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Mechanical Orange Analysis

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Mechanical orange analysis

The film chosen for practice is the film adaptation made by Stanley Kubrick of the British novel by writer Anthony Burgess.

The protagonist, Alex, is a peculiar young with two very curious and different obsessions from each other: Ludwig Van Beethoven’s music and music. From the beginning of the film you can significantly appreciate the extravagant way of being of the teenager, who makes evil for pleasure, letting his anger unleash without any repair with his friends, with whom he has a band. Together, they perform numerous acts of violence a posteriori of ingesting milk with hairy or dechromin, substances that mentally prepare them for an "ultraviolence session".

The protagonist has a chaotic lifestyle: he arrives at high home at night, his parents do not scold him for his misconduct, the place where he lives seems to be uninhabited, he has a snake as a pet, he does not go to classes … EverythingThis influences that he sits above the law.

Almost at the beginning of the film, Alex, a first -person narrator, says: "If there is something that I have never been able to endure is to see an old and disgusting drunk …" is striking, since it makes clear their hatred to the people who live inThe street feels repulsion before him. This leads to the protagonist and his band, leave him unconscious. As for the victim’s typology, taking into account his etiological contribution, the homeless takes an active part, intervenes, causes the band (affirms that he does not mind dying), etc.

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, and in reference to vulnerability, it is aboutAn individual who lacks economic resources, so the victim can be considered an imprudent, inciting and individual victim (the gang is formed by four, the beggar is only one). Alex’s ultraviolence and lack of empathy is still present in the fight with a group of young people tryingof Billy Boy.

Another of the moments where you can see the psychopathy and brutality of the main character is in the attack on a writer and his wife. He sneaks into the house of marriage, making him go through someone wounded and attacks the man, he ties him, forcing him to look while violating his wife. The couple’s type.

This is the fact that it totally marks that Alex is the leader of the gang, he gives the orders that the group continues and he is the one who violates Mrs. Alexander, however, already in the aggression to the beggar it can be seen that the protagonist has thegroup control. The group raises its leadership, however, the protagonist does not take long to mark his territory, making clear who is the one who rules. The band will take revenge on me when it sneaks into the Casa de las Catas and the murderer. Alex fails to escape the police having been assaulted by his companions.

Alex is sentenced to fourteen years in prison, despite being a teenager he is tried as an adult for his crimes. The concept of social control appears here, as a manifestation of repression against the deviation of the offender. It is in jail where he discovers the ludovic treatment, through conversations with a priest. Alex under this treatment voluntarily.

Ludovic treatment is also a clear sample of social control, defined by García Pablos as “the set of institutions, strategies and social sanctions that seek to promote and guarantee said submission of the individual to community models and norms” but, taken to the extreme. This treatment has three phases, the first is carried out in the youngAnd with a device it is prevented from closing your eyes to watch a series of films that explicitly include these issues. The disgust face this sadism does not arise in it instantaneously, the first projection, where some men are seen hitting an individual, seems to like, however, in the second projection the change in it is already beginning to notice. Men violate a woman, in principle Alex does not seem to dislike him but when the fact occurs several times, the protagonist begins to feel very sick, he wants to vomit, the doctor states “soon the drug will produce in the individual aseemingly deadly paralysis, together with a deep feeling of terror and helplessness … ". In this way, the doctor has achieved that what was previously. In the next session a sequence of Nazis is projected with music from Beethoven in the background, which generated a very violent reaction in it, since it did not conceive of violence with music, with that sonata that likes it so much. Alex related Ludwig Van Beethoven’s music with an ecstasy experience and it was through music where his only human side came to light, since he only felt empathy towards those who loved the music. It did not enter the experiment that generated that feeling of repulsion to something that loved so much. This treatment is similar to the cruel “small albert” experiment, in which an eleven -month -old baby was used as a subject of tests to discover whether phobias may or may not be created.

The last part of the treatment is to expose it to the public. It is uploaded to a stage for them to decide whether Alex has changed or not. It is clear that it has been successful, so social controls reappear, the criminal has been effectively cured thanks to the methods used by these.

It is here when the protagonist can already be reinserted in society, they consider that he is already cured, however, it is impossible. Upon returning home, he finds that his parents have welcomed a young man. It refers to the protagonist’s parents as "my daddis", so Alex feels totally out of place, he leaves. This is evidence of the difficulty for criminals to reintegrate into society once they leave the penitentiary institution.

When he leaves, he meets the homeless man who had attacked with his gang, he hits him, accompanied by his friends. Shortly after. Some police officers, among whom are two members of what was their group, they hit it, suffer police violence. Violence is present throughout the film.

After this, dying, seeks refuge in the house of the marriage that they had attacked. The writer, whose wife had died, does not recognize Alex and due to his contradiction to the authoritarian methods and measures used by the Government, calls two individuals who raise questions to the young man. In his answers you can see how shattered he is, he says "I wantpull through the window.

The young man is taken to the hospital. It could be encompassed within the criminal investigation techniques, exactly in the medical examination, to the psychiatrist subsequently checking through slides that Alex had to give his first impression before them. Some examples of their face face The slides are: "I have an empty head and I will leave my face", "there is no time for a beautiful gets and gets pretty". The psychiatrist points out that he is healing.

Finally, the minister goes to the room where he is to apologize or, at least, erase his image. His parents also visit him, they recognize him again as his son. It is appreciable as Alex is the same as it was previously to the ludovic treatment when he imagines having relations with an audience in front.  

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