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Freedom And Election Take

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Freedom and Election Take


In this document the following questions are analyzed. What is the concept of freedom and how it operates in the subject?, How does the author explain the risk of freedom?, What is the importance of bioethics regarding self-care?, As teachers, do we reflect on the treatment and importance of these issues in the classroom?, From a perspective of self-care ethics as a practice of freedom and care of themselves and others in Foucault, guiding principles for the construction of a bioethics of care. Talking about freedom is taking an ethical posture when the subject exercises it, since it is intrinsic to the human being, that is, the human being is the only one capable of taking his own life elections.


For Foucault ethics is the practice of freedom, but of freedom of reflected;He affirms that “freedom is the ontological condition of ethics. But ethics is the reflective form that takes freedom ”Foucault. Therefore that human being according to the ontology must be allowed to be and exercise its own power, operates in the subject in the average in which freedom is the ontological condition of ethics and reflected to take freedom. Foucault explains the risk of freedom is, then, in itself politics. Then, it also has a political model, to the extent that being free means not being a slave of itself and its appetites, which implies that a certain relationship of domination, of mastery is established with itself, which calls Arche-Poder, mandate.

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Therefore the risk of freedom is in the dilemma of a misunderstood, dominating-dominated power, and this leads us to a struggle to know who governs and who obeys but without taking into account the ethical field, and only doing them forThe ambition of power. The importance of bioethics regarding the care of itself, this "is understood as a set of practices through which an individual establishes a certain relationship with himself and in this relationship the individual constitutes the subject of his own elections". According to Foucault Bioethics must free the reflection of new principles and values according to the problems that threaten the lives of humans on the planet, therefore a bioethics can be built.

From his writings about biopolitics and the ethics of self-care as a practice of freedom. It emphasizes that self-care encompasses three fundamental aspects: first, it is an attitude regarding itself, with respect to others and with respect to the world. Second, it is a certain way of attention, with a look. Worrying about itself implies turning the look and carrying from outside;It implies a certain way to pay attention to what is thought to what happens in thought. Third, the notion of care of itself designates a series of actions, actions that one exercises on himself, actions for which one takes care of himself, is purified, transforms and transfigures.


From the teaching practice “the care of a solicitous itself a reflective movement about itself;A self-examination is continually required, a review of the ways with which it has been tried to guide behavior;You must examine what happened in the behavior to polish its forms, their procedures ”. Reflecting the aforementioned take care of others, it implies the recognition of the other as someone who exists and who has value, therefore the teacher has the ethical and moral commitment to know and meet the needs of their students, give them a power oriented to the takingof transcendental decisions for their daily lives, that is, give them existence, when speaking by name.

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