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Hume, Socrates, and Plato’s beliefs.

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Hume, Socrates, and Plato’s beliefs
How Socrates is the first Philosopher of Ethics
Socrates is considered as the first philosopher ethics because of his underlying belief that ethics revolves around wisdom, maturity and love. He introduced the idea of teaching ethics and accepted code of behavior in 400 B.C (Peterson 14).
According to Peterson (36), Socrates believed that there was a close relationship between knowledge and virtue which he believed was “the good.” To him, “the good” were actions that were reasonable and positive if those actions were weighed by the ethical and understanding of virtue.
The point in ‘The Allegory of the Cave” by Plato is to express his idea of the ignorant humanity. He uses the cave to illustrate how humanity has been trapped in the jails of ignorance and that things are not the way they see they are. He explains that humans do not see that real objects but the shadowy part of the things. His claims are supported by the several examples he uses. First, he replaces the cave metaphor with a movie theater. He describes that the projector represents fire while the film represents the objects that cast shadows on the walls of the cave. The speakers produce an echo behind the screen. The main point of The Allegory of the Cave is that there were invisible truths that were lying under the surface of things. The apparent surfaces of things were not the way they seemed to be.
Plato’s idea of the forms is that it has six qualities or properties (Platon 58).

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He states that forms are transcendent, pure, archetypes, ultimately real, had causes and were systematically interconnected.
David Hume has against rationalist who believed that reason was what governed human behavior (Hume 97). According to him, the passion has what governed that human behavior. At the time, he began to create his treatise of the human nature, the science of human had completely lost it naturalistic sense and it was only based on the psychology of human beings.
Ideas are thoughts or suggestion that can lead to the execution of an action. For example, if one thinks of starting a business, goes ahead, and starts the business, the thought of starting the business is the idea. An impression is an opinion or idea that comes into one’s mind without thinking about it. For example, if a person sees a scary person with uncombed hair, the unconscious thought that will come to his mind is that, that person is a hooligan. A complex idea is an idea that is formed from simple ideas combined. For example, when one thinks of an elephant, he thinks of the bigness of the elephant. He also thinks of the wild conditions in which the elephant is living.
Hume believed that the good was based on the usefulness and utility and not in God’s will. This is not in coordination with the moral principles because there are actions which may be morally useful but not morally upright.
Empiricism is a theory that links knowledge of the experience of sense. Innatism is a philosophical doctrine that states that the mind is born with knowledge since birth and, therefore, it is not “blank.” The two are different in that in innatism on is born with knowledge while in empiricism one gains knowledge from experience and sense. Plato’s and Hume’s ideas were based on empiricism that knowledge was gain from experience and sense. For example, Plato believed that humans gained knowledge from what they saw on the apparent surface of things. Hume’s believed that human reasoning was based on passion and passion was based on the experience of that person.
Works Cited
Hume, D., Philosophical Essays Concerning Human Understanding. A.Millar publisher press, 2014. Print
Peterson, S., Socrates and Philosophy in the Dialogues of Plato. Cambridge University Press, 2011. Print.
Platon, . The Republic. New York, Ny: W.W. Norton, 2013. Print.

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