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Hans Asperger, Pediatrician Of The Twentieth Century

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Hans Asperger, pediatrician of the twentieth century

The Austrian Hans Asperger (Vienna, February 18, 1906 – Vienna, October 21, 1980) was a well -known pediatrician and psychiatrist for his studies and research based on disorders in children’s population. Being a medical professor, in the mid -twentieth century he spoke for the first time of a personality disorder called linguistic psychopathy, in which difficulties in social, cognitive and linguistic abilities coexisted. Years later, deepening these profiles, he claimed that they presented a certain affectation in language and cognitive abilities, but not necessarily in the intellectual coefficient, which in many cases was superior to those already diagnosed with autism, so the old term of ""linguistic psychopathy ”happened to be called autistic psychopathy. 

Currently this profile is called Asperger Syndrome (SA), and it is one of the autistic spectrum disorders (TEA) receiving this name in your memory.

The TEA is understood as a "spectrum" because the signs and symptoms in each individual are presented in different areas and degrees of difficulty, and according to the symptomatology that present are used universal denominations, such as "child disintegrative disorder", "syndromeof Asperger "or" low functioning autism "with which we categorize those who respond to these characteristics. In the last decade it has been recognized as a frequent disorder, ascending the figures around 5 per thousand live births, which is why both professionals and the general population have more and more knowledge about it.

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SA and autistic spectrum disorders are presented in early childhood and affect the male sex rather than female, sex being the most important risk factor, it affects four times more boys than girls than girls than girls than girls. The other risk factors (genetic, neurocognitive and environmental) remain in study by not being clear their bases since it is considered a syndrome with a great genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity.

SA is clinically characterized by a mitigated social alteration, communicative and affective difficulties, motor clumsiness, lack of play capacity and repetitive behavior and interests, with a less significant delay in language and cognitive. As for the interactive-behavioral plane, they are frequently altered when their ideas are not carried out or not fulfilled, and when their daily routine is changed since they disturb the changes and are not very flexible to them.

These characteristics may appear in any person, so the symptomatology that is considered typical of the SA (deficit in social interaction, limitations in mental flexibility, etc.) is common in the general population;being previously considered personal aspects or the way of being that some pathological manifestation. The symptoms do not differ qualitatively from characteristics of some specific individual, the disparity lies in the exaggerated expression of some of these traits and more specifically the interference in personal and social life.

The foregoing shows that the limits between normality and disorder are quite inaccurate, which is why several authors claim that Asperger’s syndrome has no easy diagnosis and in many cases it is late diagnosis, since due to their characteristics it cannot be diagnosedwith reliability at very early ages.

The latter is of great relevance, justifies the needs that have led us to carry out this intervention, understanding the problem as deficits in certain skills and areas of the subject and not as a subject with diagnostic label (SA) with several deficits.

The objective of this intervention is based on modifying and strengthening the needs presented by the subject to respond through cognitive and behavioral techniques to the socio-communicative, cognitive and psychomotor needs that the patient gathers regardless of the diagnostic label that may present.

This intervention has been carried out with the purpose

-This is one more reason to take into account the importance of an individualized and differentiated treatment of other spectrum pathologies in question.-


  • Cabanyes-Truffino, J., & Garcia-Villamisar, D. (2004). Early identification and diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders. Rev Neurol, 39 (1), 81-90.
  • Fernández-Mayolalas, d. M., Fernández-Perrone, a. L., & Fernández-Jaén, to. (2013). Autistic spectrum disorders. Update (i): introduction, epidemiology and etiology. Spanish Pediatric Act, 71 (8), E217-E223.
  • Flórez, r. A. N. (2014). Advances and perspectives in Asperger’s syndrome. Nova, 12 (21), 81-101.
  • Martos, j., & Martos, J. (2004). An approach to Asperger’s syndrome: a theoretical and practical guide. Asperger Spain Association.
  • Salazar, v., & Jesus, to. (2016). About Asperger’s concept.
  • Viota Gutiérrez, M. (2017). Autism-Asperger concept and epidemiology.

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