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Margaret Thatcher And His Role In The Falklands War

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Margaret Thatcher and his role in the Falklands War


The Falklands War occurred in 1982 and that was there that the greatest deployment of the British Special Forces was lived, which had not occurred since World War II. The Special Air Service (SAS), the Special Squadron of boats (SBS) and the Royal Navy, made spectacular attacks during the war. One of the most successful attacks was made by the SAS against the Argentines on Peble Island, where 11 Argentine ships, which represented a threat to the amphibious landing in the Falkland Islands, were destroyed.

In this trial they will be detailed, such as aeromobile operations were carried out by the British to recover the Falkland Islands.

Recall that aeromobile operations, also called aerial assaults, are the deployment of armed forces through helicopter or plane to combat or destroy enemy forces or are also used to capture or maintain key positions during clashes. The Falkland Islands are located at the southern end of the Atlantic and have been disputed between Argentina and England since the English were established in them in 1833. They are located 500 km from Argentina and 13,000 km from England.

During the 80s, there were a population of 1800 people, mostly British, who refused to relate to Argentine population that were a minority in the islands. The 1982, the Argentine government was less and less popular and for this reason, many Argentines disappeared without a trace, the economy was very deteriorated and the inflation of the currency became above 600%.

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The unions did not wait and showed their disagreement with marches in the streets filling them with violence. The Argentine military were waiting for a distraction that could grant them the empowerment of the Falkland Islands, that is, to allow them to start a war to seize the islands. And they found her.

On March 19, 1982, when Argentine waste merchants began to dismantle old and abandoned buildings that had been used by British in South Georgia at 1500 km from the Malvinas. They were accompanied by Argentine soldiers, who raised an Argentine flag illegally over the British territory.

The British asked that the flag be lowered and that their troops be removed, but they were ignored. It is then when one of the ships of the Royal Navy, the endurance, was sent to South Georgia to eliminate the Argentine presence. The Argentine military took this as an act of war.

On April 2 of that same year, 700 Argentine soldiers were sent to Las Malvinas and that is where they threatened, captured and forced to surrender to 67 English soldiers who protected the island. In Argentina, the people were very happy since they thought that the Falkland Islands were part of the Argentine territory, but in England, the Margaret Thatcher government reacted immediately and sent forces to fight, 100 ships and thousands of troops were sent for the war.

On April 5, 1982, they sail towards Las Malvinas, with them was barracks 22 of the SAS regiment. Two months earlier, SAS had begun with contingency plans for operations on the islands. He tried to negotiate, but the talks did not specify anything.

An exclusion zone was carried out around the islands, an extension of 320 km and any ship or ship that would be destroyed would be destroyed. 2 weeks later, the SAS was preparing for an assault and landed in the inhospitable glacier fortune for climatic conditions were not entirely perfect, thus causing 2 of the helicopters carrying soldiers crashed due to little visibility, but they were rescued.

After almost a month of small clashes, the Argentines surrendered, but they were not fully agreed. And this is where England accepts its surrender and gives the Queen Elizabeth that the islands are once again part of the United Kingdom.

Aeromobile operations in the Falkland Islands

As Argentina was not satisfied with the taking of the islands by the British, they began to rebel and, therefore, the English began to train with the helicopter squad to support the special forces.

Helicopters were used King to introduce SAS and two SBS recognition equipment, but their task was merely recognized and for 3 days they were transmitting information about Argentine defenses. Just a month later, the campaign to recover the Malvinas as a whole began.

Meanwhile, the United States Secretary of State, Alexander Haig, served as a mediator between Argentina and England, to try to avoid armed conflict, but both powers did not yield. The United States had to choose who would support, and chose England. United States supplied the English with intelligence satellites and the latest military team. The Delta Force, I provide the English SAS with the latest technology and Stinger air missile equipment never used in combat.

Meanwhile Argentines reinforced their troops on the islands, but they had a great disadvantage, they had not been at war in more than 100 years, which told us that their soldiers only had training weeks. Unlike the English who year after year, they had fought and showed their experience. But his disadvantage was to be 13,000 km from home.

For May, Argentines had more than 11,000 troops and 42 aircraft and helicopters, they were well armed with powerful artillery and mortar weapons, as well as modern communications. Air attacks on the Air Forces began;The submarine was discovered where the Argentine general Belgrano and his escorts sailed outside the British exclusion zone, although the Argentines had not violated the area, the English decided that they were a threat and General Belgrano was attacked with torpedos and sunk, near320 people lost their lives.

Soon the Argentines had their revenge, on May 4 a couple of French bombers, which flew below the radar arrest height, attacked with missiles at a distance of 50 km, appeared and attacked whites and destroyed the destroyer HMSSheffield. The British had that if an aircraft carrier was destroyed, that would make the amphibious landing impossible, which was an indispensable part of this war, and therefore would be lost. It is here that the British government asks for the help of the SAS and the director of the Special Forces created a desperate plan under the name of Operation Mikado, which required that the SAS squad Bum of the island of Ascension in two transport aircraft andThey landed at the Rio Grande Air Base, where the French airplanes were believed, and they had to destroy their ships and kill the pilots who destroyed the destructive ship.

Squadron B did not believe that this plan would be, since it had many deficiencies and believed it would be a suicidal mission, but it was canceled. But the French were still a problem for the British and Margaret Thatcher Convention to President Mitterran de France that would not provide their men with more weapons.

But the Argentines did not want to perform, winter was about to arrive and they had to make the decision where and when the amphibians were going to land. After a lot of observation and analysis, the amphibians decided to disembark in San Carlos, they did it at night and used specialized water equipment. After days of recognition and observation on Peble Island, the information was sent so that a squad could reach the Argentine Air Base where six Puarras airplanes were found and could be destroyed.

The operation was a success, all Argentine airplanes were destroyed and another 5 more ships were total loss. The British arrived in San Carlos, but the Argentines attacked again with determination and several British ships were sunk. On May 28, 600 men from the second battalion of the Paracharidist Regiment achieved a great victory in Goose Green and after 14 hours of battle, 1200 Argentines surrendered, and the SAS attacked the capital of the Malvinas that was slightly defended by Argentines.

For days, the SAS repelled several attacks until the reinforcements arrived, which attacked with great value and managed to advance and pass over the Argentines. They used the radio frequencies of the islands and the British infused psychological terror to submit to the Argentine population and thus surrender. The SAS together with the SBS made a last attack and the morning of June 14 the Argentines retired and that same day, the Argentines contacted the SAS to discuss terms for fire to cease and happened.

And once again the Falkland Islands were part of the territory of England.

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