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Fundamental Aspects Of The Code Of Ethics And Behavior

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Fundamental Aspects of the Code of Ethics and Behavior


The purpose of this Code is to clarify the behavior model expected by Credifácil employees, which must be assumed in their relations with customers, colleagues, institution and current legal regulations. For what we define as an object of this document, provide a frame of reference with respect to which to measure our procedure in any activity of the company. Employees must ask for advice in case of having any doubt about the action plan in a given situation, since the absolute responsibility of each employee is to "do the right thing", responsibility that cannot be delegated.

Main responsibilities of the actors of the Code of Ethics and Conduct

1. Senior management and/or corporate governance is responsible for approveing the regulations of this Code and its modifications, as well as contributing to the improvement of its content.

two. Ethics Committee, will ensure the faithful fulfillment of all collaborators towards the norms of conduct and behavior that are stipulated in this manual, as well as define the sanctions of those who have committed infraction.

3. The Human Talent Management Directorate is responsible for processing, and informing the events that affect the guidelines contained in the Ethics and Behavior Manual through the corresponding channels. In addition, disseminate the content of this Code to the working population of Credifacíl.


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Managers and/or supervisors of areas, are responsible for ensuring compliance with the conduct defined in this Code by their subordinates.

5. The collaborator and/or employee is responsible for knowing and complying with the rules of behavior defined in this Code.


It is under the responsibility of the Administrative Council (CA) to make the modifications and update that they consider appropriate for the good behavior of each of the employees that the company forms.


The Internal Labor Regulations must refer to that all collaborators are obliged to respect and obey the provisions of the Code of Ethics and Conduct. For this reason, the rules of conduct of the company’s staff configure a series of additional obligations that must be assumed by workers.

Each manager and chief of division or department assumes the responsibility of guiding their staff towards complying with the established norms of conduct, as well as informing the General Management or the Human Talent Management Department when they must apply any sanction related to theinfraction of them, in such a way that gradually the most appropriate action criteria can be unified in cases where an infraction occurs. In the same way, it assumes responsibility in cases where, being aware of a fact that threatens the established norms of conduct, has not applied the corresponding measures.

Being the rules of the Code of Ethics and Conduct, mandatory for Credifacil employees, these are committed to extending them in their relations with independent third parties to the institution, in all acts in which their performance could affect the good institutional image. The application of the norms contained in this Code, are closely related to the legal norms in force in the country, so that in case of inconsistency between them, legal norms will prevail.

Corporate values and principles of action

For Credifacil, the values and principles of action, good corporate governance and professional ethics of its collaborators, constitute the foundations in which the company’s activity is based. Consequently, all the actions of the collaborators, as a result of their link with the institution, must be guided by corporate values and principles of action.

Credifacil has a recognized organizational culture on the basis of the following set of values:

  • Integrity: interest, credibility, trust and respect we project.
  • Innovation: our ability to adapt and cause changes in services, processes, behaviors and the ability to devise business proposals in accordance with the needs of customers.
  • Leadership: It is the ability to respond, being the first to recognize and meet the needs of the client, offering timely and convenient solutions, inducing identification and loyalty.
  • Teamwork: embrace the search for objectives together, energizing and democratizing decision making and its implementation, generating loyalty and commitment.
  • Quality of Service: It is the vocation, personal and institutional, to provide 


This Code is aimed at all Credifacil collaborators, without any exception, with the purpose of regulating everything related to professional norms of behavior in all work centers and scope of the institution, as well as the incidence or impactHow such behavior can always have to preserve customers’ confidence towards the organization. It is also important to highlight the aspects that personal behavior, even outside the work environment, can have a negative impact on the image of the institution.

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