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Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

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Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
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Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
Explain how the changes in American society over time have affected the way the KKK is organized and the ideology of KKK
After its formation in 1866, the KKK’s presence was quite prevalent in America. The notable changes in American society, however, influenced both KKK’s ideology and organization. Today, KKK’s ideology of white superiority is quite meaningless as a result of the group’s reduced size and redundant notions. With the accentuation of other racist groups in America, the KKK group is considered less of a threat in American societies today. The group’s organization is also disrupted as a result of rapid growth of racial instigators in America.
They utilize their discriminatory ideologies to eradicate the existence of KKK, which is an important reminder in terms of American history. Despite the growth of other groups, these changes in the American society have affected KKK’s by showing the impossibility of separating its ideology from the growth of the nation (Pegram, 2011). Most of these changes led to disbandment and an interference with the organization of KKK, forcing America to experience terror from the members of KKK, in the absence of the groups. Moreover, the traditional notions embraced by KKK did not augur well with most Americans and their societies, as a whole.
While the nation succumbed to traditionalism during the early 20th century, it is important to note the influence on KKK after America resorted to embracing modernity.

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Issues of accepting immigrants to the U.S. were not in line with the KKK’s ideology because of their hate for these foreigners. To be precise, they denounced the values and customs of Catholics and Jews in a strong way (Rambo4625, 2012). The group renders that an influx of foreigners often interferes with their land by introducing unfamiliar ideals. KKK utter belief in morality also affected its ideology in America when the citizens began embracing secular values. The group’s disbandment, therefore, may be attributed to KKK’s disillusionment regarding morality, tradition and culturist ideas in America. They tried to partner with other groups so as to maintain these traditional ideologies in America (Rambo4625, 2012). Nonetheless, these new ways incorporated into America’s society portray a great impact on the organization and ideology of KKK in this nation.
How does the KKK use its right of free speech to socialize new members? Does the KKK incite violence with its ideology? Why or Why not?
In socializing members, group uses varied ways to achieve their goal. The KKK group utilizes its right to free speech as a way of acquiring new members. Through free speech, KKK manages to share its ideologies with members of the public, informing them about its beliefs and values. New members, therefore, are socialized after agreeing with the ideas that are disseminated at the utilization of free speech. If their ideas were censored, it would be impossible to understand the aim of KKK in the American society. Employing its right of free speech is also important to the government because it helps to align KKK’s ideas with already established ones. As a result, the government settles on the content that is considered to be more effective in socializing new members.
Yes. The KKK group incites violence acts using in its ideology. The group is well-known for instigating violence with its ideas and beliefs. Their extremist ideology is, in fact, a contributing factor to the inevitabilities of violence perpetrated by citizens against KKK. As they dwelled on spreading racist ideologies, it was impossible to avoid violent acts between whites and people of color in America. There are evident instances of brutality and hostility in exploring KKK’s working mechanism thus increasing the issue of violence incitement in American societies.
In addition to intimidation, they believed that using violence would increase their ability to enlighten citizens about white supremacy and their superiority as well. Their integration of violence in its ideology, therefore, may lead to the classification of KKK as a terrorist group in America (Newton, 2011). The group engaged in brutal acts which included bombing African-American institutions in an attempt to exhibit their preference for white folk. Their belief in violence and attacks was so strong that KKK had special attire for carrying out these uncouth actions. As a matter of fact, as a result of the group’s absolute reliance on violence, it is impossible for individuals to practice engagement in amicable decisions.
Should hate speech be allowed under the First Amendment? Why or Why not?
Yes. Hate speech should be allowed and protected under the First Amendment. As long as there are no threats involved, it is important to adhere to safeguarding hate speech. Regardless of the scope of these speeches, they offer certain information that should be respected. The relative nature of hate speech allows it to acquire recognition from the First Amendment. While certain individuals may consider a verbal piece as hate speech, others may uphold the same. No one is restricted to withholding their opinion; merely because it may be considered hateful. Just as some people do not condone the LGBT community, there are others that do not understand the religion of Islam. The First Amendment, therefore, accommodates all these opinions rendering them important despite the outcome or consequences accrued apropos of the same.
If an individual’s values are not in line with a country’s political system, the First Amendment offers them leverage by allowing these folk to speak their mind. As a matter of fact, hate speech may also bring about changes in a given society. When people complain and speak against a corrupt governmental system, there are high chances of altering these policies hence acquiring a better system to lead its people. There are various speeches that are uncovered under the First Amendment. It is important to understand that most of them do not revolve around ideologies of hate speech. When identifying hate speeches, individuals should strive to create distinctions between them and the others types that employ violent acts. Scraping off hate speech from the First Amendment may also lead to infringement of people rights and their freedom of expression, which is often considered to be unconstitutional.
Allowing hate speech under The First Amendment also safeguards the lives of most individuals in terms of their projection of hate toward different issues in various societies. Castigating protection of hate speech may prove illogical due to the prevalence of open-mindedness among different groups today. Despite their prior exclusion of hate speech, governments also understand the importance of liberalism to instigate developments in various nations. The salient restrictions and limitations in understanding the scope of hate speech are useful to separate constructive from derogatory messages that are delivered publically. Even if hate speech is protected by the First Amendment, individuals should not aim to attack persons that react impulsively. Perpetrating fights and violence acts using hate speech, therefore, contradicts its role in leading to progressivism in diverse societies. It is unfortunate that such gestures lead to loss of meaning and reason in accepting hate speech as part of constructive criticism in a given nation.
Newton, M. (2010). The Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi: A history. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland & Co.
Pegram, T. R. (2011). One hundred percent American: The rebirth and decline of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee.
Rambo4625. (2012). Inside American Hate Ku Klux Klan. Retrieved from:

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