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Gun Control or People Control?

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Gun Control or People Control?
The question of whether to arm or disarm the civilian position has become a controversial issue in the context of trying to address the challenge of gun control and the adverse impacts that come with the civilians’ possession of the guns (Lopez 4). The United States, unlike other developed countries from the European Nations, has continually been unable to control guns and gun violence despite the fact that there are severe laws that have been introduced with the aim of reducing gun violence. Whether or not the guns should be taken from civilians seems to be an issue that is engulfed by other myriad issues most of which can only be addressed from a legal platform (Lopez 8). A series of research and analysis have been conducted with the aim of attempting to discern the best approach that the United States within the respective states can use to resolve the issue such as massive shootings and violent crimes in cities like Chicago (Winkler 14). The essay intends to conduct an in-depth analysis of the appropriate policies and approach that could be used to resolve the issue of gun control in the United States.
Overview of Gun-Control Situation in the United States
From a statistical perspective, the United States has approximately six times the number of gun homicide cases as compared to Canada and nearly sixteen times the case of Germany as stipulated by the Guardian on UN data.

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Also, the United States is extraordinarily considered to be the global leader in the rate of gun passion by civilians. It is clear that the restrictive and strict gun laws in other developed countries have assisted in reducing the rate of homicides, gun accidents, and even suicides. That includes some complex scenarios where the laws were established as a result of massive protests regarding the armed citizens. However, the question is that most states within the United States have also made frantic efforts to establish very strict rules regarding possession and use of guns.
Factually, approximately eighteen states and other cities comprising New York, San Francisco, and Chicago have tried to reduce the illegal or unlawful usage of guns through seeking the safe storage of guns that are not in use (Winkler 15). Unfortunately, NRA has been attempting to argue against such laws for myriad years. It is, from an individual perspective, necessary to consider that it is necessary for the policies that will be adopted be applicable amongst the US population without having to make unreliable scapegoats that violence is prevalent since there are violent African Americans.
Arguments In Support Of Arming the Civilians
Banning of guns or disarming the civilians would only result to more loopholes. Remember, the country already has approximately 300 million guns which are in the hands of the American civilians. Attempts to ban the possession of guns would even create a more complex situation as far as controlling gun possession is concerned (Winkler 3). It is, to some extent infeasible for the federal and the state governments to deal with the issue of guns possession legal or illegal especially in the midst of other containing agencies such as NRA. Hence, it would be complex to manage some restrictive policies like the federal ban on assault weapons.
For instance, an attempt to ban these rifles has resulted in the development of other lighter and more sophisticated rifles which are explained to serve the same purpose (Winkler 5). At this time, the rifles do not bear any legal registration identity with the US guns database. That implies that it would have been better to propose an alternative to taking away these rifles. A better alternative would be to allow that guns be possessed but within strict policies including those of storage. For instance, despite the fact that it has been said to fail, the government may allow the citizens to possess the guns but if they meet certain standards.
First, the guns that are not in use should be stored safely. The approach should be expected to be effective especially for the starters who have no experience of handling or managing a gun. It will reduce the cases one is holding the gun for unnecessary reasons. Also, it will prevent the frequent use of the gun in domestic violence even when self-defense does not require the use of a firearm. It has been implicated that there are very few scenarios that starters will stand the position of handling a gun especially when they are faced with real threats. Hence, safe storage would be essential to avoid scenarios such as losing the gun to unwarranted persons who may use the gun for violent activities.
Besides, in support of arming the citizens in the United States, the process of allowing the possession of guns by the civilians should make exceptions for certain persons. These includes people with a persistent criminal record, people who are mentally unstable and people who have not attained a certain age, possibly 25 to 30 years. These restrictions will reduce the access rate of guns to people who, in possession of a firearm, will use it inappropriately resulting in violence. Remember, disarming the people from guns does not mean the end of violence. Instead, other loopholes will be used to access guns. That makes it more complex for gun control policies to be followed.
Arguments In Support Of Disarming the Population
In the United States, the approach to dealing guns is unique as compared to other countries. Most countries have either disarmed the civilians or asked for increased storage of the firearms in safe areas (Winkler 7). However, disarming of the civilians would be sufficient but only in the long-term. Disarming means that the number of guns in possession of the guns would mean reduced usage of the firearms. It has been argued that disarming of civilians reduced the access rate of guns. As such, that means that there are few guns in the society that could be used for violent crimes.
It is undeniable to argue that the United States is largely unique when it comes to addressing the issues of gun control. Most importantly, the approach of addressing gun control ought to be different for any positive outcome to be experienced. Instead of having to disarm the civilians, it is necessary to show support for the possession of guns but control who possesses them by one’s background checks. Guns may be possessed by individuals who are of a sober mind, free from criminal history and of mature age to handle the firearm. Also, the process of registering the guns ought to be stricter, and provisions for safe storage be given to reduce the cases of inappropriate use of guns. Ideally, banning guns in the US would just make the gun control process more complex.
Works Cited
Lopez, German. “America’s Gun Problem, Explained.” Vox, 28 Sept. 2016, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.
Winkler, Adam. “Why Banning Assault Rifles Won’t Reduce Gun Violence – LA Times.”, 11 Dec. 2015, Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.

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