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Instagram’S Impact On Body Image

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Instagram’s impact on body image

Globalization is a very broad concept with an still very ambiguous definition, since it is many things in one word. That is why globalization is a process that involves cultural, social, economic, technological and ideological exchange in many dimensions, since it is what makes the connection between them possible. This is why communication is very important so that all this can be carried out, specifically the media, since it is these that disseminate messages anywhere in the world. There are different types of media either radio, television, magazines, cinema, the web, among others. Depending on the means of communication, it will be the reason for whether they are going to inform, give their opinion, educate, entertain, transmit, among others.

In a few years it has been seen how the influence of the Internet has grown greatly in our lives, having a lot of importance social networks. As mentioned by La Fuente (2012), ‘more than a culture of virtual reality, what we have is close to being a culture of real virtuality’. To this, he refers to the fact that everything that comes to us is in a cybernetic way, being virtual, but it is real since if he fully influences our lives, this being sometimes more than what would have to be. The network was created to exchange information, and today serves to communicate or be connected. If we think, who does not have social networks, in the end it does not exist, since all our lives are documented and if that of that person is not, does it really exist? The correct answer is that if it exists, but the difference is that this person is excluded from modern social dynamics.

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Social networks offer the opportunity to communicate with strangers, or at the same time, become a stranger. This means that thanks to the fact that there are not many limits on social networks, it is very easy to create false identities or something that is much more common, to be able to reinvent yourself. With reinventing, I mean that you can hide many things from you as a person, or at the same time, create others; As fears, insecurities, aspects that you think are negative of your body image, thus creating a new person in a virtual reality, which in the end may create it, but that it really is not your reality.

There are many social networks, but in this case I will talk about the social network created in 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, called Instagram. On this platform, what can be done is to share photos and videos, using filters, locations, hashtags, labeling people. Users can follow people and also have followers, who have the option of putting ‘like’ to the contents that one goes up.

There are many disorders associated with body image, but I will talk about eating disorder, anorexia nervosa. According to slope (2016), ‘it is partially defined by the presence of high concerns about weight and body shape, a main role has been given to body image for the understanding and explanation of eating disorders’. In the world changes such as migration, modernization and urbanization are emerging. Thanks to these factors, new adaptations are produced to the ideals of beauty, in this case being body beauty, and therefore to food behaviors. As an example, hillside (2016), mentions the study conducted by Brockerhoff et al. in 2012. The impacts generated by the influences of other cultures in body satisfaction, and eating disorders in Japanese adolescents were studied. What was done was to differentiate traditional Japanese culture and modern Japanese culture with cultural values ​​of the West. It is mentioned that modern culture has acquired the values ​​of the West thanks to the media and the same migration. What was concluded in this study was that the modern Japanese felt less satisfied with their bodies, aiming to lose weight. Thanks to globalization, other cultures have been able to follow others, becoming new versions, sometimes improving in several aspects, but not always in all.

That is why communication and globalization have made the comparison between equals possible, creating platforms such as Instagram, which makes disorders such as anorexia increasingly high and pronounced. New technologies emerge with much more force, and for that same reason we all have to be aware about the effects they can have on platform users. It should be noted that not because there is dissatisfaction towards body image means that there must be a disorder such as anorexia nervosa, but it is very likely that it can end in that if in the head there are always thoughts such as wanting to lose weight. Since there are no limits on social networks, it is very easy to confuse the messages given, in this case the dissemination of healthy messages. In these messages you can usually find the given stereotypes, which are usually created globally. Also, they promote the message of thinness, saying that if you are thin it means that you are healthy.

As most of things, globalization is a double -edged sword, since globalization can bring different results to those expected, or may produce unbelieved or desired side effects, so it will always have advantages and advantages and Disadvantages. Thanks to globalization, it causes the media at this time to become the same or to go hand in hand. Lule talks about how the media are now great global corporations that help boost globalization, although they incorporate globalization. Social networks are now part of cultures, since by introducing a social network to a group of people, culture changes. Development communication was an important element in instilling a change in culture, to change the traditional in something more modern, whether values, behaviors, among other things, and that is the same as Instagram creates with beauty models, influencing In anorexia nervosa, since users try to be in that standard given by society.

By linking the anorexia issue with Instagram, most users are teenagers, and therefore they are much more vulnerable, since they most of the time have the need to fit, looking for approval. So, at the time users upload content to Instagram, whether videos or photographs, they show the best, making thinking and many times believe that it is real and perfect. Most brands have accounts in this social network, publishing content to sell, campaigning with famous people, creating beauty ideals. In this way, this means of communication makes it possible to compare with the other users and with the same celebrities but at the same time making it impossible and nothing real, thus creating a body dissatisfaction, being able to end in anorexia nervosa or other eating disorders. Thanks to the media, in this case being Instagram, it is like globalization continues. Therefore, continuous work in self – esteem is important, so that as well as user of this social network or any other, do not be so vulnerable to these types of problems, since if it can be prevented, but sadly change the ways of how The media are managed not.   

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