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Influences On Which Psychoanalysis And Behaviorism Is Based

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Influences on which psychoanalysis and behaviorism is based


The work to be treated is based on the theories of psychoanalysis and behaviorism, as we know within psychology we find a variety of schools that have been influential throughout history, each of these schools proposes different theories and concepts about the studyof the human being, the psyche, from different perspectives, which each professional psychologist must identify with a special and more than anything to adopt each of these theories and models to be able to apply them in professional practice, so the importance of knowing the approachof study of each one, and knowing how to do differentiation from each perspective.

Starting from the beginning, psychology began with a structuralist study of the mind as the first psychological school, then another current arose where it was said that the mind was not stable but flexible, that consciousness is continuous, then there was more value when studying theFunction of the mind and its mental processes, but not the structure, after the hand of Sigmund Freud came psychoanalysis where the psyche or mind was bought with an iceberg, arguing that only a small part was visible and most were underneathFrom the surface, that is, the unconscious, then the behaviorism came with John Watson, who towards emphasis on observable behavior and this was examined in relation to stimuli, after that other schools emerged, such as Gestalt, Humanism andCognitivism.

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In this research work we will establish differences between psychoanalysis and behaviorism, starting from the different aspects of study of each of these two schools, to know how to better understand their theory and concepts, in order to acquire the necessary knowledge to be able to be highly qualifiedand prepared to assume any case and implement the necessary and corresponding theories according to the analysis and assessment of the problem.



It is a theory that studies behavior in many aspects this tries to make known or explain what the intrinsic mechanisms of all people will be, there are two kinds of behaviorism The first is divergent behavior is one that poses an explanation of how an individual learns andThe second is classic behaviorism, one of the main exponents is John B. Watson who exposes behavior through learning and conditioned reflexes. It makes known that people are born with a set of innate reflexes that are links between stimuli and response this means that human beings are able to create and learn new events between stimulus-response thanks to conditioning. If a new stimulus appears and acts together with the stimulus that causes the reflected response, after many times, that new stimulus will cause the answer to all this happens thanks to the association.

The behavioral theory is based on the theories of Ivan P. Pavlov, which focuses on the study of observable behavior, and thus being able to control and predict it, as the main objective of this school is to achieve a certain behavior, therefore behaviorists define learning as the acquisition of new behaviors or behaviors. Because of this he performed an experiment with a canine which presented salivation to the presence of a piece of meat this as an answer did not feed him many days and then introduce himself with a bell seconds later the meat shook him, at the beginning the animalIt did not salivate the sounds but after some numerous tests between the sound stimulus and the meat the dog began to salivate with the presence or sound of the bell without the presence of the meat. From that research Pavlov says that during classical conditioning the agency adopts a new association between two new facts or stimulus.

John Watson explained that the classic conditioning process could also manifest learning in people. As a classic behavioral exponent, he speculated that emotions were also learned through the conditioned association, and therefore thought that the differences in behavior between people were induced by the different experiences that each of them lived. Therefore, through his child’s experiment Albert approximately 11 months old because he triedWhite rat after several days of attempts to condition the child with fear of strong noise and hairy animals. Thus defining that fear could be acquired by classical conditioning.

(Pavlov) When I dissect and destroy a living animal, I hear inside the bitter reproach that with a brutal and clumsy hand I am spoiling an incomparable artistic mechanism.

(Jonn) (1878-1958) considered the creator of behaviorism, throughout his life he was an enemy of inaccurate ideas and careless research. He considered that Freud’s theories were very vague. According to him, to get out of the dark and dark paths of speculative philosophy and subjective psychology, the path of behaviorism should be followed, a school of psychology for which the concept of consciousness was not useful or necessary in the description, explanation, prediction andbehavior control.


Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, was a doctor who treated nervous system problems, but he saw beyond this practice implemented hypnosis and subsequently the free association where patients could talk relaxed and freely about what came to themTo mind as memories, dreams and others, then he understood the importance of psychic processes that are not aware and how they influence behavior. Freud also gave much importance to the meaning of dreams as a possible explanation of behavior, he used introspection, which was self-analysis of himself, a self-reflection on his own mental and emotional states.

Psychoanalysis did not try to be a pure science for which there was no laboratory for it. Freud includes three terms that are the conscious, the pre -conscious and the unconscious, then the terms that are governed by the principles of pleasure are attached, the self that is governed by the principle of reality and the superego that are the norms are the rulesMorales. The differentiation of sexual and genitalFor a phenomenon called libido this means strength in relation to love desire and sexual. Freud also contributes an evolutionary vision to personality training, by establishing a series of stages of sexual development from the first year of life to twelve years, and later corresponding to the puberty period, these stages are: the oral stage, anal, phallic, latency and genital, where the difference between each of these is the "object" chosen to achieve pleasure.

His daughter Anna Freud highlighted this very important psychoanalytic current for her well -known defense mechanisms which are;Isolation, repression, reactive training, regression, projection, return against oneself, retroactive cancellation.

(Freud) "Creative minds are known for being able to survive any kind of bad training"


In conclusion we can say that behaviorism is based only on the observable study of behavior with modifiers or stimulants that achieve a change of itself, instead psychoanalysis goes beyond the observable emphasizing emphasis on the unconscious, all those feelings and emotionssaved at the bottom of being, to know what the patient suffers and suffers.

Behaviorism is strongly criticized by the obsession to achieve a more experimental and scientific psychology. Also to ignore the consciousness, feelings and states of the mind. It does not assign a role to personality. It does not give rise to freedom, will or intentionality. Does not try to explain cognitive processes, intuition, information or the creative process. Go to the subject as a passive receiver, among many others.

Both theories are very applicable and of great help since as mental health professionals, we must know howSome authors because it does not take into account the will, intentionality and feelings of the person, but only governs an experimental and scientific study as mentioned above.

At a personal discretion, psychoanalysis is a more effective theory, because it takes into account the emotions and thoughts of being, and according to the reason for your form of acting and behaving, it is necessary to know what it thinks and feels, and we can applyThe introspection method where internal thoughts and emotions can be analyzed and examined.


  • Freud, a. (s.F.). The wonderful minds . Obtained from https: //
  • Jonn, b. W. (s.F.). psychoactive . Obtained from https: //
  • Pavlov, i. (s.F.). Psychology and mind . Obtained from https: //

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