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It Was Romantic: Bécquer’S Xli Rhyme

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It was romantic: Bécquer’s XLI rhyme

Reflections of the romantoca era in the poem "La Rima XLI" of Bécquer

The text that I proceed to comment is “La Rima XLI” by Bécquer (Seville, 1836, Madrid, 1870), one of the most important representatives of the romantic, and post -Romantic Spanish era. This era was one of great cultural movement that began at the end of the French Revolution (1789) in England and Germany, then to France;To get to the rest of Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. Arriving until the mid -nineteenth century, and even until the end of this century with prostromanticism. Sadly, romanticism did not reach Spain until long after the rest of Europe, for historical-political reasons, romanticism did not reach Spain until 1833, with the death of Fernando VII. For this reason, postthromanticism also lengthened a few years;thus giving the opportunity to come to light to works as beautiful as the legends and rhymes of Bécquer. These were written by this author and suffering journalist, who went through problems, both with love and money, throughout his life, and were collected by his friends after his death (34 years, Madrid, 1870). Some of the most important characteristics of romanticism are the expression of feelings, the relationship of man with nature, the return to legendary themes used in medieval times, and the use of the creator. Some of which Bécquer use in this poem.

Literary resources in "La Rima XLI" by Bécquer

"The XLI rhyme" is lyric gender, and its main theme is the incompatibility of the two lovers.

Wait! It Was Romantic: Bécquer’S Xli Rhyme paper is just an example!

This is seen in the phrase most used by Becquer in the poem, in which it refers to love and in which he repeatedly comments: “It could not be!". From the external structure point of view, the poem consists of 12 verses, distributed in 3 stanzas, 4 verses per stanza. All verses are endecasyllables, except verses 4 of each stanza, that is, verse 4.8 and 12 that are pentasyllables. Wanting that there is a repetition in the construction of the stanzas that the poem has. The rhyme is rhyme, wanting to say that it is assonant in the even verses. Also, there are two headings used in verses 2 and 6, since nowhere the poem stands out with a punctuation sign.

From the point of view of the internal structure, the poem can be divided into two parts: stanzas 1 and 2, and the third stanza. The stanzas 1 and 2 speak of the personalities of the two lovers, and as they are contrary, using metaphors to describe them: “You were the hurricane, and I the high tower that challenges their power."And" You were the Ocean;And I congratulates the Roca that firm awaits his sway.”, Are the two parts that explain this clash. The third stanza, on the other hand, speaks of the discomfort they had during the conflicts, the contrariety that was in them, and the fact that at some point they would collide causing a problem (the problem being that they could not form a couple, because of theirshocks), this described in verses 9,10, and 11: “Beautiful you, I haughty;accustomed one to overwhelm, the other not to give in;The narrow path, inevitable the shock … "

To express the clash between the two people, Bécquer uses several literary resources that show their cult, but with an understandable style. With a very high and expressive lexicon, mainly caused by symbols, metaphors, anaphoras and hyperbates used in the poem;literary resources, such as in his rhyme Liii. In the text we can also see that Bécquer changes verbal, depending on whether he talks about himself;in which he uses the first person of the singular in the present (awaits, challenges), or if he speaks of his beloved;with which he speaks in the second person of the past imperfect (past) (Eras). It makes clear with this is a representation of something that probably happened in real life, and that he does not know if she has changed, but knows that he is still the same.

In the text we can also easily observe the fact that the author uses hyperbates. Throughout the poem you can clearly see a lot of hyperbates, in verse 2 "Tower that challenges its power", in verse 6 "Roca that firm awaits its sway ‘, in verse 10" The other not to give in ", and verse 11 "The shock" inevitable. The function that these hyperbates have is double, since apart from helping to maintain the rhyme of romanticism, mentioned above, they also help create that grandiloquent tone that I have spoken before. Another technique commonly used by Bécquer is the entrails, in the case of this poem they are used between lines 1 and 2, 5 and 6, 9 and 10, and 10 and 11. The function of these headings is to create a rhythm to the poem, since, with this monitoring, there are fewer stops in the poem, thus creating a more continuous and repeated rhythm when reading, and analyzing it.

The symbols in the poem "La Rima XLI" 

Another thing to mention is that, in this poem, as in many others written by the famous Sevillian, the symbols predominate, and specifically in this predominates the symbol of nature, represented by the woman, and the fight against her power, represented by man (bécquer). In the poem there is a continuous metaphor in which Bécquer compares the couple’s wife to a factor of nature (first to a "hurricane", and then the "ocean"), a technique very commonly used in romanticism, andThat in this poem gives the reader feel that the person described (the woman), has an uncontrollable power and force. The man is, on the other hand, represented by things that have commonly resist the force of nature;since the "towers" are commonly built, the "power" / the force of strong winds (hurricanes), and the "rocks" in the ocean have to resist the "sway" / the attacks of the water. For this reason, in the poem we can see that Bécquer tries to represent the woman as a person who always wants to be right, who demands a lot, and that razes until he achieves it (the strong movements of nature represent this), and the man isa calmer and stubborn person who does not give in to anything that demands him (the fact that none of the objects that represent him move before anything, even before the great natural forces).

Lexical resources in the poem "La Rima XLI" of Bécquer

It is to mention that from the lexical point of view the adjectives predominate. These are used in the text, but not superfluously, they are there to express the nouns described, perfectly characterizing the two characters described in this poem: Bécquer and his beloved. In this way, the author gives us a much more detailed description of the feelings ("narrow" referring to the fact that there was no way out, and that it would hit him sooner or later, and "inevitable" referring to the fact that the clash was inevitable), customs, customs("Accustomed" representing what they normally did during a disagreement) aspects ("high" perhaps representing the high stature of Bécquer and "beautiful" representing the beauty of the beloved) and personalities ("inhiesta" and "haughty" referring to the twoto the boncquer testaruda personality).

In conclusion, the poem to comment is one in which Bécquer expresses the reasons why a love, of Bécquer himself, did not work. Made of a lot of literary resources, including metaphors, parallels, hyperbates and symbols, including romantic rhyme, this work of art is a beauty before any lover of literature. Since it has a rich and cultured vocabulary, but at the same time easily understandable for anyone. For this reason this rhyme is one of such beauty, and greatness;that inspired many other authors, and left a brand in the world of Spanish literature.

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