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Music Analysis On Social Issue Of Drugs

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Music Analysis On Social Issue Of Drugs
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American popular culture has been propagated by the use of music and songs. Media plays a vital role in enhancing the messages of such especially those that projects the social issues that entrench in our contemporary societies today. Music lyrics has addresses the social issues in America. The drug is one of primary issue that music has been projected through the social media. Some of the songs that will get analyzed in this essay include, Feel Good Hit of the Summer; I’m Waiting for the Man, Junkhead, Sugar Man, and Toy Soldiers. The list vividly shows how to some extent music can help persuade and change someone’s notion towards the use of drugs.
Feel Good Hit of the Summer is one of the songs that was composed by the Queens of Stone Age in the year 2000. The song primarily talks about drugs, and this is projected to its seven lines. Almost all the lines speak of a drug. The song proposes the use of drugs, especially during the summer periods. It specifically addresses the youth that usually go out to enjoy during the summer times. It was a band song. This aspect was despite the fact that it was primary enticing listeners to use drugs like marijuana, cocaine, alcohol, and valium. It should be noted that the song primarily endorses the use of drugs.
Additionally, I’m Waiting for the Man was a song composed by Velvet Underground and Nico. The album got generated in 1967. The song talks primarily about the drug user that awaits for a dealer.

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The drug user is depicted to have many dollars to purchase the drugs. The song projects the disturbed mind of the addict. The central theme of this song is addiction nature of the drug users. Heroin is the major drug depicted in the song and represents the entire life of the addicts. This song gains its genre in hip-hop as one of the best that addresses the youths on the adverse effects of drugs. The song is quite different with that of Feel Good Hit of the Summer since it portrays adverse effects of drugs while the praises the use of drugs. Junkhead is also a song by Alice in Chains.
The song was a rock band written in the earlier 1992. Its central theme is an addiction. It is a pro-drug song as it projects the reason as to them only the addicts area in a position to understand their position of addiction and why they chose to stay in that manner. Any foreign judgment should be avoided about the addicts. The financial status of the edicts is said to be stable, as they do not go broke. The lyrics propose the use of heroine as its user becomes high soon after the injection. The song addresses primarily the youth that enjoy the use of drugs. Its similarity with other songs is that it talks about the importance of drugs.
Notably, Sugar Man is also among the popular songs in the United States that were composed by Sixto Rodriguez during 1970. This song was a folk one with the central theme of pseudo-security caused by drug use. It addresses the youths known as the sugar man. It is similar to other since it talks about the side effects of the drug. Lastly, Toy Soldiers was a pop song composed by Martika around 1988. A hip-hop song that was dedicated to a friend that was wrapped in a cocaine addiction. The narrator posits that drug should not be part of an individual life. The central theme here is side effects of addiction. This song purely addresses the youths as this aspect makes it similar to others. The above songs talk about the outrageous social issue that emanates from the use of illicit drugs. The songs battle the addiction of drug users and project many deaths that have resulted from the use of drugs.
According to (2015), Adorno depicts the effects of traditional music in our contemporary society. The central theme of this article is to explore the significance of drug oriented music lyrics in popular culture in our modern societies. It depicts how music influences the teenager and render them to social issues such as drugs.
Conversely, Parker-Pope (2008) portrays the negative effects that music inculcates among the youths. Children that watch such music are affected socially regarding their behavior. Images of smoking addicts as depicted by the song lyrics render children to such social practices. The article projects that music has exposed listeners to anti-social behavior since to some extent lyrics portray drug usage as being accepted. Through the social media, music has influenced the listeners adversely (Parker-Pope, 2008). These findings were collected with the help of survey as the other asserts. As depicted above the main conclusions was that music has affected youths negatively and this aspect help in better understanding of the topic of study taking into account the effects of addiction.
Conclusively, drugs have been argued to be the primary issue/problem in American popular culture. Its intensity in America has been manifested through the adverse effects on the socioeconomic status of the nation. The analysis of the above two articles may help the drug policy departments in the United States to improvise avenues to help curb the spread of drug addiction. This strategy may be done by reinforcing some precepts on media to shun from advertising the good side of drug usage. The popular culture of America will get rehabilitated through such strategy. Ideally, media should not broadcast any music lyric that praises the use of illicit drugs.

References,. (2015). Crazy About You: Reflections on the Meanings of Contemporary Teen Pop Music. Retrieved 22 December 2015, from, T. (2008). Under the Influence of…Music?. Well. Retrieved 22 December 2015, from, Sixto. (1970). Sugar Man. Light in the Attic/Legacy,. CD. Soundtrack
Martika. (2004). Toy Soldiers the Best of Martika. Sony BMG,. CD. The Boston Celtics.Alice in Chain. (1992). Junkhead. Alice Productions,. CD. Jack Lord Music; ButtnuggetThe Velvet Underground & Nico. (1967). I’m Waiting for the Man. Verve Records,. CD. Lexington Avenue
Queens of the Stone Age (2000). Feel Good Hit of the Summer. Interscope,. CD. Rating system

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