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Identity Theories

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Identity theories


This work analyzes the “identity robbery” computer crime, very common in Mexico, since thanks to the easy access and areas of vulnerability of personal data on the network, it is possible to manipulate and give them use in a negative way, harming a great part of society; For this we will carry out a detailed investigation in some pages of government and some studies of this problem in order to observe this social phenomenon and obtain vital information to prevent it. Today with the last tendency of new technology, a vulnerability that society has is.


The offender seeks, analyzes and investigates to attack. It is very important to deal with this issue, since it is a problem that is increasing and I consider that so far it advances a little more than the security methods that are implemented, the objectives of this research are; Identify the growth of this crime and what would be the possible scenarios to reduce it. The theft of identity as an object of study is total importance within the police and the society that surrounds us, since it refers to a lot of values ​​and actions that violate the information and as a consequence they are prone to being victims of this cyber crime. 

In Mexico, the crime of identity theft is increasing day by day, according to data from the Bank of Mexico, our country occupies the eighth place worldwide in this crime; In 67% of cases, identity theft is due to the loss of documents, 63% for the theft of portfolios and portfolios, and 53% by information taken directly from a bank card.

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Commonly, the crime of identity theft is used illegally to open credit accounts, hire telephone lines, life insurance, make purchases and even, in some cases, for the collection of health insurance, life and pensions. Monday, October 28, 2019. Mexico occupies the second place in identity theft in Latin America and is the eighth at a global scale. 

According to official data, this crime in our country generated illicit profits for more than 11 billion pesos in 2017. Faced with this, the National Institute of Transparency, access to information and protection of personal data (INAI) has the guide to prevent identity theft, where a series of recommendations are delineated for citizens to protect their data. The report of consultations, claims and controversies, published by the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef), indicates that in 2017 78 thousand 989 bank claims were registered for a possible impersonation of identity, with a claim greater than 2,127 million pesos.

Meanwhile, the National Banking and Securities Commission recognized 16,596 cases of identity theft suffered in 2017 by clients of financial institutions in the country, a 213 percent greater number (the triple) of the registered one year before. When you think about this crime, it is associated with information related to financial activity (credit card numbers or banking operations), but in reality, it clarifies the guide of the INAI, identity theft can also affect other spheres of the person, as your reputation. Condusef numbers indicate that in 67 cases identity theft occurs due to the loss of documents.

63 percent for the theft of wallets or portfolios and 53 percent for information taken directly from the bank card. In addition, telephone fraud is growing. It is the theme presented by the inductive method, since they can analyze the particular situations through an individual study of the facts that formulates general conclusions (Paguntas), which helped the discovery of generalized issues and theories that start from the systematic observation of reality. That is, to the formulation of a hypothesis based on the events that according to my perception and the review of past cases. In general, it consists in the collection of data ordered in variables in search of regularities.

The analytical method was also used when the sessions that make up the entire case to be studied, establishing the causes of cause, effect and nature. Identity theft occurs when an attacker obtains personal information from a natural or legal person and uses it illegally, for example, to perform some fraud or crime. The identity of a person is formed by his personal data such as the name, telephone, address, photographs, social security number, bank accounts numbers. In short, any data that allows you to identify that person. With the information obtained, numerous fraudulent activities can be carried out.

Economic loss: If the bank account data has been obtained, thieves can subtract economic amounts of the account or make purchases and load the amount in the victim’s account. Supplant the identity of the victim: either creating a new account, or modifying the user’s access password to any of their accounts, so that the victim cannot have control over it and can only access the attacker. In this way it is intended to do what is commonly called cyberbully.

A negative idea of ​​the victim is formed, although there are also cases of cyberbullying in which the legitimate user is blackma. In this case, even if there is no economic loss, identity impersonation can cause credibility problems and affect your reputation. How do this data obtain criminals? The main methods used by criminals to acquire personal information from victims using the Internet are: generate a type of virus that is installed on the computer or mobile and that collects personal information, without the user knowing that he is there or knows their true end.

Social Engineering: Manipulate the user to provide their data taking advantage of people’s natural tendency to react predictably in certain situations (give financial details to an apparent officer of a bank, provide a password to an alleged system administrator). The most common form of social engineering is through emails or false websites, which have the same appearance as the entity that is intended to supplant. Phishing is the most popular technique, where the attacker passes through a real entity, usually a bank, in order to obtain the user data in resources hired with that company (bank account, password).


Analyze the problem and areas of opportunity that make people vulnerable to enter the Internet pages and platforms where they provide vital information, in order to issue some recommendations to avoid identity theft and develop mitigation measures to support the society and are not victims of this crime. Identify the vital information that should not be manipulated in Internet networks and platforms, identify the possible most common risks and threats of this problem, such as identifying the veracity of the sources most used by the population, analyzing vulnerable banks platforms in order to take precautions before providing information.

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