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I Discover 7 Reasons Why A Father Is Vital In The Development Of His Children

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I discover 7 reasons why a father is vital in the development of his children


Historically, the raising and education of children was a task for mothers. The parents, meanwhile, were what they were in charge of bringing money home. However, this reality has changed in recent decades, above all, because it has been shown that the importance of a father in the life of his descendant is essential.


7 reasons for the importance of a father in the life of his children.

In recent times, men are getting involved in the development of their children, especially emotionally. So much so, that in some countries men can enjoy paternity permit to be able to share the first days of life with their offspring. Discover why the importance of a father is vital in the life of the little ones.

Is involved in your emotional development

Having your father near you involved in your education, allows you to have a second opinion or vision of things apart from your mother’s. Therefore, the presence of both is crucial parra your emotional development. On the other hand, it should be noted that, sometimes, the fears that parents have close to life are transmitted to their children, so they have the same the same fears as their parents as their parents.

Improve your cognitive skills

The importance of a father in the life of his children can improve, notoriously, his cognitive and linguistic skills to the point that they are people with great successes in studies and have great intellectual capacity.

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It is a role model

The parent is a mirror where to look. It is that person who is admired for his achievements and values and one wants to seem, especially if in the future he is a father.

It teaches you things

A father is the person who teaches you to ride a bike, to tie your shoes or eat with the knife and fork, among other things. Those moments, however small you are, will always be saved in memory and when you remember a smile will shine on your face. Your parent can also give you to educate how to organize a house to be ordered. These tips can be applied in the future when you have your own home.

Protects children

Although you are already an adult person, your father will always have the protection instinct with you because he will continue to consider his baby. Therefore, whatever happens, he will always try to get the chestnuts out of the fire. These situations will make your family ties strengthen.

It has authority

The importance of a father is such in the life of a child who, although this is not right in some aspects, when the highest authority is considered, his decisions are respected without grinding, especially when he is small.

They help deal with stress

Children who have an excellent relationship with their father as children, especially men, when they grow and are adults will be individuals who will know better stress situations. This is because they have seen their parents get out of different difficulties and that has made known to behave in complicated times.

They encourage self – esteem

A good connection between parents and children will make the latter people with great self – esteem since the parents praise the positive parts and emphasize the least good to be improved.

The importance of a father is really remarkable, above all, if he has a daughter because with the treatment they have with their wives they are emphasizing their girls that are the best and that they deserve to have a man next to them that treats them like some princesses. Of course, this occurs when man behaves politely with his lady.


The absence of a father in the education and growth of his children can lead to aggressive behaviors, anxiety, insecurity and problematic relationships. Therefore, if you have separated from your child’s father you do not use it as a currency to harm your ex -partner. With that attitude to whom you are harming, seriously, it is your child. Now that you know the importance of a father, thanks to the next video you can know how relevant mothers are for their children.  

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