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Disaster Preparedness Plans Related to the Actions of a Security Professional
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Disaster Preparedness Plans Related to the Actions of a Security Professional
Establishing a fire command station
The first measure to take is establishing a fire command station in the lobby of a building. The fire command station serves numerous purposes during a disaster or a terrorist attack. For instance, occupants of a building can be informed about an emergency from the command station using a public address system. Apart from the public address system, warden phones should be hardwired to the command station to facilitate communication across floors in a building (Anderson, 2002).
Having a certified fire-safety officer on duty all day long
A fire command station should be manned by a fire-safety officer who has the necessary certification. The fire-safety officer should be mandated to plan evacuation routes, head a rescue team, and be responsible for communication.
Keeping a list of the people in a building
A list of individuals in the building and rooms they occupy should be made available. A list of disabled occupants should also be kept. Keeping such a list makes the work of safety officers easy when they are conducting searches. Further, during an evacuation, a list of the evacuated individuals should be produced so that it becomes simple to identify the people still in a building and the rooms they occupy.
Conducting room searches
During a disaster, it is essential to conduct physical room searches on every floor of a building.

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The searchers should notify the room occupants of the intention of the searches. The searches should be conducted quickly so that enough ground is covered. Additionally, every searched room should be marked using stickers that are visible in dim light, and that cannot be removed easily.
Establishing evacuation routes
Each building should have evacuation routes that are known to the fire-safety officers (Li, Zhang, & Wang, 2014). Further, there should be multiple evacuation routes to minimize congestion in case there is evacuation during an emergency.
Anderson, T. (2002). It sounded like an avalanche: One hotel security director looks back on September 11 and forward to what lessons lodging professionals can learn from the catastrophe. (9-11 one year later). Security Management, 46(9). Retrieved from
Li, G., Zhang, L., & Wang, Z. (2014). Optimization and Planning of Emergency Evacuation Routes Considering Traffic Control. The Scientific World Journal, 2014, 164031.

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