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Nietzsche uses marriage as the prime example of the failure of modern institutions. Why does Nietzsche point to this example (out of all that he could have chosen) and What if his argument is correct? What are the implications for modern politics?

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Argumentative Description of Political Science
In the modern society, societal aspects have become more dynamic and ever changing in that institutions have to come up with reliable strategies that would not only enable them to cope with the changes but also avoid failing due to the changes occurring. It is very critical for an individual to identify the factors that cause many modern institutions to fail and how this failure can be either corrected or minimized. In an institution these are factors to which its management has to uphold, an institution has to be guided by its objectives to ensure it is not distracted from achieving these set objectives throughout its operational process. Marriage is the institution where two individuals agree to be a man and a woman or husband and wife.
In this essay, sociological description of marriage as a modern institution is described, a sociological research paper should have a good basis to which it will form its definitive structure to which the reader or the recipient of these sociological works will be able to understand the sociologist’s main objectives when coming up with his or her. It is for this reason that most philosophers will consider the use of a rough initial description of what they would wish to communicate in their work. Any aspect prior being implemented has to have a particular strategy to which the implementer will use to ensure that he or she does not veer off the track. The aspired goals should be kept relevant and achievable; it is for this reason that the strategies to be created need to be reliable to provide an easy path to which the aspired goals can be achieved within the short set time.

Wait! Nietzsche uses marriage as the prime example of the failure of modern institutions. Why does Nietzsche point to this example (out of all that he could have chosen) and What if his argument is correct? What are the implications for modern politics? paper is just an example!

This essay also considers the vastness of marriage as an institution and how mutative marriage is; it is very much dynamic and is influenced by significant changes in the daily activities of a particular case study subject. The essay is based on Friedrich Nietzsche’s book “Beyond Good and Evil” where the author discusses particular practices in life as a good description of the failures to which institutions in the modern day have had CITATION Nie l 1033 (Friedrich). The author vastly considers the dynamic political field and uses different examples as descriptive tools to showcase the way in which modern politics has not only impacted on how people view things but how people from different walks of life interact with each other.
In this research paper, it is that that it is every readers’ responsibility to determine the analyze and evaluate the most relevant argument that will suit the author’s intended aim and view of a good argument describing the implications to which modern politics has a particular individual, society, nation or region. Politics over the last century have had different implications on global issues, nations’ relations in the past, current and present have, are and will certainly be modified by the political ideologies to which leaders in these periods will use to implement their strategies in order to not only achieve its aspired objectives but also to deliver the promises to which this leader had made to its citizens.
My main argumentative perspective is based on the books main topic, it is very important for each and every individual to view a particular object from different perspectives. The diverse of an aspect enables an individual to develop a detailed description that considers both the positive and negative attributes about this aspect being brought to scrutiny and evaluation. The description will provide a better perspective, from which I can interrogate factors related to the subject aspect, identifying the differences arising, similarities viewed as well as an argumentative context from which a reader of this book can consider paying much attention during continuous literature analysis.
In Friedrich’s book “Beyond Good and Evil”, particular aspect is selected, this aspect cuts across both modern and ancient political view. It is very important to choose an aspect that is dynamic, an aspect that easily adapts to the ever-changing political platform, an aspect that is also relatively complex and structured enough to provide a good pictorial example of the achievements as well as the failures to which this aspect has CITATION Nie l 1033 (Friedrich). The author considers the use of an aspect which is institutional; this is because majority aspects in the past and presently are institutional, these aspects involve two or more people brought closer together with an aspiration of fulfilling particular objectives.
Marriage is the significant aspect of choice to which the author vastly describes in his book, just as stated in the book’s title, Friedrich goes beyond the good of marriage as well as the negativities of marriage, this extra step infers that a reader should not be biased when making a conclusion about a particular aspect since the conclusion disregards a statement siding either on the positivity or negativity of the themes to which the book majors on CITATION Nie l 1033 (Friedrich). This is a very important argumentative attribute to which the author implements in his work. In an argument an individual is required not to argue with an intention of winning the argument when arguing, an individual is only required to argue relevantly and also considering other individuals’ point of view irrespective of their implications to the argument so long as the points raised are relevant to the argument.
Friedrich creates a description to which a woman is used or supposed to represent the truth, this representation describes that many philosophers have failed to provide a good descriptive definition of women and thus women have not been well defined philosophically. This re presentation owes its use due to the need to use truth by men in order to win a woman (Friedrich). Despite the perception that a woman can be won by the use of true objectives of self on a woman, a woman has not bowed that she has been won. The perception of truth as a tool against a woman in order to win their hearts has found ground in many philosophical descriptions of winning women, this is although, in particular, parts only, this perception has been justified but does not provide a guarantee that women’s main tool that defeats them is the truth.
This proposition by the author is subject to evaluation; it provides a start-up statement to which the reader of the book will be able to do further research to determine whether this proposition is indeed true. The reader will also be able to evaluate the writer’s rationale as well as point of view on his thesis statement of women being won by the truth. In my perspective about an evaluation of a proposition or a thesis statement, an individual must consider determining the positive aspects of the statement, the statement’s relevance, its significance, evidence as well as finally evaluating the proposed statement for the presence of flaws.
The truth is an aspect that is attributed by the actuality of an ideology, as described by the thesis statement of Friedrich’s book “Beyond Good and Evil”, women are won by something that is factually verifiable; women would always like to inquire something said to them to determine if this aspect is particularly true. The truth is the basis of trust, it is because of this that a woman will be convinced that an individual is a suitable partner to have (Friedrich). Lies will result to an individual failing to develop trust and reliability of another individual, lying by a particular partner makes the other partner have distrust on this lying partner. A woman will always loose belief of the existing relationship between her and her boyfriend, lack of belief causes distress and the initial inadequacy of truancy in a relationship with a woman will eventually result to a break-up.
The failure in trust as described earlier on is a product of lies; an individual will feel deceived by his or he partner. This individual may necessarily not be a woman, winning a woman are justifiably described as the reward that results when a man spoils her with the truth. A relationship between a man and a woman is arguably an institution governed by truth which initially yields unity, that is when two individuals come together to form a union, trust, loyalty and care for each other come in the later as not only products but also complements of this union that was initially created by truancy of a man to a woman.
Generally, there is a societal perception to which women are seen inferior to men. This perception has had both negative and positive influences to many societal aspects and ideologies; it is for this reason that gender discrimination has been branded a factor that weakens the general progress of the society. This discrimination is among the contributors that lead to failed relationships and marriages, it is therefore very important for men to understand the importance of upholding gender equality (Friedrich). Men should not use the perception that women are inferior to exploit them since it would not only deter societal progress but also lead to failed man-woman relationships such as marriage failures,
Friedrich in his book uses critical evaluation of marriages failures as a good descriptive tool to showcase the failure to which modern society has had. The author centers on the description of the modern society’s failure as a product of failed start-up relationships. The inability of an individual to manage his or her marriage is an example of the failure in modern society to handle tougher issues.
Failure in the modern society according to Friedrich Nietzsche is the inability of individuals to be truant in what they do. This is classically similar to the descriptive example that he uses, marriage failure is structural, and marriage failure is caused by the inability of one of the partners in a marriage to adhere to the factor that formed the marriage (Friedrich). Friedrich points to this example because of the causative aspects of the failure, solvability of the problems in marriage as well as the dynamics of the institution of marriage and the relationships to which marriage dynamics has to the dynamics of modern institutions.
Lack of truancy in modern institutions makes institutions unstable, individuals will have mistrust over each other, manageability of this modern institutions will, therefore, be difficult and their failure results. The argument posed may be or may not be correct, correctness infers that societal failure as well as failure institutions can only be solved by tracing causes of these failures, not ignoring basic facts about these institutions, and also considering the significance of creating a reliable modern institution. Modern politics has vast implications on modern societal view of things, modern politics influences the way in which people relate, the type of policies formulated by politicians as well as the general leadership tactics to which leaders will use to lead the nations each of them represents.
Considerably, different perspectives should be considered by the arguing parties, this will enable an enhanced description of the similarity to which failure in marriage has with the failure in modern institutions. According to Friedrich Nietzsche, failure in marriage is a major example of the failure of modern institutions. This is to some extent true; marriage is a modern institution, marriage disagreements result when a man fails to be truant to his wife or if the wife, on the other hand, dishonors the values of the marriage. Contrarily, failure in marriage does not infer that most modern institutions have failed; failure in marriage can be further classified as a failure in sociological interactions of the modern society. Modern institutions have therefore not failed; failure in marriage is just a descriptive example that justifies sociological institutions’ failure, this, therefore, means that the significant failure in institutions of marriage does not fully justify failure in modern institutions but the failure in modern society’s sociological conflict resolution institutions.
Works Cited
BIBLIOGRAPHY Friedrich, Nietzsche. “The Natural History of Morals .” Friedrich, Nietzsche. Beyond Good and Evil. Book Planet, n.d. 96-104.

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