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Impact Of Television On The Culture Of Young People

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Impact of television on the culture of young people


The media play a transcendental role in the knowledge of reality, however, not only are they responsible for mediating between social reality and individual experience, but at the same time they are protagonists of this mediation. Likewise, they play the role of collective symbolic intermediaries, that is, they are responsible for providing cognitive frameworks that act in the perception of the audience on the facts that are generated in their environment. 

According to Studart Hall, this aspect indicates them as agents in the formation of the perception of the world, and not as the only socialization agents. The traditional media, constituted by the mass media, coexist with the modern media that are the offspring of the technological invention. For Stribu, conventional media retain relatively stable formats, unlike new media, blogs, web pages, social networks, among others that constantly expand innovatively.

For Rodrigo Mendizábal, television continues to be one of the most used means to receive information, which is largely due to the free nature compared to the high costs of other media, in addition to the striking audiovisual treatment and the ease of reception . In this regard, the Center for Communication and Public Opinion Research, points to television as the source with more credibility to receive information. These indices indicate that television continues as the most consumed mass medium.

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Despite the competitiveness of new media such as the Internet, classical media audiences continue to be substantial, even without being as numerous as in the past. Currently, the new means are able to disseminate information directly to the public without the mediation of editorial, state or institutional controllers, intrinsic to classical forms of communication. In this sense, Stud considers that the new media introduce a higher level of instability and unpredictability in the communication process. 

For this reason, and according to the approach of these authors the study of media such as television remains significant, since the new media are based on their traditional counterparts to gain legitimacy and popularize their content. According to the University of Mar del Plata, currently among young people the main source of entertainment is the Internet, however, when informing this segment gives priority to television over other media, considering that its content is more safe and supported. 

In this way, young people go to this medium to corroborate the information they receive from other sources. This recognizes the professionalism and infrastructure offered by television programs to support the information presented. In this sense, the study of television from a cultural approach is important for the insertion of this medium into the daily life of people.

The exposure to violent content in these television programs, is often the case of violence in which youth is involved. For decades, the relationship between the exhibition to violent content in the media and the development of aggressive behaviors has been postulated. Youth, being a moment of special intellectual, cultural and human development of the person, is especially exposed to the acritic reception of external influences. 

However, despite the fact that young people are considered to have the ability to select the contents to which many of them are expressed, they manifest a preference for all types of audiovisual content that include violent messages or images. To limit the analysis categories, the investigation focuses on the study of the news on violence and is done through George Gerbner’s theory, about crop analysis. 

The author raises the analysis of the presence of violence and the effects of growing and living in a cultural environment dominated by television. For which, research starts from a theoretical review in the field of political culture, and that consecutively articulates with the concepts of cultural industry, media, violence, young people, audience, theoretical considerations that are appropriate and that allocate to the Research work development.

Hence the specific objectives oriented to the analysis of the object of study, knowing whether the representation of violence on television transforms attitudes, ideas and behaviors in the youth of the San Juan neighborhood, considering the age range of 18 to 25 years ; Identify whether the violence consumed in the news "Televistazo" and "The News" influence the perception of how they build the reality of the young people of the San Juan neighborhood.

It is not new to seal on the role that television exerts on society, a problem is that it has gradually covered more areas of our daily lives, and therefore the main impact on society is in its political culture. The problem is that its effects have become somewhat generalized, which makes it a social problem, a problem with which unfortunately society is even coexisting without knowing what these effects are. These effects have a cumulative character over time and can generate modifications to personality traits.

There is also the analysis of each of the news and the way in which they present the violence. The methodological approach to research work is qualitative and quantitative to identify the aforementioned elements, the choice of this approach responds to the need to identify and detail each of them. 

According to the approach, research is intended to develop an exploratory/analytical study on the phenomenon of violence and the growing vision of violent content, whose effects are framed in the political culture of individuals, that is, they influence the current internal state of an individual and in the interpretive framework, analyzing the speeches of the study subjects extracted from qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques.

In Chapter I, there is a collection and systematization of the information, this frame of reference, briefly explains the scientific works and articles carried out on this subject. Studies related to politics, political culture, media, violence, youth and cultural industry are included. Its objective is to have a general research perspective, to later classify the information required for the development of this work. 

The data and information compilation in general provided to work various chances of understanding to the proposed topic, as well, allowed to develop a theoretical perspective of its own. In Chapter II, the theoretical framework that serves as the basis for the correct execution of this research work is developed. A tour of the main lines of research is made that support the analysis of violence and television, exposing the main theoretical approaches and important concepts used in the theoretical construction of research. 

The issues axes addressed in this chapter are cultural industry, media as builders of culture and influence; Television as a means of special relevance, taking into account its impact and scope; Cultivation theory, framed in the analysis of the consequences of excessive consumption of television medium, especially in relation to situations of violence; Audience and their participation on television; Violence as a social phenomenon; Representation of violence on television; Violence in the speeches of the news and their influence on perception, attitudes and behaviors in young people.

In Chapter III, on the other hand, the methodology is presented, in this sense, the instruments used in the data selection and collection process are described, indicating the tools applied for the organization, systematization, and data processing. For the analysis of the object of study, it will be done through the cultivation theory, by Gerbner explained in the theoretical framework and from this analysis the political culture present in the youth of the San Juan neighborhood and the possible impacts generated.

Finally, in Chapter IV, taking as foundation the contributions and schematization of the information collected, this chapter presents an analysis of the observations made, both of the analysis of the news and the exposure of results of the focus groups and the interview with the experts. 

Finally, the conclusions of the investigation are exposed, in effect, they point out that television is a powerful influence on the development of the values ​​system and in the formation of behavior. Unfortunately, a large part of the programming in the analyzed news is on violence and its effects occur mainly on the political culture of young people exposed to this phenomenon generate feelings of insecurity, desensitization,

This research work aims. The observation of factors such as news and violence in the field of communication allows them to be evidenced, as involved in the construction or modification in the formation of their political culture.

The present research focuses on analyzing the influence that television exerts on the attitudes and behavior of the spectators. For this, Mauro Wolf, points out that it is necessary to identify the ability of the means to build agendas and cultural categories with which the members of a culture tend to act. As part of the cognitive and cultural universe of the daily life of modern societies, television in this research is conceived as a cultural medium, and not simply as an electric tool.

 Martin Barbero, considers that this medium in the current Latin American societies has a semantizing aspect of social life, with its conflicts of significance and as a structuring element and industrial economic activator. According to the author it is at these cultural levels where there is an influence of television. From the 90s, studies on the incidence of television in young of political culture in young people. 

Therefore, the importance of this analysis of the media lies in the way in which they operate symbolically, with models that reproduce and exercise subtly as in the case of violence, using cultural and social elements. For Míguez, D. Island, a. In current societies there is an increase in the rates of violence and insecurity, expressing among the possible causes for the increase in violence, the prominence of the media, especially television. These media promote violence with an overloaded program of violent content, mainly criminal, moderated by speeches of great drama and sensationalists.

Despite the innumerable works on violence and media, for penalty, the news of violence is still a little explored theme based on the high number of individuals who, daily, watch television and perceive, at the same time, the same information. To deal with this issue of violence constitutes a complex issue to discuss, due to the multiplicity of definitions and approaches that are given to this phenomenon. In addition, Miguel Clemente expresses that constantly, violence has been integrating the information agenda as another object of the thematic universe, also referring that violence is not a specific event, but a global social event. Select, therefore, the news of violence as an object of study, in the context of this work,


It is important to reflect on the quality of the information that the audience receives and how to react to the coverage of violent facts. For Gerbner and Gross, the constructions that are generated from the representation of violence, do not mean that those who are usually exposed become violent, but as they observe the world and interact with him. The modes by which the media represent violence as part of their media agenda generates effects that reproduce speeches and images at the audience. It is a relevant aspect for theoretical and critical analysis, not only about the media but also on the forms of communication.

The need to perceive and understand how the messages generated by the media at the hearing influence. Aspects that show influence, and that potentially generate a change in behaviors and attitudes in young people. 

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