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Memory, Factors, Types And Disorder: Amnesia

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Memory, factors, types and disorder: Amnesia

 As John Dewey (1950) said, memory is a substitute experience, in which all the emotional value of the current experience is given without its tension, its vicissitudes and its disturbances.


In this essay I will talk about the issue of memory. Memory is the path that the past has to come to the present. The facts that were, thanks to memory are still. And ultimately, memory is the best antidote against oblivion. Memory as attention are capacities or faculties of the mind of the human being. And at the same time each of these faculties have their own importance, their own functioning and their own factors, phases and disorders. Within this, the big problem facing the students of the developing countries, has to do directly with the lack of memory, since the student attends the class and participates in it and at the end little or almost nothing remembers it, this affectsdirectly in education and, consequently in learning. None of the teaching methods may be effective while there are memory alterations in the student and prevents the normal development of their intellectual abilities. To do this we will mention the definition, types of memory, what are its factors, and some disorders.


Baddeley (1997) mentions that “Memory is a brain function that intervenes in all the learning processes of the human being. It is vital for the survival of the individual as it has been for the survival of the species.

Wait! Memory, Factors, Types And Disorder: Amnesia paper is just an example!

This is a common point with many of the animal species, if not all and when we consider new aspects under study such as cell memory, it is also a common point with plants and other living beings ”

Memory is the printing capacity (engraved), retention and reproduction of previous events and experiences. It is the persistence of the past, but it is not a simple "memories" or a photographic or magnetophonic recording, but a cognitive function that actively uses and organizes the information received to make effective the interaction of the organism with the environment. Memory influences the psychic and biographical life of the individual, and this in turn influences memory. The information process detects and selects (attention), recognizes and elaborates (perception), stores and recovers (memory and learning) and uses (behavior).

Therefore, we have the types of memory within them in the first place: short -term memory: our working memory: short -term memories are fleeting and lasting just a few seconds. However, it is possible to keep the information in short -term memory for longer periods through repetition review also called "maintenance review". (Albert, Maisti & Morris, 2010, P.190). And long -term memory: the last warehouse, the material that passes from short -term memory to the long -term. (Feldman, 2003, P. 236).

As for the factors of memory, the elaboration of the stimuli and consequento Logically related types, retention is improved even more, this means learning the material in a logical way, that is, understanding it before learning it. The depth of the memorized material also depends on the time dedicated to its memorization at a longer time, greater depth. The quality of the retention of a text read the same number of times, is very different if these readings are followed that if they are spaced. In this second, retention is better. The fact that no forgetting after learning is not forgotten that the mark that he leaves becomes increasingly intense with each relearning. Oblivion is the impossibility of reproducing past perceptions that were set, despite the effort made by the subject to remember them. Oblivion and retention are nothing more than the opposite faces of the same currency. What we forget is simply the difference between what we have learned and what we have retained. (Soprano, 2007)

As for sensory records, we have visual and auditory records: hearing information fades more slowly than visual information. The auditory equivalent of the icon, the echo, usually lasts several seconds, which, given the nature of speech, is undoubtedly fortunate for us. (Albert, Maisti & Morris, 2010, P.186).

Attention is the process of looking, listening, smelling, taste and feel selectively. At the same time we give meaning to the information that comes. (Albert, Maisti & Morris, 2010, P.186).

Consequently we will mention memory systems;We have the sensory memory that refers to the initial and momentary storage of information that lasts only one moment.The term "sensory memory" covers several types of sensory memories, each of which is related to a different source of sensory information. (Feldman, 2003, P. 231)

A theory explains oblivion based on a process that is called the decay or loss of information as a result of its lack of use. This explanation assumes that when new material is learned, a mnemic or engagra is produced: a real physical change occurred in the brain. In the decay, the footprint simply fades without leaving anything after it, as a result of the simple course of time. They also proposed an additional mechanism: interference. When it comes, certain memory information displaces or blocks to other information and prevents it from being remembered. (Feldman, 2003, P. 253).

The only way to improve memory is to develop techniques for effective learning: within it we have:

  • The envelope learning;Increase retention, especially at long intervals. Notwithstanding these benefits, they probably follow a "law of decreasing dividends". Fifty percent of the learning contributes in the vast majority to retention, but an over learning does not improve the memory in the same proportion.
  • The subjective organization;Why would retention improve learning? The improvement of retention with the learning is given by how people are organized to memorize a study and complement it through a practice and that helps them retain more what is being studied, however, this does not mean that no otherAdditional learning with complementary practice. . (Kimble, Garmezy & Zigler, 1992, p 215, 216)
  • General remarks;There is another type of organization that has a recognized value for learning. Most of the treaties on how to study, tell one to start studying any large set of materials obtaining a general impression. In order to start study.
  • Mnemonic resources;Common information is usually used that a person already knows supporting himself in this way to learn other new materials
  • • Numerical crutches;When a person is remembered, an image is forming with which other objects that correspond to that information will relate. (Kimble, Garmezy & Zigler, 1992, p 216, 218)

And finally within memory disorders we have amnesia, which is the partial or total loss of memory functions. Retrograde or evocation amnesia is a memory loss that covers the period prior to the appearance of the disorder that gave rise to amnesia. In anterograde amnesia, the memories of events are erased as they occur. Actually, what fails is the fixation of the images of the new memories;For this reason it also is called fixing amnesia. Lacunar or located amnesia refers to a partial loss of memory that covers a specific period of memories. This type of amnesia is observed in the states of mental confusion, obnubilation or coma state, we also have hypermnesias define as an abnormal total or partial increase in the ability to memorize (record, retain, evoke) that is, an exaggerated easeTo remember, hypermnesias that are defined as an abnormal total or partial increase in the ability to memorize (register, retain, evoke) that is, an exaggerated ease to remember and finally the paramnesia that consist of false recognitions, inclusion of details, meaningsor false emotions or of erroneous space-time relationships. Phenomena that also appear in normal states are those of the "seen" (Deja Vu), a false certainty that a person, an object or situation that, in reality, are new


Memory constitutes the basic and primary capacity for our life and fundamentally for all new learning is a complex process used for adaptation, evolution, survival, changes in our behavior, the acquisition of experience to obtain new information. It is characterized by being a constant succession of storage and recovery of information, and this is where the mechanisms of attention and memory are radical. Arriving at this point of work we still have several doubts, of course, we know that everything is not said. But starting from antiquity to this day, it would be necessary to highlight that some things have been lost and others have earned. For example we lost the habit of stimulating our memory in several ways. Since we have a technology that reminds us of our quotes or a friend’s phone number. Our memory is sometimes not good because our place to remember is framed on a computer. To which many times we blame our ‘little memory’ and the daily stress. With this work you want to rescue and provide information for the proper functioning of the memory, taking from each one that suits us in our way of being. To learn, memorize, infer, explain and get to have a good learning.

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