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Models And Variables In The Negotiation Process

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Models and variables in the negotiation process


In this partial I learned about the types of negotiations and how to become good negotiating. Here you will be about a little of the negotiation strategies, in today’s world, the transfer and flow of information is increasingly fast;People who carry out negotiations to reach agreements, closure of contracts and other related activities, need to have tools that allow them to achieve their objectives when carrying out a negotiation. Psychology, communication, perseverance and wanting to aspire to be good negotiating, not floating our emotions helps us to have clear and persistent thoughts in short I hope and pleases this brief essay regarding negotiation strategies.



  • What is understood by negotiation?

Negotiation is a dialogue process between two or more people, some interests in common and other opposites. In such a way that the conversations that are carried out in order to achieve a satisfactory arrangement for both parties, regardless of whether the agreement is reached or not, is called negotiation.


  • Taking into account that psychology management is carried out in negotiations, psychology has many divisions, there is behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, learning psychology, among others, among others. Each of them offers an approach and a different point of view about what matters to study in this science.

    Wait! Models And Variables In The Negotiation Process paper is just an example!

We must understand that psychology helps us to understand certain criteria of negotiations.

There are 4 psychological processes to get to expected:

  1. Perception:
  2. Thought
  3. Language
  4. Learning

The agression 

  • The aggressions in conflicts: the conflict is the process in which one of the negotiators perceives that the other opposes their interests. While the

Negotiation is a process of resolving a conflict between two or more parts. In the negotiation the idea is that the parties involved reach an agreement and feel satisfied with the result. A conflict can be an opposition, discussion, a problem, a hurry or a complicated situation (for example, labor conflict or conflict of interest).

Aggression: Any form of behavior aimed at damaging or insulting another living being that is motivated to avoid such treatment. Behaviors are included that intended to cause damage fail to achieve this objective and those that cause damage without having intention are excluded.


In this case, help is always needed, in psychology it is considered that to avoid larger conflicts, help from your counterpart is needed in order to both have a buna confidence.

Finally the aggression and help with the impulse to be able to generate the conflicts that arise, mainly in negotiations.

Sociological theories of conflict 

The analysis of sociological conflicts refers to the encounter of emotions that we are going through in the midst of the conflict, sociological refers to the human development that is going through.

The change 

The sociologist has two branches these are the social structure and social change, the social structure that adopts the system of relations between individuals of a society or group. While social change is the variation of society structures formed by ethical and cultural values, norms, symbols and cultural products, to causes of internal and external forces in the historical future, affecting the way of living and seeing the worldof those who make up that social group.

Sociology aims to study the structure and function of society. As an independent science is the youngest of social science. Auguste Comte who in 1838, coined the term ‘sociology’ to say his concept of a new science that would discover laws for society in the same way, so many others had been discovered for nature, applying the same research methods as physical sciences

Herbert Spencer who gave renown to the sociology of evolution which saw his first beginnings in the French Revolution and talking about the right of a society, which only had the right to the goods that had plenty of royalty, a better quality of lifeAnd there is everything to happiness.

Change factor to the division of labor that in turn will depend, on the size of the population, that is: the larger size, greater complexity of society.

For Marxs, historical materialism is basically explained from the change in the productive system of each society and the confrontation between the antagonistic classes generated by the productive system.

Scenes of conflict theory

Stephen Robines tells us that there are three conflict theories

  1. Avoided
  2. They are natural and inevitable.
  3. They are absolutely necessary

Indeed some conflicts cannot be avoided, and some are not necessary because we do not know if we are going to aspire to more time from conflicts.

Interactionist theory

It is, the most current theory, which says that in the conflict it is not only good, but must be used. The conflict is a daily part of the development of groups that find in it a form of constant growth and mobility and that without conflict would stagnate and could disappear.

Sociologists have worried about analyzing existing social elements and giving them a reason and reason for action. The change is most of the time it is made of the conflict, depending on the author, it can be bad, regular or good;or, it must be avoided, analyzed or caused

Conflict and power

Well collecting all the information so far, it can be said that negotiation is to achieve an agreement that is satisfactory for both parties. In this sense "negotiation" is the most advisable path for conflict resolution, as it implies the most civilized alternative to the use of force.

In the negotiations there are some methods to be able to arrive in this case the bancomt metal will be explained:

  • Initial stage: it is the stage of searching for information and preparation prior to negotiation, much information is not necessary, without being adequate, clear and concise.
  • Opening stage: When the necessary information is already collected and a presentation or material required for negotiation is prepared, it is time to face the negotiating counterpart. A “mutual analysis” is carried out and an introduction of the goals and objectives of this.
  • Middle stage: It is where complete information is developed and obtained on what is being negotiated and continues the analysis of both parties: only what is sought until now has been presented.
  • Proposal and Counter -Proposal Stage: When the information has been heard and analyzed there are three options: 1) Reject, 2) Accept and close the treatment, 3) Propose a counteroffert. This stage can be extended as much as both parties and allow it and from the initial stage the maximum and minimum should be raised to know if the “strip and loosening will be given”.
  • Agreement stage: at this stage, both parties must be satisfied with the negotiation and that is when it is decided to accept the conditions of the other party. Everything must be clear and preferably come in writing.
  • Monitoring stage: After an agreement is established and negotiation is ended, this should be followed up, in the field of sales it is known as "after -sales". This stage closes the negotiation circle and then begins to look for deeper information about the business.

In these stages you can say that for three steps are looking for the thread of the problem, continue in a negotiable appointment and finally give it the right monitoring so that both parties can do the right thing.

Variables in the negotiation process

At this point it is touched that to reach this negotiation it is necessary to take into account the variables that are during each negotiation so that it is achieved successfully.

  • Logic: some points of the agreements, can be identified and interpreted by logic and sometimes they may not be considered in the treaty as a price too high, very long delivery time, etc., and that if they are not identified, negotiation can be affected and probably not understood.
  • Emotional Factor: Here are the basic psychological processes, which we previously mentioned, in their stage of perception and communication. It refers to empathy or feeling of pleasure between both parties and must be detected in time and corrected if necessary, since it can greatly affect negotiation.
  • Change: In all environments there is resistance, to change, if they find an environment that is unknown, this can cause confusion and the negotiation process will be easier. It is necessary to remember that we perceive, think, communicate and learn and how to use it in our favor.


As already mentioned, it is essential. Reaching a negotiation without minimax is a very likely sign of an unfavorable agreement, because at the time there were no points to consider.

  • Organizational Rules

Sometimes, the counterpart cannot make all decisions and must follow rules of its superiors, therefore, it cannot easily act in the negotiation.

  • Personal rules

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A dilemma is an argument formed by two opposite propositions, so that one of those two affirmed or denied, what has been tried to try to prove is automatically demonstrated.

  • Social dilemmas

These must face during the negotiation process.

  • Gender: In some societies, women have a less participatory role in negotiations and in the development of society in general, which in my opinion is a retrograde and wrong thought.
  • Age: The development of the media and in that of education has caused young people to have a negotiating capacity much greater than some adults, however, in many cases a person is devalued for being young and theconfidence to prove yourself.
  • Religion: The religion that each person practices depends independently on the person, however, there are people who prefer to negotiate with those who share the same religious beliefs as them and that depends on the perception and thought of each one, as we saw before.
  • Social class: economic differences allow distinctions between people and this can be used in negotiations. This should be extinct in a globalized world like now and adapt to all kinds of negotiations.

Negotiation models

Each person has a peculiar way of approaching negotiation, however, it is very useful to obtain models of negotiations based on repetitive attitudes of individuals. Vilanova-Martinez proposes five negotiation models:

  • Formalist: seeks to feel good and sure with what he does, it is meticulous, respects the rules of the agreement, demands that the rules be met and prefers to have everything in writing.
  • Cooperative: They avoid confrontation and seek to reach an agreement that satisfies both parties. Facilitate information and trust others, yield and listen more than speak.
  • Diplomatic: Look for a balance and that both parties are satisfied. It is prudent, firm, analytical, patient, does not try to dominate but to be the same as its counterpart and do not commit to things that it cannot fulfill.
  • Tax: seeks to win, his style is win-perder. It is firm, uses strength, intimidates and is tax;speak more about what he listens.
  • Leader: seeks win-win. Create a cordial climate for negotiation and it is very objective, neutral and offers solutions, and it is very analytical, it has good communication and eliminates prejudices.
  • The chameleon: it is not in the initial proposal, however it is very common. This negotiator goes from one model to another according to their needs, treats people as they wish, that is, their behavior must vary according to the situation.


In conclusion I can say that negotiations are good when you get what both businessmen want. It is normal that there are problems in different groups, and that you do not always agree. It is a satisfaction to be able to obtain this technique that is used in each step, which gives a person from their point of view or interact with another to obtain something in exchange for the exchange of points of view. Negotiation is important since deals are closed personally, economic and socially. It is a use in our life to have them give us opportunities to aspire to more and be better, if they did not exist there were no people with better jobs or perhaps better salary. Negotiations are part of our lives.

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