processes, in addition to the great adv...

Secondary metabolism as a defense of plants Introduction Metabolism consists of chemical reactions that take place in an organism. Most of the carbon, nitrogen and energy ends in m...

Ribonuclease, the enzyme that hydrolyzes ribonucléic acid Introduction Within our body, there are hundreds of chemical reactions necessary for life all the time, occurring simulta...

Review about my five favorite films Gattaca (1997): It is a futuristic dystopyAt all it is not bad since genetic diseases can be eradicated by avoiding even malformations, this div...

Pharmacotherapy in refractory schizophrenia Strength or treatment tolerance is a great therapeutic challenge, it is estimated that of patients in treatment of 20 to 30% do not resp...

Penicillin Action in the human body   In 1945, the Nobel Prize in Medicine at the Branch of Physiology was given to scientists Alexander Fleming, Howard Walter Florey and Boris......

Mother cells: Different types of treatments Introduction “In recent decades, stem cells have been one of the main issues to be discussed in the media due to their scientific and....

Medications and aspirins as prevention Introduction Effectiveness of clopidogrel and aspirin versus aspirin in the prevention of stroke and its hemorrhagic risks. The stroke is cur...

Infectious disease called Tuberculosis Summary Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by mycobacteria that is called mycobacterium tuberculosis. The vector through which it i...

Importance of genital herpes diagnostic tests Confirmation of clinical diagnosis is important for management. A swab swing should be taken from the vesicle fluid or the base of an ...

Human genome project manipulation Introduction First phase: The guide RNA is combined with the CAS9 enzyme. This guide RNA is specific for a DNA sequence, which we need to edit......

Homeostasis, balance of the body's internal environment   Homeostasis is the equilibrium condition of the body's internal environment. This balance can suffer a break due to alter...

Hereditary disease muscle dystrophy Introduction Duchenne's muscular dystrophy is a recessive hereditary disease linked to X chromosome, it is a disease that regularly only affects...

Hepatitis C virus and ways to diagnose the disease When we talk about hepatitis C we refer to an infectious viral disease that mainly causes the liver to inflate, which......

Help of nutrition in cancer treatments. Introduction Nutrition a tool as an adjuvant of cancer treatment. Cancer is a disease that only listening to most people are scared, for the...

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Harmful effects of the use of anabolic steroids in sports When practicing certain sports, we all want to improve our performance as soon as possible. With good planning, adequate f...

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