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Fundamental Parameters Of Quality Management

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Fundamental Parameters of Quality Management


This essay is a small job in which the fundamental parameters of quality management will be announced, as well as the importance of ISO standards in the medium and large businesses worldwide, since I consider that theQuality management is important when a product or service is offered.

Quality is a way to determine the effectiveness and guarantee in everything so that people are satisfied with what this term has come from different ways to our society.

Quality management covers the study of standards in this case, which are the most reliable and that all types of company must be standardized in products.


Quality management begins in the 19th century, in the years of the Industrial Revolution, when manual work was already replaced by mechanical work, in those years companies were not only interested in seeing their interests but began to carry out controlsstatistical, then the creation of quality systems arise because seeing that it is not enough to control only with statistics, from the 80s the quality begins to become a strategic process since from this the term of continuous improvement is obtained untilToday since it is a term widely used for customer satisfaction and that this is satisfied with quality.

Quality management is composed of a set of important parameters to take into account when a product or service is sold, they must meet several standards for the consumer to be satisfied.

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To do this, the seven principles of quality management must be taken into account, such as the client approach that focuses on understanding the current and future needs of customers, which must meet what they ask for. Leadership is important within a company since it is the head of the place that must lead all staff to work together for the continuous improvement of the product or service, the participation of the staff is essential for an organization since the skills they possessThey serve to evolution the company.

ISO 9001: 2015 is a rule that stands the quality control system of organizations, that is where companies certified by ISO 9001: 2015 improve internal processes and are less subject to errors, this standard has been developedTaking into account some principles of quality management, at the moment there are seven principles.

Within the process -based approach is one of the desired results when activities and resources manage as a process, the approach based on decision making allows continuous improvement in the company, also the management of relationships is focused on relationshipsOf the partners of an organization to boost the development of the same, finally the continuous improvement consists of a cycle that allows the product or service not to decrease in quality but otherwise to have more quality that allows me to have a competitive product.

To increase customer satisfaction, the ISO 9001 2015 standard is recommended, which promotes the adoption of a process -based approach, one of the advantages of this approach is that it is based on processes, we must take into account that there has been changes in the normISO 9001 2015, in which leadership mustThe resources on which the company is and how to improve the quality without raising the price of products, also the improvement focuses as its name says it in the continuous improvement of the product or service in order to please the customer with the best inquality giving greater competition to other organizations.

Quality audits are responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the quality management system of a certain company, certain standards such as UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2008 must be taken into account because it is a world rule that is focusedIn the requirements that quality management must meet, but there are also other standards such as ISO/TS 1649: 2009, these standards have as its objectives to provide guidance on the principles of audits, such as the previous standards when they comply with these create in consumers confidence inThe product they are acquiring.

The audit is essential in the quality because it helps establish the level of compliance with the procedures that are part of the quality system, as well as the regulations allow to achieve quality objectives in the organization, they also allow to propose corrective actions and ofnecessary improvement, the audit is carried out to verify the concordance between the description of the system and if documentation with the established requirements.

In the audit we must take into account some types such as the internal or first part since it is carried out by the organization itself for internal purposes, there is also the external audit since it refers to determining the parts that have an interest in the organizationsuch as clients, the third part is carried out by external independent organizations since they provide certification or registration in accordance with the requirements of a standard, for not neglecting the combined auditer and the joint audit since these also these alsocooperate to audit a single audited.

In order for an audit to be effective, the effectiveness of doing the right things must be taken into account, followed by efficiency by doing the right things with the least possible use of resources also to effectiveness is among the parameters to take into account forA good audit.

The realization of an audit is done when the quality system is needed to be evaluated, you try to award a service or purchase order to see if the supplier meets the requirements it has raised, after awarding it a contract or purchase orderand started the quality management program, after making the modifications in the procedures and also when there are very followed problems with the product or service, when we need to verify the corrective actions that the provider is compromised to be carried out.

The 3 C of the audit are given by audit in accordance.Of the quality management system, it also compares the general procedures with the ISO standard and finally we find the compliance audit that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the quality management system and also compares the procedures with the activities carried out.


In conclusion, quality management is decisive for development and above all the control of quality within an organization since it allows us to follow the principles of quality to control quality, it is also important to standardize products and services through the standardISO 9001 2015 since it is the latest version that exists and that allows standardizing and normalizing products in the market, continuous improvement is also important because it allows the product to improve and be better every certain time, the audit is important sinceIt allows me to make a report of the strengths and weaknesses that the organization has instantly to offer the products, there are internal and external audits which allow us to determine the good and the bad that the company has and thereby carry out activities that allow uscorrect this type of errors.

Quality is important for a product or service as we already had an experience in which we visited a medium or large company, to do an interview which was very helpful to learn more about the matter of quality management, few of the companies aboutAll large companies were normalized with the ISO9001 standard, among others, such as Cepeda bodies which works with this type of standards, also fabric and footwear factories such as those that exist in Quisapincha, and among others this this means thatWe have all had a small experience of how small and large companies use quality management, because obtaining this standard has a high value, this means that not all companies are standardized or certified with ISO standards.

Then the acquisition of these standards is important for a company because they generate more confidence on the part of the consumer towards a product or service, since if there are others that do not have and generate distrust of the product, these standards are world standards, workers haveThe right to train about one of the ISO standard in order to socialize with the other employees, it is importantto be able to overcome itself, or in other words improve the product so that the customer is more satisfied with this product.

Keep in mind that the audit within a company is important since it allows us to take into account the weaknesses and strengths of the company, in addition we must take into account the quality control procedures.

In every company they carry out audit to determine the high and low levels either of the product, of the employees or the organization, since according to the good audit that they have done, it will be very useful to correct those shortcomings that affect thecompany, this must be in every company because it is essential no matter the size it possesses.

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