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French Revolution, Controversial Social Political Change

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French Revolution, controversial social political change


Its main antecedent was the enlightened thinking, since in 18th -century France, the ideas of characters such as Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu raised a new current, now known as "The Enlightenment", with which they made history in society, because they held that the only means of fighting ignorance and tyranny was human knowledge.

This thought expanded through meetings made in homes of wealthy characters in which very intellectual thinkers participated where they addressed issues of philosophy, politics and literature, also read the encyclopedia, it contributed to forge a more cultured society capable of thinking about itself and be able to ensure the end of the old regime.

The principles based on reason, equality and freedom were not only present in the minds of the French, but also, all these illustrated ideas expanded throughout Europe and their colonies, on the other hand, on July 14, 1776 the Illustration paid its first fruits, as it served as a boost so that the 13 North American colonies achieved their independence.


France was under the power of an absolutist monarchy, at that time governed by King Louis XVI and his wife María Antonieta, where he together with the nobility were the foundations of that government, which was in a fairly precarious economic situation originating Several causes of instability and oppression, which caused misery in the people who, submitted under the ideas of the Enlightenment caused the revolution.

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One of the causes was military expenses and bad harvests, the people went hungry while the luxury and waste of the king continued regardless of the situation in which his people were, all these events triggered a very serious social situation, the serious Financial crisis was also one of the main causes, since the poor fiscal management of Louis XVI carried his government to bankruptcy.

Another reasons was the social risk that began to manifest with social immobility that suspended the aspirations of the bourgeoisie. The only solution to these problems raised was that the privileged pay taxes and accept the proposal devised by Montesquieu, the separation of powers, alternatives that obviously rejected.

All these events helped that the enlightened mentality react to social discontent, which contributed to the outbreak of the revolution, thus promoting important events.

Important events

French society was composed of three social sectors that they called states. The first of these was the Church, in addition to not paying taxes, it received the tithe of the peasants that was the tenth of their crops, only this state could give validity to marriage, births and deaths.

The second state was formed by the nobility that did not pay taxes, but that it was the peasants who paid them a tribute and had the obligation to sell only what they produced in their lands, that is, their crops.

The third and last state included the bourgeoisie, which in turn was formed by merchants, bankers, lawyers, doctors; On the other hand there were peasants. This sector lacked power and political decision, however, was dedicated to paying all taxes and were recipients of all abuses.

Because of the precariousness and crises presented, people went to reveal the injustices that were suffering from the Palace of Versailles where they ignored them, the king, seeing this serious situation convened the general states, a parliament in the that the representatives of each State, Church, nobility and bourgeoisie, had a vote.

The Church and Nobility claimed the vote by estate and the third state requested the vote by head that allowed more equality in the vote. Before this proposal the first two states showed their refusal, and in addition, they blocked any attempt to vote for this last state, the people, seeing this situation invited members of the two sectors who were loose to join them, invitation that later ended up accepting, thus forming a revolutionary act.

Thus, the members of the Third State decide to establish a new assembly and be the true representatives of the people of France, finding a place to carry out their meetings: the Versailles ball game room, where tennis was practiced, and that Later he would take the name of the National Assembly, putting under oath that said Board would not dissolve until the drafting of a Constitution, a document where popular sovereignty would be reflected and reflected.

On July 14, the town supported their representatives taking the strength of the Bastille, which represented a symbol of absolutism. This event gave people a lot.

The activity of this assembly is considered historical, since it performed merely important tasks, including: the approval of the declaration of the rights of man and citizen, the appropriation of the assets of the Church, the freedom of the press and evidently achieved their Objective set, the drafting of a constitution.

French revolution stages

Constitutional monarchy

The Constituent Assembly managed to approve the Constitution in 1941, this document especially established that sovereignty resided in the nation and no longer in the people, therefore, France begins to function as a constitutional monarchy. A legislative assembly responsible for drafting new laws based on proclaimed rights is also configured, thus abolishing torture and achieving separation between the Church and the State.

The King, being weakened first of all, begins to devise a plan to recover his power and tried to flee in search of an army to achieve his purpose, but his plan turned out to be a failure, as he was captured with his family.

Democratic Republic

The Assembly summons elections in order to institute a new Parliament that would receive the name of the National Convention by universal suffrage. The new parliament chosen was composed of the Jacobins, headed by Robespierre, and by the Girondinos, who decide to suppress the monarchy and proclaim the Republic. At this stage Louis XVI is sentenced to death and is executed in the guillotine.

The National Convention dealt with drafting a new Constitution and the Legislative Power was in the hands of said Convention, while the Executive Power fell to a newly created body, the Public Salvation Committee, this body was chaired by Robespierre, who unleashed the " Reign of terror ”, since thousands of people were guillotined and what we now know as terrorism was sown.

Meanwhile, on the border, a general has been fighting battles for the French Republic, his name was Napoleon Bonaparte, who defeated Robespierre to death for all his inhuman actions that he had been carrying out. Finally in 1795 a new Constitution was promulgated. In 1799, Bonaparte gave his coup d’etat proclaiming himself Emperor, for many historians it is in this event where the French Revolution ends.

In conclusion, it can be seen that the origin of this revolution, in addition to not respecting the rights, is summarized in seven words: poor administration of the State’s resources, because, the king did not carry out a correct management of such resources, leaving to his people in disgrace and allowing him to rise against him. I consider that we still battle day by day with this type of authorities, that all they seek is to meet their own needs instead of making the country a better place than we are proud.


  1. "The French Revolution in 14 minutes".
  2. "French Revolution". Recovered from: https: //
  3. "The French Revolution – History Channel".

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