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From Emigration Country To Illegal Immigration Country

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From Emigration Country to Illegal Immigration Country


If we stop to analyze the state of Europe from a historical point of view, we can verify that in recent centuries more than 80 million people left in exchange for 20 million who came to the continent. One of the causes was that European settlers were offered better conditions, in this case Spain was one of the most active countries in terms of emigration towards Latin America. The following cause comes due to the economic expansion of post-war capitalism in the 40-50 in Europe already developed and these come from countries to develop, nearby, southern Europe and ancient colonies.


Within this framework, Spain marched as the poor country in Europe, since they sent 2 million emigrants. In the 70-80 immigration stopped and in fact they returned half a million emigrants, there was also an increase in foreign immigrants who decided to be in Spain. Although the change in dynamics was remarkable, there were even more Spaniards living outside than foreigners living in Spain, therefore, Spain is even more an emigrant country than immigrants, but it is becoming a receiving country, thus becoming a new country for immigration.

Who are they? What’s your origin?

In Spain, foreign immigration is of great diversity: a third come from third world countries, the remaining of the first world where many of them have no age to work. You can distinguish two large immigrants towards Spain, one in the 60-70 and another in the 80-finals.

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These are two very different circumstances:

  • The departure of Spaniards Direction Europe and at the beginning of the most developed encouraged by Francoist governments, which renounces the autarkic economic model and is acquired to another of independent increase. It was characterized by the masses of migration people from the country to the city, process of industrialization and development of equipment and infrastructure works. The first half of the decade increased the coming of immigrants from the Third World, since people came to work in construction and small industries. In the second half of the decade the immigration number from the first world grew, especially retirees that were attracted to tourist offers, good climate and advantages in rent between their countries and Spain.
  • In the 80s until the end of the 90s, immigrants already came to Spain with a different context than those who came after postwar period, since they begin to talk about Spain as an immigration country. At that time, labor was requested that was little qualified in the industry and services sector. In Spain a social model was being configured that predominated by an important social polarization and the precariousness of a large part of the population.


The current position favors to establish and socially insert community Europeans and workers with high qualification. However, unqualified immigrants are economically approximate to the secondary section of the labor market, singularized by low remuneration, job instability, little union establishment and the shortage of legal guarantees. At the moment when the legal situation of the immigrant is linked to work permanence, increase the problems for social inclusion of the economic immigrants sector.

The number of immigrants in Spain in a legal situation between 1955-1998 received a notable increase: 66.000 passed to 720.000. The majority come from the European Union (4 out of 10), after Maghreb (1 in 5), South America (1 out of 10), Asia (8’5%), Central and Caribbean America ( 6 ′ 3%), Sub -Saharan Africa (4’1%), Eastern Europe (2’9%) and North America (2’3%). 

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