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Conflicts over the holy lands of Israel between Jews and Muslims The story goes back thousands of years, in the Middle East, in this place there is a very special......

Comparative analysis between the works: Oedipus and Oedipus Rey Introduction In the introduction to the translation of Heracles de Euripides the German philologist Wilamowitz defin...

Comedy in everyday life Introduction The comediography Aristophanes (446 - 388 to.C.), known for his great ingenuity and sense of humor in a time of war as was that of......

Classic works adapted for children The language and expressions that sometimes use those that have become great works of literature can be complex for the little ones in the house....

Classic Greek culture Introduction Classical Greek culture, which has its origins in Cretan civilization, is one of the pillars of our Western civilization. It is in Greece where d...

Civil Law from its origin to the present Civil law has changed so much as time since its origin has been very important, since it entertains contracts between family, relationships...

CHARACTERISTICS, ORIGIN AND CURIOSITIES ABOUT BUHOS Owl. They have predominantly nocturnal habits and are predators of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. They can be found on all...

Characteristics of Byzantine and Paleochristian art Introduction Paleochristian art includes from the end of the second century to the sevent. It arises during the decline of the R...

Burj Khalifa A beautiful place in Dubai Introduction  Today we go up to the highest place in the world, specifically, to the enigmatic Burj Khalifa, a skyscraper that rises over.....

Book report and its studies Introduction This work presents a story about the studies that have been carried out from the phenomenon of the fall of the bodies, from the......

Blood calcium deficiency   The word hypochalemia comes from the term hypokalemia in English, which is documented in medical literature between 1945 and 1950, and means an abnormal...

Birth care for health professionals Introduction Childbirth is the process in which the woman expels from the uterine cavity to the outside of the organism the fetus and placenta a...

Be young: Factor for contracting an STD Sexually transmitted diseases have become a frequent health problem in many regions of the world because An increase in the female patient r...

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Beyond religion: Biblical Reading According to the Catholic religion, hell is the place where people who have killed and who in life were not the best go there. Dante Alighieri's.....

Beliefs of mental disorders through time .People over time have evolved in terms of the beliefs of mental disorders refer, banishing the ignorance that was previously on this disea...

Beginnings of tragedy in ancient Greece The tragedy has its beginnings in ancient Greece. This is a theatrical representation in which the characters are faced with mysterious forc...

Basilica de Santa Sofia Introduction. We are faced with an architectural work, known as the Church of Santa Sofía, in Istanbul, Turkey. The most representative building of the Gol...

Austism: Problem that generates social exclusion “If you could enter my silence you understood my eyes;If you could hear my heart I would say how much I love you;If you......

Atlas and Perseus, the last visitor Atlas Atlas was one of the most famous Titans, the son of Jápeto and Oceanid Asia (or, possibly, climen). He was the leader of......

Artistic differences between the Venus of Milo and the birth of Venus As a starting point to make the comparison between the two works, we will proceed with a brief......

Art in today's society  As a starting point, art is a concept that is defined in multiple ways;It is definitely a classic paradigm that contains complexity. Fundamentally, art is ...

Aristotle, the intellectual multifaceted Aristotle, the multifaceted intellectual. The Greek philosopher Aristotle is recognized as the founder of western philosophy with his teach...

Aphrodite a goddess with multiple charms Introduction Aphrodite is the Olympic goddess of love, beauty, sexual pleasure and fertility. She regularly attends some of her children, t...

Antigone: a reference for revolution The act of revolution, as well as the feelings of disagreement, oppression and injustice, directly associated with this, represent a constant i...

Analysis of this Platon allegory Introduction Over time, they continue to resonate philosophies and thoughts of old thinkers;Being one of them, Plato. Fernández states that the si...

Analysis of the Athens Parthenon In the following work we will be addressing the art of Greek culture, which includes architecture, music and its importance. We will be analyzing t...

A look at the Artistic Movement: Comedy Dell Art Introduction. The question to be treated and the most important is the comedy of the art and the influences that it......

All about Imperial Rome Introduction Rome was founded by Romulo and his brother Row in him in 753.C by a group of villages next to the Tiber River.  The imperial......

Alejandro el Grande and the Greek Empire Introduction. You have the idea that Greece on the dates of his domain 334 and 323 to. C The Greek Empire was standing.......

Name Instructor Course Date Personal Statement On Academic Interest Certainly, business is one of the main facilitators of the global economy and so is the significance of the prof...

Name Course Tutor Date Discussion Board List of brands Bottled water Dasani, Poland Spring Yogurt Chobani Greek yogurt, Stonyfield organic Greek Soup Campbell’s, Dinty Moore Matt...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Aristotle The word “ethics” is derived from the Greek word "ethos," which refers to the moral principles that govern the course ...

MLA Works Cited “Famous Greek Battles.” 14 June 1999., 14 June 1999. Web. 24 January 2004. <>. Goldman, Henry an...

Fast food evaluation Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Abstract In the last few years, various fast food restaurants have emerged. Such restaurants usually offer quick services when servi...

Student’s Name Tutor’s Name Course Date The Evolution of the Hero Figure Many hero figures have existed in different historical times. These figures impact various aspects of l...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date It is quite challenging to understand the allegory surrounding the mystery of young women, virgin girls who are yet to lose t...

Student’s Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: Oedipus Tyrannus Introduction Oedipus Tyrannus is a prominent king of the Greek Empire, and his entire life is full of misery an...

Name of Student Name of Professor Course Date Fragmentation of Roman Power in Late Antiquity The late antiquity presents the period between, (C.300-C.800). It is the period during ...

Name Tutor Course Date Psych Analysis of Franz Kafka’s The Judgment Something good about this short story by Franz Kafka is that it leaves a huge room for interpretation by......

Outline: Mythology Name Institutional Affiliation Date Mythology Introduction Definition of mythology - a study and research of myths of a group or groups of people. Thesis stateme...

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