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Love of being a magician, and how performance has helped improve communication skills and sociability.

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Being a Magician and Communication Skills
Illusionism and magic have a long data. According to historians, the first magicians came from Persia, and their skills passed to the Greeks in the Hellenistic period. The first magic tricks were based on skillful deceptions and sleight of hands as a form of street entertainment. Now, magic has evolved to a point where it can be regarded as an interpretive art and the magicians as artists. That way, magic as a performative art has changed to a point where magicians are personalities as famous as actors or musicians, filling venues with thousands of spectators, eager to watch their prestige.
It is this evolution of magic what have shifted the profession’s paradigm to a different direction, turning magicians from a novelty to respected performers. However, instead of being an internal artistic manifestation, like painting and sculpture can be, magic is something meant to interact with. Although the spectators do not know how the tricks are performed, they want to be amazed. A performer without enough communication skills, or unable to convey the emotion of its skills, is prone to failure.
Like any form of art, magic cannot be learned in a single day, and requires hour after hour of practice and failure. That is why, illusionism can teach amateur magicians confidence and dedication to accept that the road to success is hard, and people can be mean, especially to amateur magicians.

Wait! Love of being a magician, and how performance has helped improve communication skills and sociability. paper is just an example!

Performing in front of a public is the most stressful part of the act. Moreover, being confident enough to act smugly with people ogle at the act, is hard. People could laugh, or a part of the act can go in an unexpected direction, causing the whole performance to go awry. These failures can dishearten anyone, but with enough dedication and practice, these situations can be dispelled with a laugh and a flourish.
In a way, magic is close to the theater. Both are performed in front of a public, and both require a great deal of dedication and emotionality to work seamlessly. Creation can be a form of communication, and some performers choose their art to show people what they think, or what they feel. Nevertheless, not all communication has to be verbal. This means that magic can teach both ways of communication. It has to do more with the kind of magician. Possibly an introverted magician would not talk as much as an extroverted one, but both will be able to convey their act, albeit differently.
To me, being a magician has taught me a myriad of things. It helped me communicating with people, and it showed me how to convey my act thoroughly to people without stuttering. Before learning magic tricks, I was not very fond of performing, and I sweated just of thinking about being in front of an audience.
Learning magic has become what I needed to understand myself as a creative person. I struggled with the idea of pursuing an artistic endeavor. Nevertheless, after the first sleight of hand, I changed my mind, and the performance has changed me, teaching me that with enough will and confidence, an illusionist can make people believe they have seen what they have not..
Sadly, most individuals regard magic as something childish, and that is a mistake. I have noted that everyone wants to be amazed, regardless their age.

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