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Translation quotes Introduction The translator's profession is often belittled by others, since some people tend to think that there is no complexity in changing any type of conten...

Time management from Aristotle's point of view Introduction In the conception of time from the point of view of Aristotle, he raises the questions of time about the problem of......

The work of the Greek poet Sophocles, Antigona Antigone is a tragic work written by, the Greek poet, Sophocles. It was first recreated in the year 411 to.C. The plot......

The work of Antigona, Sophocles Through an argumentative and objective work, a criticism will be given according to the work of Sophocles called Antigone, where this story is going...

The Wonder Woman Introduction The story we know about Diana, the princess of Isla Paraíso, until now is the following: she lived with her hypólita mother, on Paraíso Island, whi...

The War of Independence in Greece Introduction 1821-1830 War of Independence, also known as Russian Revolution. Greece fought against the Ottoman Empire after carrying about 500 ye...

The virtues that facilitate and make possible the Christian coexistence We need to exercise in coexistence with everyone;For this we must know and implement the virtues that facili...

The value of the last samurai Introduction The flower of Japan, beautiful and elegant in its possession, separated from the tree from life. It was on November 25, 1970, the......

THE USE AND IMPORTANCE OF GEOMETRY IN ARCHITECTURE Geometry is considered a branch of mathematics that is responsible for studying geometric figures and their properties either in ...

The temple starts in Athens Introduction The part located in Athens (Greece) is a temple that was built for the protector of Athens, called Athena Partosos. It is an artistic......

The study of the Greek tragedy of Antigona   The antigone literary composition, ἀντιγόνη in Greek, is a Greek tragedy written in the 5th century before Christ by the trag...

The study of human acts for the science of ethics Introduction Ethics is the science that studies things for its causes, of the universal and necessary, which is dedicated to......

The sculpture of the Polylet Doriforus and the type of art exposed Before starting to comment on the sculpture of the Polylet Doriforus, we will analyze the type of art......

The sculpture and its two -dimensional or three -dimensional representation The sculpture is a representation of art that occurs in two -dimensional or three -dimensional form that...

The Romans created a great empire Introduction The Romans created a great empire, with a common civilization that links their inhabitants with each other and around the Mediterrane...

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The role of women in Greek mythology In this practice, we analyze the myths of Pandora and Prometheus, based on a text by Hesiod, "Works and fragments" (Theogony, works a...

The Renaissance and the Artistic Movement Introduction To appreciate the changes that took place between these two times regarding art, we will begin by knowing Romanesque art, fro...

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The rage and treatment virus used to provide for it The rage, a word derived from the ancient Indian roots: "Rabh", which means violent behavior, is a disease recognized ...

The problem of truth and the criteria of truth The critical problem of knowledge The human being believes spontaneously in the reality of what he knows;This means that our knowledg...

The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche Introduction Friedrich Nietzsche's life coincides with great social, cultural and political transformations in Europe. The history of the old co...

The periods that Athens crossed Introduction The formation of Athens. Solon and Clístenes. The sources have very well documented periods, but in between we do not have information...

The period of ancient age, the first civilizations   Ancient age is a historical era that coincides with the emergence and development of the first civilizations (Egypt, Greece, R...

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The perfect inspiration for your sports venture Introduction Inspiration to obtain names from a sports business, give in the nail with the name for your sports business is to deter...

The origin of philosophy in Greece Introduction Philosophy is a discipline that is responsible for the study and reflection on fundamental questions of existence, knowledge of life...

The origin of man from Catholic Christianity Introduction What is the image of man in Catholic Christianity? The man was created based on the image and likeness of God, we......

The origin of man and roots of his Introduction The man since the beginning of his existence, has always raised the question of how I get to this world. Subject......

THE ORIGIN OF MAN: Ancient cultures In ancient Greece there were different currents philosophies, scientific and religious, where the Greeks were based on superstitions, spirituali...

The origin of democracy in Greece Ancient Greece had an extremely important development at the beginning, this is what most people know, but not all are aware of how this......

The mythical hero Oedipus Introduction Within the universal literature a magnificent work entitled Oedipus Rey standsHis father, and will marry his mother, this work was granted to...

THE MYSTERIOUS BOX: Another version of a Greek myth In the 1940s in a treasure search, a man found a very beautiful box, but he seemed mysterious he hid the......

The movie of life and death Socrates by Roberto Rossellini Introduction Roberto Rossellini, Italian, Socrates 1970, Roberto focused on the thought, life and death of Socrates, the ...

The Metaphor of the Sea Introduction Review about the hug of the sea. About the metaphor of the sea and the symbology of water in the Spanish and Spanish -American......

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The Lorquiano Theater and the historical context of Yerma Introduction I have a theater concept in a certain personal and resistant way. Theater is the poetry that rises from the.....

The Ladies of Avignon of the painter Pablo Picasso The ladies of Avignon is a picture of the Spanish painter Pablo Picasso painted in 1907 and is currently preserved in......

The influence of St. Augustin on Philosophy The author of this text is Agustín de Hipona (354-430), belongs to works by San Agustín, “Sermon 43” 4. It was a medieval......

The impressive styles of the Victorian era Introduction What is Victorian architecture? The term Victorian architecture does not refer to a particular style, but to an era: the rei...

The importance of understanding literary genre Each text must be read, understood and respected according to its identity, an identity that is determined by its literary genre, sin...

The importance of truth in existence Introduction. What is the true meaning of life? What is the awareness of being and the purpose or purpose of life and human existence?......

The importance of biology and structural organization of living matter The study of biology has represented considerable advance for the human being and thanks to this, today we ca...

The importance of Aistotle Introduction Aesthetics is a philosophical discipline that study Discipline that has not always existed, before being able to categorize correctly, there...

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