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Lawyer: Ethical Code Of The Law Professional

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Lawyer: Ethical Code of the Law Professional

Ethical Code of the Law Professional

Ethical regulations seek to guarantee the correct execution by the lawyer, the mission as a professional that it has in society. Deontological norms are applied to exercise disciplinary control in the development of the jurist’s profession.

The lawyer in our country has a very broad ethical code, it consists of 77 articles;where each one expresses a drink or an important description that each jurist must practice throughout his professional life.

In art. 1 We can see how from the beginning this code establishes specific duties that are imposed on the entire law of the law, as the basis we know that these are not the only duties that a lawyer drinks, but they are those who are considered most adapted to the professional of thisarea. We have what probity is;which translates as the honesty and integrity of a person in their actions. Independence, the lawyer must always act in law with the greatest zeal and attached to justice towards the case he defends. Moderation, moderation is a very important element in the life of a lawyer taking into account the information he handles, discretion must prevail in him.

The law of law must be loyal and truthful and above all act in good faith, in his trade he will not advise any fraudulent act or write documents that are not based on the truth. You must always put the justice of your case, before your own interest. However, it must act with dignity, without being questionable, both in exercise and in its private life.

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And for no reason his behavior must violate the norms of honor and delicacy that characterizes every man of good.

The Law Professional must act in moderation when presenting their allegations, both verbal and written, and with the right energy. Always trying to say only what is necessary for the defense of your client, in case it merits to make criticism of judicial failures or allegations about the opposite part, you must avoid any violent or sarcasm expression;Although the magnitude of the case requires energy in expressions will drink to refrain from making any useless offense or humiliation and improper violence.

A point no less important is as follows: the law of the law must respect the legal systems that the incompatibilities propose to exercise the profession and should not perform positions or occupations that are not competent with the spirit of the same. The exercise of law is not compatible with the performance of charges or occupations that imply obstacles to their independence and that harms their dignity.

Professional secrecy

This is one of the most important elements in the life of the law of law, because it must during and after the process conserve professional secrecy with respect to your client.

The Ethical Code sends the lawyer to keep the most rigorous professional secrecy. This constitutes a fundamental duty and remains entirely even after the lawyer has stopped providing his services to the client. The lawyer possesses the right to refuse to testify against his client and may refrain from answering any questions that can involve the revelation of professional secrecy or the violation of confidences made by his client.

The lawyer should not communicate to third parties what due to his profession is made of his knowledge. It is also contemplated within the secret, everything a lawyer tries with the colleague who represents the opposite party.

As for professional secrecy, a situation can be given where the obligation can yield, and it is to the need for the personal defense of the lawyer, when it is subject to persecutions by its client. In that case you can reveal what is indispensable for your defense.

Referring to the clientele

The Law Professional, except that the Law establishes otherwise, has total freedom to accept or reject cases where your intervention is requested, does not have to offer the causes that lead to said decision, but it is convenient to avoid defending a thesiscontrary to their political, social or religious convictions, and that is not preparing to defend a case similar to another that before attacked before in court.

The lawyer should never assure his client that his case will be successful so that he is inclined to litigate, on the contrary, he has the obligation to impose on his client the unforeseen situations that may affect the decision of the case;And he will limit himself to giving his opinion on the merits of the same. The lawyer must always favor a fair arrangement.

The lawyer must be transparent with his client, therefore, when hired for a baby trial reveal to his client on the relationships he has with the opposite part, as well as any interest he may have in the litigation, just as he will make statements ifIt is subject to influences that are contrary to the interests of your client;If despite this the client wishes to hire his services, he will be with total knowledge of the facts.

The fees

Are those remuneration that the professional receives product of the service provided.

The right of law drinks channel the greatest proximity to the esteem of their fees. You should avoid error, both for excess and default, since professional dignity is compromised if the collection is very high or very low, the latter if it is not facing rational cases of exception.

For the estimation of your fees you must consider factors such as:

  • The importance that characterizes the works and the amount of the case.
  • The success achieved, in all its journey.
  • The novelty or difficulty of the legal affairs discussed.
  • The experience and specialty of the lawyer.
  • The client’s fortune or situation.

A very important article that cannot be overlooked is 58, which expresses that it is considered a serious violation to carry out private communications with the magistrates, prosecutors of the Public Ministry, or officials, if the lawyer of the lawyer of theopposite part, in relation to a pending trial, or a situation that manages, offering arguments or considerations inclined to the case that defends.

Relations of the professional in law with his colleagues.

The fact that two colleagues are on opposite sides in the Ombudsman’s Office, should not take it personal or outside the courts. On the contrary, among the lawyers there must be a impetus of fraternity that exalts the profession, in the same way a mutual respect must be maintained, without influencing them the enmity of the parties. They will carefully avoid malicious expressions and make allusions about personal, ideological, political or other history, their colleagues. The lawyer must have courtesy with these and help his colleagues to solve inconveniences of the moment when they occur for reasons that are not considered attributable as;unforeseen audiences, illness, grief or force majeure, they cannot attend their customers.

To culminate the corresponding to this part we will cite some lines that focus a lot what respect between law professionals is. The lawyer should not intervene on behalf of a person whose case is being handled by a colleague without giving notice to it, with the exception of cases that consist of express retirement of the colleague, when the intervention of a colleague is not discovered but after having acceptedThe case, you must immediately notify you. In any case, the lawyer is obliged to ensure that the fees of his colleague are paid or guaranteed. 

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