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King Arthur of Britain

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King Arthur of Britain.
A hero is an individual who depicts incomparable endeavors, aptitudes, or peculiar talents and is viewed as a protagonist in the society. In most cases, his courage, nobility, and exploits in war are admired by the majority of people in the community. King Arthur was a British commander who battled against Anglo-Saxon societies and certified that Britain persisted to be a utopia in the west regions. His warrior traits saw him kill monsters, sorceresses, and beasts, and led a crew of heroes on many daring adventures. Arthur is known for his knights of the “Round Table” as well as his unification strategies for the people of his land. Consequently, this has made him be celebrated in many nations of the world despite his tragic ending. Therefore, this paper shall explore different instances of Arthur’s heroic journey.
King Arthur depicted courageous characteristics as he faced violent battles with Britain enemies so as to restore the sovereign on the kingdom and prevent it from collapsing. In John Boorman’s “Excalibur,” it portrays many violent battles that Arthur was involved in and won against many of his adversaries. Therefore, these acts make him be seen as a hero since he was willing to face his fears and meet them head on at any particular time. On the same note, he was determined to push his agenda forward and committed to a notion of the righteous ways. Consequently, this saw him protect his empire from external assaults and invasion from the enemies of his kingdom.

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Similarly, as a hero, he possessed unique skills on the use of swords that made him be in a position to face overwhelming odds and have a chance of being successful.
A hero has to be wounded, either substantially or emotionally in the course of his mission. The wound takes a form of a fatal weakness that exposes a conqueror to vulnerable and imperfect situations. John Boorman’s movie implies that Lancelot and Guenevere betrayed Arthur and this led to the entrance of evil in Camelot (Excalibur, n.p). The king refused to heed to his tutor’s words when he claimed that, “Love is deaf as well as blind.” Therefore, this shows that Lancelot and Guenevere relied on Arthur’s weakness towards women so as to commit adultery and other evils in his kingdom. The acts made characters like Morgana to seduce her brother through transforming herself to the resemblance of Guenever. Hence, this shows that dishonesty, like history, reprises itself.
King Arthur depicted passion in his work despite portraying other qualities of great leaders. The thirst and his level of assurance inspired his soldiers and motivated them to perform better in battles. In T.H White’s “Arthur Becomes King of Britain,” a white-front said “Fold your powers together with the spirit of your mind, and it will come out like butter” (White, 728). Therefore, this shows that the Wart had passion in its activities as it strode up to the great sword three times. Hence, this implies that heroes inspire their followers through the passion that they portray and they are expected to perform supernatural activities.
In conclusion, John Boorman’s movie “Excalibur” and T.H White’s reading on “Arthur Becomes King of Britain” explores different instances under which King Arthur depicted heroic traits during his tenure. The actions have made him be remembered in the current world and celebrated in any nations. Therefore, his qualities offer signs of encouragement to individuals in the modern world who aim to be heroes in different fields and sectors of the economy.

Work Cited
Excalibur. John Boorman, 1981. Movie.White, T.H. Arthur Becomes King of Britain. 1st ed. Print.

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