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National identity theft in Mexico Introduction Identity theft is a crime that in Mexico is increasing day by day, the statistics of companies and authorities refer to high numbers,...

National Development Plan 2017 - 2021 in Ecuador Rights for all throughout life  This axis is oriented to guarantee the fulfillment of the rights of citizens throughout their live...

Music as a didactic method for the inclusion of people with disabilities Introduction The present research tries to highlight the importance of music as a didactic method, for the ...

Moisture content implications on dog food Understanding the information provided by food labels is not always easy, and basic knowledge should be had to know how to interpret them....

Migrant women to find a better life Despite the different legal measures and political attempts carried out nationally and internationally to ensure equitable distribution in repro...

Mexico, Imperialism, and a military dictatorship General Díaz's "strong" regime was built around a personal military dictatorship, which was adapted to the needs of the ...

Mexican Health System Model The Mexican health system since its inception has presented a great challenge to be ablecan foresee or solve through main axes whose emanate from a fina...

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Mattered woman, a silent plea    Gender violence has become an urgent social problem to be treated we are living in a macho society, in which the woman is being......

Malignant melanoma, classification and diagnosis Malignant melanoma classification Surface extension melanoma Specifically in this pathology, surface extension melanoma becomes the...

MAINTENANCE OF HUMAN NATURE Introduction Following the confinement, nature has begun a rehabilitation that relieves in totality to the maintenance and cleanliness of our planet, th...

Main challenges of reading in Mexico in the Internet era Introduction Reading is a compression process where its objective is to promote learning, three definitions for reading hav...

Macroeconomic accounting principles in the GDP of a country Learning activity: In order to strengthen the knowledge acquired throughout this session, the following activity will be...

Literary review about the incredible and sad story of the candid Eréndira and her heartless grandmother Before all, we must always start with a small introduction or a summary to....

Literary novel story "Huasipungo" Introduction Jorge Icaza Coronel was an Ecuadorian novelist and playwright. He was born on June 10, 1906 and died on May 26, 1978 in Qui...

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Linguistic discrimination eafecta to autosestima Today we see many things about mental health, we read about bullying, about depression, among other things;But very rarely we liste...

Linguistic and social discrimination Linguistic discrimination just like social discrimination is an unfair treatment towards a person because of the way they speak or their way of...

Light generating device through solar energy The present research is about the Aselus project, an lighting device that functions as an alternative to electric current, using renewa...

Life expectancy and organ donation Introduction. Organ donation is an altruistic gesture that can save one or more lives when one no longer needs organs. And there are currently th...

Legal realism and its importance in law Historically, legal thinkers have discussed the different theories or conceptions from which the right in their practical sense is based or ...

Lawyer: Ethical Code of the Law Professional Ethical Code of the Law Professional Ethical regulations seek to guarantee the correct execution by the lawyer, the mission as a profes...

Justice for women's victims of feminicide in Mexico Undoubtedly, in our country the issue of violence exercised towards the figure of women has brought with it a series of reaction...

Judicial, legal and respect guarantees Judicial, legal and respect guarantees are a means to protect free civil acts; With principle, the power of status is restricted; From this p...

Jack The Ripper in postmodern horror movies In 1930, The Art Institute of Chicago exposed the public for the first time that it was going to become one of the......

International Humanitarian Rights, its importance and application in Colombia Introduction In this essay, the concept of international humanitarian law and the importance of the st...

Intercultural Education: A field in process of consolidation Intercultural education in recent years is an issue that has taken relevance among researchers, the author says that th...

Intercultural communication in antiquity Introduction Throughout the world there are around 184 countries, more than 600 groups of living languages and 5,000 ethnic groups, which i...

In search of the precious American dream For me the American dream is constituted by several parts, parts that are essential to be able to carry it out. The first......

Innovation in a company in its general environment Introduction Companies in my canton are not so large, they are small entrepreneurs, but they are still very innovative and increa...

Influence of video games on criminal behavior Introduction. As we know, we are currently surrounded by technology and many media. In this writing I will be exposing my opinion abou...

Influence of sexism in the satisfaction of a couple It should be noted that, according to (United Nations Women's Organization), it emphasizes that sexism is a problem generator an...

Indigenous justice violates rights established in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuado INTRODUCTION In this essay we will deal with the subject. "The indigenous justice&...

IMPORTANCE OF THE COPPER World INTRODUCTION For several years, the Popular Dominican and China Republic maintain commercial relations characterized by a very unequal exchange that ...

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Importance of internal control in Covid-19 times Our country is going through a strong economic crisis;After the Pandemia for COVID-19, many of the companies have struggled to stay...

Importance of good gastronomic translation Why is a good gastronomic translation so important? Imagine that you have a restaurant and one day foreign tourists arrive who know nothi...

Identity theories Introduction This work analyzes the “identity robbery” computer crime, very common in Mexico, since thanks to the easy access and areas of vulnerability of pe...

Ideas for planning and decorating a birthday Introduction You will be trying to look for ideas to plan and decorate a birthday or a basketball celebration that if there is......

Hygienization and hand washing in hospitals Introduction Hygiene is something essential in our day to day so as not to take any infection, but do we really know why we......

Human Rights as a limit to the prison system in Colombia Palacios, in its article entitled “Human Rights as a limit to the prison system in Colombia” published in 2016......

Human Rights and the Inter -American System The inter -American system The Inter -American System is a regional system for the promotion and protection of human rights and is compo...

Human Resources and SMEs Introduction The competitiveness of SMEs and even large companies is due, to a large extent, to the quality of their human talent, so that employees' skill...

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