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The New Deal and Black Thursday Introduction On October 24, 1924, a date known as “Black Thursday” there was a catastrophic fall of the New York Stock Exchange that would......

The musician who rejected Elvis Presley Introduction That night of May 1954, the young Elvis Presley who had only 19 years of age, was visibly nervous. His friend, Ronnie Smith......

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The mercy of God Introduction The divine transcendent action, which holds and hidden all human activity, even the most insignificant and vulgar. This is why RUT is a song to......

The media, Information concentration The first thing that would be asked when talking about the media is about the ability to express a truth, because the truth is that the......

The legend of El Santo Grail Introduction The origin of the Holy Grail legend dates back to the Middle Ages, as patent in the writings of Godofredo de Monmouth, Chrétien......

The interruption of everyday life in Argentina The short story "The house taken" written by Julio Cortázar in 1946, underlines the effects of the Peronist movement and r...

The incredible and sad story of the candid Eréndira and her heartless grandmother This novel short or also known as Cuentolargo is written by Gabriel García Márquez in 1972 and....

The incredible and sad story of Candida, review The incredible and sad story of CandidThe question is in this book you may tell something that can happen in Colombia? Or......

The Great Dictator's Film Introduction One of the most famous roles, perhaps because of its relevance at the time of its premiere is the representation of Charlie Chaplin of the......

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The first video game never created The first video game that was created in history was Tennis for Two, this was created in 1958 by William Higginbotham. This video game......

The films set in Chicago Introduction Chicago, in the state of Illinois, is one of the most exciting cities of all United States. And it is for many reasons. For......

The famous Lincoln Brigade The first racially non -segregated military force of the history of the United States, the famous Lincoln Brigade, fought in Spain during the Civil War. ...

The duration of time Introduction It is related to the events of the fable, divide at the same time by: duration, sequences management and frequency. Time per duration: it is......

The Congress in Covid-19 times Introduction Since 2020, the pandemic originated by the COVID-19 worldwide came to reconfigure the chores of public and private life, especially the ...

The community, people and racism as discrimination Racism is discrimination by a person or community towards another for believing in a superiority either by skin color, opinion, r...

The breaks and hopes of the history of Juan Preciado The story begins when Juan Preciado one of the protagonists of the work, fulfills his promise that he made to......

The best children's books Introduction There are books that go unnoticed, others that become bestsellers many years after publication and others that are number one in sales from d...

The best athletes in Italy Introduction No one can deny that in this country there is a great passion for sport, either team or individual. While the most popular is......

The beginning of empiricism in history Since ancient times, this term used most times during our lives has been defined, and we can begin by stating that the beginning of......

The beauty of the romantic novels of the Renaissance era "Sometimes the love of your life comes after the error of your life" (Johan Strauss, 1863). The author Miguel de....

The Battle of Great Britain of 1940: London Bombing London bombardment At the beginning of September 1940, Hitler ordered the Luftwaffe to change his approach to the main British c...

The analogy of knowledge and power within the work Fausto de Goethe Knowledge makes the person reason, decrease and contextualize the irrational fear that power synthesizes in the ...

The adventures of Don Quijote de la Mancha and his squire Introduction Alcalá de Henares, September 29, 1547-Madrid, April 22, 1616 was a novelist, poet, playwright and Spanish so...

Test on the song Eleanor Rigby Eleanor Rigby is a song written by the Beatles in 1966. It is about loneliness and tells the story of a woman who dies......

Synthesis of the Communist Party Manifesto Introduction. This manuscript was one of the first documents inspired by scientific communism, it is identified as one of the most solemn...

Symbol of wisdom through literature Introduction Literature is one of the most glorious arts that exist. Among them we have one of its origins, a guy that is based until......

Surplus and deficit in the trade balance Introduction The essential objective of this work is to demonstrate that the commercial surplus in favor of Mexico that is presented with t...

Socrates philosophy virtue and ignorance Introduction Socrates has been one of the most important philosophers in history in general terms, because from it the conception of philos...

Separation of the ecclesiastical power of the civilian   There has been no society that has not been constituted on any core of religious budgets. It is doubtful, therefore, the.....

Schizophrenia, five visions on identity tearing In ancient times it was believed that the people who suffered from schizophrenia were contagious and were simply deranged, even comp...

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Revolutionary war in the world Introduction. Socially the most affected countries during the wars were: Germany, Poland and the USSR. Indiscriminate air bombings;They lead to the m...

Representation of patriarchy in polygamy Introduction Since the issue we address in this research is about the causes of polygamy in the Fang ethnicity, and which in turn constitut...

Red Little Red Riding Hood Story Introduction Caperucita's teeth is a story by Cuban writer André Caicedo who starts from Red Riding Hood fable. The fable is inspired by a......

Progress of nuclear medicine in time Introduction Röntgen designed, a series of experiments in which he made the electrons abruptly change, in them he observed, that other rays we...

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Production Urban Gender Medellin Introduction In Puerto Rico and Panama, the first steps of reggaeton originated, one of the most controversial genres in history. Reggaeton is a so...

Prince Nicolás Machiavelli Introduction Nicolás Machiavelo was born in Florence on May 3, 1469, and died in Florence on June 25, 1527. Machiavelli in his book The Prince of 26......

People's feeding in Colombia Food is one of the needs of people, they have the right to access, on a regular, permanent and free way according to FAO “food insecurity.......

Natural disaster: earthquakes in history Introduction The earthquakes have played an antagonistic role in the historical course of humanity and have been described over time in tex...

Napoleonic Code and Constitution of Cádiz The Napoleonic Code is the French Civil Code. It is called that because it was approved and published in 1804, then Napoleon Bonaparte is...

My hermeneutic subjectivity of 'Las Meninas' “Las Meninas”, painted by the Spanish Diego Velázquez, in the year of 1656, it is a work of art, which always caused me curiosity....

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