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Microorganisms Lab Report
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Background Information
Particles and substances of biological origin diffused in the air are called bio-aerosols. These include bacteria, fungi, viruses, pollen, and spores. Fungi and bacteria are found in significant percentages both indoors and outdoors. Environmental contamination increase as the level of hygiene decreases. Bacteria show a high growth in numbers than the slow-growing fungi. Higher percentages of fungi are present indoors than outdoors (Yassin and Almouqatea, 2010). Inorganic pollutants cause microbial contamination indoors. Bacteria and fungi can be emitted by animals, wastebaskets, and plants. According to Hauser (1986), laboratory settings and procedures can be compromised by microorganisms. Controlled bacterial and fungal growth needs favorable conditions.
Fungi exist in either unicellular or filamentous form surrounded by a cell wall. Non-sporulating fungi have spores which are enclosed in a fruiting structure. Bacteria vary in size but there are three types of shapes namely; spherical-shaped coccus spirillum with a spiral or comma-shaped and bacillus which are rod-shaped. Some bacteria exist in singularity while others occur in chains and packets.
Sterile swabs for collecting specimens, disinfectant solution like ethanol, a burner, an inoculating loop, stock culture, petri dishes. Media preparation requires a beaker, graduated cylinder, petri dish and a stirring rod.

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A burner is used for sterilization.
The aseptic technique is used for growing fungi or bacteria. It involves sterilization of tools and media. Fungi grow well at room temperature (25°C). Staining method is used to study bacteria where cell samples are colored with a stain for better contrast. The Gram stain method allows one to divide bacteria into groups. Bacteria specimens are flooded with Hucker ammonium oxalate crystal violet for 1 minute. They are rinsed with tap water, flooded with iodine for 1 minute and decolorized with ethanol. Samples are then flooded with Safranin and observed with an oil immersion lens. Halobacterium requires a hypersaline environment. Cultures are incubated at 20 °C and 45°C with an optimal growth being achieved at 42°C.
Independent and dependant Variables. Bacteria are divided into Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria stained in blue and pink respectively. Definite identification is achieved by the differential media. Morphological observations help in identifying unknowns.
Standard Control: Airflow should be reduced while transferring content by closing windows and doors. Storage is done for 24 hours under appropriate temperatures. A disinfectant solution is used to clean the workstation after the procedure. All accidents need to be reported. Spilled content and broken glass should be cleaned and disposed of.
Lens observations revealed a number of Cyanobacterium including Oscillatoria, Anabaena, and Gloeocapsa with different shapes and cell color. Another genus of Cyanobacteria was Nostoc indicated by light brown irregular shaped strands. There was a cluster of Halobacterium, Archaebacteria with a characteristic dome shape and purple color. Other bacteria observed were Lactobacillus, Acidophilus, Klebsiella Pneumonia, and Neisseria Gonorrhoeae.Table 1. Group of bacterium
Name Colour Characterization Morphology
OscillatoriaDark green cell wall Spiral cluster
Anabaena light blue strands Strands with Cocci spheres
Gloeocapsadark pink spots Individual heaths resembling singular cell
Nostoclight brown Irregular shaped strands
Archaedome shape purple colour
Lactobacillus acidophilus Circular shaped
Klebsiella pneumonia Bright white, dark blue and light blue Irregular doughnut shape
Neisseria gonorrhoea Purple Circular strands
The data collected showed multiple types of bacteria present in the sample. Different colors were able to mark the outer edges of the cells. Different shapes were observed for different bacteria. The occurrence was singular, cluster and strands. The experiment was a success except that there were few foreign spots indicating stains. Future experiments should improve on sterilization of equipment.
The varied morphology of bacteria confirmed the hypothesis that bacteria existed in different sizes and shapes. Future experiments should also consider fungi samples to broaden the study. The experiment was a success since it allowed the researcher to isolate and give morphology characteristics for bacteria.

Hauser, J. T. (1986). Techniques for studying Bacteria and Fungi. Carolina Biological Supply Company.
Yassin, M. F., & Almouqatea, S. (2010). Assessment of airborne bacteria and fungi in an indoor and outdoor environment. International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 7(3), 535-544.

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