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Historical Review Of Notions Beauty

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Historical review of notions Beauty


In summary, the first Christian vision of this term, mentions that beauty is found in all things, however weak its presence, since the universe is the result of a divine creation that has allowed expanding in the things created the lightBeauty Divine. At the time of the Renaissance, art acquires great importance, therefore, when talking about beauty, the art is often mentioned. In fact, León Battista Alberti, in the fifteenth century, performs treaties to try to theorize methods to acquire beauty in the three arts of the moment.


 Therefore, we can say that they find a need to create norms or theories to be able to apply the term beauty in artistic works. The canons are a clear example of these standards.

The idea of the million imitation of nature appears (imitated Naturae), to acquire the highest degree of beauty. The reason has an important weight, thanks to this, you can look for, within the great variety found in nature, its best parts. Following this process is when the so -called Concinnitas was achieved, which basically meant that harmony had been reached between all the parties that formed the work. 

It was the perfect point, any addition or extraction of elements or parts, would mean a decrease in beauty in the work. Therefore, here we can extract the presence that harmony continued to have the understanding of beauty. Leonardo da Vinci, continues with the search for a rule or guideline to find beauty, where we find the well -known golden proportion.

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As we have been able to above, Aristotelian, Platonic thought about the term beauty, continues are present in the Renaissance, which influence the aesthetics of the time.

In the fifteenth century, in Florence, we found a Neoplatonic philosopher called Marsilio Ficino, who took care of the translation of Platonic dialogues. He continued with spiritualist thinking, highlighting the platonic idea of the existing link between the good and beautiful, due to a divine manifestation, a metaphysical point of view. It is in this context, in which they consider that there are certain people who can create this beauty for themselves, capturing it in works. These people were the so -called geniuses, such as Leonardo da Vinci or Donatello, who possessed the ability to, from freedom and matter, capture beauty.

Throughout the 17th centuries and the first part of the 18th century the Baroque develops in Europe as an artistic and cultural movement. Different very important characters appear, such as N. Copernicus or g. Galileo, among others, who notoriously influence the development of a gradual change in the conception of the universe model. This gradually happened to be considered a geocentric, limited and harmonious model, to be considered infinite and uniform, among many other adjectives. These changes influence the conception of beauty, making it change with respect to that existing so far. Beauty was no longer linked to the cosmos, quite the opposite. 

Due to the new awareness of uncertainty to the infinite universe, they realized that beauty no longer allowed them. The rationalist philosophy of Descartes influence in the emergence of a modern philosophy, the seventeenth century. 

We found that they gave a great emphasis on rationality and objectivity, focus more on the quantitative, the properties that can be measured, as well as weight, figure, size, this fact reconsider the conception of beauty. In baroque aesthetics, the word to define beauty was Nescio Quid, which basically meant ‘I don’t know what’. With this, they came to say that there was no definition itself, they did not find rationality, but they could say that it could be related. 


The concepts linked to beauty were attraction, grace. With this, we can understand that they prioritized emotion over the search in beauty in artistic works. To define whether something was beautiful or not, as could not be done rationally, they considered that it was through sensitive experience, impact, grace, the attraction that produced us. 

Reason and critical power maintain its importance and presence, in fact, in a greater way. The fact of believing was no longer accepted, making use of reason and critical power should be sure, to carry out examinations to discover that the most had been wrong about the conception of the world and everything that includes. Therefore, question everything they had so far understood due to tradition and the false truths that it had behaved so far. 

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