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Guarantee An Education Without Violence

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Guarantee an education without violence


Education is considered as one of the bases to improve the quality of life, as well as provide the necessary capabilities to solve the most important problems of society. The United Nations Organization presented 17 objectives for the sustainable development of countries. The fourth objective refers to quality education, in which it is established to guarantee an education that is equitable, inclusive and continuous learning is also promoted. There are currently more than 265 million children who do not attend school, of which 22% are age to be in primary education. 


In the last decade access to education has been improved, however, there are problems of basic knowledge in mathematics and reading. Therefore, work must be multiplied to achieve quality education. Among the reasons why there is currently a quality education is the shortage of trained teachers. Therefore, the need for adequate training to increase the offer of qualified teachers and thereby ensures that students acquire education for the promotion of a culture of peace and non -violence. The United Nations Education Organization.

Science and culture (UNESCO) through the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, as well as national and international surveys exposes relevant results related to violence in schools. A third of the students are harassed at least once a month worldwide and 14% of students between nine and ten years are attacked at least once a week.

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Physical violence is the most common harassment in most countries, 16.1% of the students who have been attacked, report having been beaten, kicked or pushed. In addition, international data show that younger students are more likely to be victims of physical violence. 

According to UNESCO in the last year, 36% of students around the world have been in physical fights with another student and 31.4% have been physically attacked at least one occasion. Sex is an important factor that marks differences in the problem of violence and bullying. Male students are more likely to experience physical violence, while in women the psychological is more common. In addition, the most common reason for violence is the physical aspect, and this is even more correlated in the case of women. The 15.3% of the victims, mention they have received teasing for how they wear their face or body. 

On the other hand, a 10.9% report that the reason for aggressions is their race, nationality or skin color (UNESCO). The socioeconomic level is another factor that is associated with being violated. The 27th.4% of violence victims are perceived with a low socioeconomic level, 30% are middle class, while 40.4% are perceived with a low or very low socioeconomic level. A positive atmosphere in schools can reduce bullying. Violence occurs more frequently in schools with little discipline and where teachers unfairly treat students. In OECDE countries, victims of frequent violence are 7% higher in schools with a negative school climate. 

In addition, bullying is 12% higher in schools where professors are reported. In Public Schools of Sonora, Vera, Lagarda, Navarro and Calderón (2016) they found that the support of directors, parents and other teachers improve the perception of the management of school violence. There is an inverse relationship between school climate and the prevalence of bullying. In addition, schools where there are guidelines to manage school violence teachers are perceived with more skills for the management of violent situations. Violence and bullying have different consequences. 

Students victims of violence do not feel attachment to their schools, that is, they feel like people of others, not accepted or belonging to that context. In addition, students who are frequently attacked, report almost twice as probabilities to miss classes more often. 45% of the students who are frequently attacked reporting intentions to stop studying once completed secondary education, this represents 10% more than students who are not frequently attacked. Students who are harassed get lower scores in the tests than their unharmed classmates. 

In addition, the more frequent are violence events, minors are their scores in mathematics, reading and science tests. On the other hand, students suffering from violence report approximately 10% more negative behaviors or emotions than those that are not attacked. Among these behaviors and emotions are feeling alone, not being able to sleep at night due to concern, consider suicide, tobacco consumption, alcohol and marijuana, as well as an early start to sexual life. School violence is currently an important problem in the field of education research in Mexico. 

In the last two decades, researchers have been responsible for studying the characteristics, causes, consequences and those who are involved. In summary, it has been shown that school violence is a transcendental problem that has gained more and more attention. Schools function as the site where subjects are formed between family and society. The socialization that occurs in schools and in families usually reproduce patterns of negative, violent, transgressive and corrupt behaviors. However, a transition to a more positive reality is needed where better interpersonal relationships can be built.

One of the greatest demands by communities is that of a productive socialization in schools. In schools committed to healthy coexistence and that meet this demand, the acts of understanding and education can be witnessed daily, whether spontaneous or planned. School violence is a problem that is usually attributed to personal causes, however it is a social problem. That is why it has been recommended that it be studied from a sociocultural approach that analyzes contextual influences. 

Institutional and historical that surround the behavior and thereby explain more entirely the complexity of this problem in schools. In addition, school violence seen as a social problem, is closely linked to a legitimation process that people carry out of the antisocial and criminal acts carried out by society. A permissive society of violent behaviors and that transgress the established norms, is a society at risk of decomposing in its functioning and school violence would be only a reflection of the reality itself in which it is located.

Cultural tendency prevents violence victims from explaining their experiences and real dimensions of the problem. When violence becomes a common phenomenon in different areas, people usually adopt it and perceive it as normal. When this happens, recognizing violence becomes a difficult task. Consequently, it reproduces and increases gradually in social dynamics. Studies such as Baggini have shown that school violence can become a socially accepted phenomenon by some of the actors involved in the secondary schools of Mexico. 

To a large extent, the ways of behaving of young people, as well as their training and social development are part of the social system in which one lives. Contrary to this, young behavior problems are usually tolerated, since they are attributed as particularities inherent to a transition stage in their lives. However, when there are behavioral problems in young people, they should not be considered only as personal problems, but also as problems of society. A modification in the content of culture is indispensable to achieve social cohesion and repair of the social fabric for violence prevention. 


Schools must be of the primary places where actions aimed at minimizing violence must be focused and prioritized, since they are one of the main areas of socialization. The phenomenon of violence has been studied from many approaches for a long period of time, even so its prevalence remains very high, making it one of the most important social problems today. School violence is an internationally constant problem. Most of the studies that address it have focused on students mainly. However, teachers are a group that must be equally studied.

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