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Nietzsche’s attacks of Christianity in his on genealogy of morals

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Nietzsche critiques and reevaluates Christian values from his genealogy of morals. His work is critical as he makes sure that morality is attacked
Nietzsche clearly proclaims the God as one who died but does this with other thoughts behind his mind. His narrations have implications that are far reaching. He claims that if God died, he then must been a human being who had similar characteristics as common men in the world today. He sees God as one who was presented to provide value to the people, and this means that where God does not exist there is no value. For him life in Christianity was suppressive hence the need for God to die to end the morality of Christians. Nietzsche did not only attack Christianity but also expanded on the reasons why God died. He asserts that the religion of Christianity is both enslaving and hypocrite morality.
The author’s highest attack was on the Protestants stand of their faith without having to have action (Fruncillo 214). He therefore confirms that this kind of practice makes the Christian faithful look deceitful in their eyes. The Christians themselves have neglected the idea of following after God’s idea of faith and endeavored to follow after what they do not understand. Justification by faith indicates that Christians are not able to make use of the concepts of work as demanded by their God. He confirms that it is a reality that no Christian has ever been able to follow faithfully after the teachings of Jesus.

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He naively talks of one Christian who ever existed and this is the one who was crucified on the cross. Nietzsche is confident that no Christian is able to follow the life of God and become perfect as He was while on earth. This information also gives him the courage to relate God as a human being who had stayed on earth before dying. The church is regarded as a ground of people who follow after what God had abolished while on earth. All the things that God was against about while on his ministry, is being regarded as right by Christians.
Paul did begin the idea of faith and action because of his position in the church and his early upbringing. He was a strong Christian who had one time not followed after the precepts of his God. He later changed and decided to preach the gospel to ensure more believers for Christ and eternal life. Paul was affirmed by Luther, and this gave most philosophers the idea that he was among the best Christians that people were supposed to emulate. Nietzsche believes that Paul should be regarded as the father of Christianity, because without him most of the doctrines about God would not have been a reality. Other authors argue that Paul was not able to conform to the Jewish life which was simpler compared to that of Christ. He therefore sorts to make faith without works a reality to evade the needed precepts towards full attainment of a Godly life. Luther and Paul are seen as people who did not have the power to follow God, and this made them to bring about the issues of faith as a substitute to follow after God’s teachings. Christian’s life is seen as being different from that of God because they lie about following Him yet they are only superstitious.
Paul was vibrant and brave, and this made him to create a way where Christians would claim salvation. He clearly made sure the idea is nurtured among the masses and also told them that they to be punished for not following after the conditions set by God. Nietzsche on the other hand found another problem with Paul when he brought about the idea of revenge and punishment. He confirms that God did not have any plan for revenge and He also was not in a position to punish wrong doers. The God Nietzsche describes is one that no one can imitate because of the strict ideas and philosophies He had while on earth. Jesus had a message of love and forgiveness, and this gave the people an assurance that their sins were to be forgiven whenever they made a mistake. They also had a God who was loving and not able to punish or have revenge because of various mistakes committed by the people.
The view of Nietzsche clearly gives him a path for his arguments which are based against the practices of Christians (Greer 303). He sees Jesus as a being who was not a savior as it was claimed but one who was teaching with no divine direction and purpose. He sees Jesus as a human teacher who was in the same level to those He taught. The author even goes further and describes Jesus as a political criminal who was a rebel with the aim of making changes to the order which was already established. He was rebellious against the privileges that were given to people and the formulas and orders that were already in existence. His death was as a result of His own guilt and not that of his followers. Nietzsche confirms that there is no tangle evidence that Jesus died for the guilt of his followers while He was the one teaching them. Another author later added that Jesus had no business in redeeming men and women, but was given the task of showing them how to live with one another in the society.
His arguments also go further to refute claims of Christian morality as enumerated in various manuscripts. This is along his other teachings that Jesus was corrupt and was not in position to provide relevant information to his followers. He was only in the business for purposes of making claims that were not existent. He therefore lacked purpose and divine power which most people claim were present with Him. In Nietzsche’s herd morality theory, he hated the theory of Christian morality as that which is filled with lies and propaganda. It is seen as one which only benefits a few individuals who want to benefit from their information. These are individuals who follow after the precepts of God which are not only lies but a fabrication of what was supposed to printed and followed. The Christian morality becomes a tool that makes people equal a fact that the author feels cannot happen under the face of the earth. He claims that people have diverse strengths and powers which make them unique citizens from their regions of stay. When leveling individuals the idea of diversity is not followed as desired. The idea of evil emanates from the process of leveling individuals and the overall progression of raising a single person to another status.
Christianity attempts to make conclusions that stand their valuations one point of view and this is referred to as slave morality by Nietzsche. The opposite of slave morality which is often referred to as master morality is the idea of the author as he sees it as one that can work without problems among individuals. The idea is seen as one that brings about various virtues and inspires fear among different followers. The Jews are seen as the people who came up with the idea of slave morality, and they did this so that various values can be terminated for their benefit. The leaders behind this kind of idea are those who have combined riches, violence and evil into one spectrum. They make sure that divine things are mixed together with things that are not clean for purposes of confusing their followers. They also do this to make sure that those that follow after their precepts are not well informed to make their own decisions.
The eye of the slave is seen as one that is not able to comprehend the truth because they have been brainwashed by their masters. Individuals often desire to force their personal happiness which in many times is not genuine. They do this by bringing up different ideas and ideologies that are not true in themselves. Such ideas refute the virtues that were first set by the first human being on earth. When people make considerations of other people who suffer in the society, they are able to find the truth that the ideas of slave morality are real and being followed by people. There should be no suffering when the person presumed to stand for the others is available. Such sentiments by the author purport that for individuals who suffer their need to understand that their morality is likely a morality of utility.
The end results of ideas like slave morality is that the entire good and bad are always embedded together. This brings about confusion and less progress as people never get to understand the truth and the position where they stand. The people feel that they both are good and bad, and this happens when they perform various duties while in the society. The weak people suffer because of the tenets of slave morality. Such groups of people are vulnerable because they never have individuals who are behind them when need arises. They often fight and work alone in the pursuit of happiness and change in life. For the purpose of peace and success most of them think that following after an epic individual is their only way of survival.
The Christians through the utility of their morality allowed both the strong and weak to survive and fight against each other. This makes the weak vulnerable and not able to defend themselves when need arises. All moralities that put powerless forms into high positions should be avoided and disregarded because they refuse to follow after the general principles of power and the tenets of honor. High places should be given priority and respects they deserve to they survive and not harm those that are low. Such a condition is not followed by Christians who make all things look similar and at the same level. Decay of human kind can be the eminent result if every individual on planet earth follows after Christian morality.
Slave morality accepts the idea of self-pity which is abhorred by Nietzsche. The issues of pity are seen by the author as those that undermine the whole idea of superiority and the idea of being a human being. Pity also brings about a depressing effect which makes individuals to perform below their ability levels. Pity should not be regarded among human beings because they are superior beings who are able to make various decisions within their surroundings. Strength is often lost when individuals pity themselves or others in the society. People ought to push each other up and not allow pity to be their portion. When pity is allowed people become vulnerable and can end up dying without any cause.
Christianity according to Nietzsche is outdated and people should look to other forms of morality if they desire to live prosperous lives. The people killed Jesus, and they never realized that it was all over after the work they did at the cross. This has brought about the issue of faith which cannot be incorporated in the human being functioning. There is a need for all individuals to learn about the past, and this will help them to understand their future and the people who can make their future bright. Following after the dead is tantamount to destruction and confusion in the society, a condition which leads to self-pity. Pity itself leads to destruction and overall degradation of the environment and the people at large.
Europe has begun to understand the concepts of Christianity and most of the people now realize that God is dead. This makes the idea of believing on God a fallacy. However, the people are yet to accept and follow after the tenets of other ideas that are opposed to slave morality. Sticking to the idea of Jesus death and resurrection confuses the followers and makes them not to know the truth which should be presented to all the people around the globe. The idea is thought to be far and not able to make changes to the people from Europe.
According to Nietzsche, God has been proved to be a lie and not a concept or individual that should be followed. He was human with the desire to make changes to the world through lies. Such lies were made possible through His teachings which were done with the aim of changing the thoughts of all His followers. The masses have not realized that they already killed Him and he only stands up as a sign of the lost value system. The European morality is therefore required to make justifications to the American morality which is almost loosing shape and direction (Stevens 558).
Nietzsche describes the death of God as good because all His teachings will follow after Him. The author desires that all the people should have an opportunity to be told the truth and left to make decisions by themselves. Imposing information to people usually makes them to decide on wrong choices which are not yet proved by those who are presenting them. Humans can therefore improve their living standards because all the powerful people will be seen as progressing and not going down as previously recorded. They will subdue their wills and make tremendous improvements with their lives as a whole.
Nietzsche expresses his idea with the notion that there is need to critique the moral values for purposes of getting the truth and true sense of such values. He claims that through critiquing the ideas people will be in position to understand them better and make decisions that are true and clear. Making such improvements possible requires that people who will be doing the critique should learn and understand the emergence and origin of such values before following their requirements. Considering how they evolved and changed will help people understand if they are to be followed or rejected. Such knowledge according to the author is essential because people have decided to take on the use of such values without making the required considerations.
People have also taken the facts provided by moral values as factual and those that do not need any explanation or question. The works of the author therefore started making different excavations to the moral values so as to understand their historical background and how they have influenced the masses. According to him the whole idea is a fallacy and deception and the only truth that will stand years to come is that there is no truth.
Such thoughts and actions from Nietzsche were clearly influenced by different thinkers from Europe and various historical situations. Schopenhauer Arthur was one influence the works of Nietzsche as they hailed from regions that proclaimed the existence of God and Christianity as a whole. The author thought that it was not easy to reevaluate the conditions prevailing around the world within the tenets brought by Christianity. Christians were seen as bringing different effects that caused changes in the contemporary world. They were seen as people who professed about beings and things they were not able to march up with. This made the author change his perspective towards Christianity and the overall significance approach of moral values as a whole. This led to the criticizing of the moral values of Christianity as a whole.
Reality is seen to be far from both religion and Christianity as it brings about issues that are not true and documented. The issues presented are false and only meant to offend the followers of truth. They were meant to detach people from the real world and make them believe of things that were not existent. All the above thoughts were compiled and led to the critique and refusal of all Christian morals by Nietzsche in his works. All the presentations provided by the Christians are seen as imaginary and not real as they are supposed to be. This is done with the view of denying reality which should always be accepted by people from different regions. He however recognizes Buddhism as more realistic compared to Christianity because of it tenets that are presented in realistic manner. Buddhists are seen to stay away from struggles that are from sin and rather stay away from them and learn to live together in harmony. This raises one question of whether Christian struggles are false or real.
The rejection by Nietzsche on the issues of Christianity is focused on the issues of demanded faith by them and the denial to accept defeat and seek redress (Morrisson 657). The faith of Christians is only based on faith and not reason as it should be. They are supposed to question their faith and its evolvement so that they can have a true picture of what they are following. Making different inferences to the topic will allow them to understand what they are following and also make changes that are worthwhile. Man should be left alone and made to feel more moral as opposed to making him feel sinful. Christian followers make themselves feel alienated from the world because they think that their self is sinful and needs pardon. The God known by Nietzsche describes Him as an individual who was merciful and preached forgiveness and love. This then makes man free from sin and able to continue with his work without the need to have self pity because of sin.
Christianity according to Nietzsche is becoming more sin conscious compared to Buddhism. This makes those who follow such principles to feel more sinful and not able to help themselves from their sin nature. They therefore seek assistance from another creator who is also thought to be similar to them. In fact Nietzsche feels that the being sort after is already dead and nobody can access his powers at the moment. It’s only that the humans themselves have not accepted the idea of death and taken matters seriously for themselves. Sinful feelings make Christians to move to lower classes which were not meant for them. They feel that they cannot match towards being full human beings because of the oppression of sin. The historical nature of Christians is that of cruelty among themselves and the desire to live isolated. This brings about different classes of people who feel they are bigger and greater than others in the society. The Christian hatred has the desire to persecute those that follow after other concepts and moral values, and this makes them worse.
The ideas of having an immortal soul and that all the people are equal in the site of God are a fallacy and get its power from the anti-aristocratic thoughts of all the lower classes. This is a concept that is respected and made central within the Christians themselves. They saw immortality of the soul as central to the awakening that is waited upon by them. The eternal life is seen as possible because of the immortality of the soul. Such sentiments are refuted by Nietzsche who thinks that this is past histories that can only be presented to those who are pity to console with them in their problems. He even sees Christianity as a religion of pity whereby the people are not ready to handle the truth and stand together as people with diverse abilities. Strength is often taken away when people feel pity for themselves and others and this leads to a weak generation and nation as a whole.
The values of hope are also citied and refuted by Nietzsche who thinks that the people who suffer cannot be sustained by hope because it cannot bring their fulfillment back. Hope on its own cannot relieve pain and suffering which is often endured by most people around the globe. The actuality of hope is not recorded and documented or witnessed by different people who undergo problems. Hope in its sense only prolongs the presence of harm and torments to humanity and makes them feel not able to continue any more, and this is usually their last chance to make changes or die.
The values of Christianity are seen as those that bring unhappy feelings to the people and also lead them to suffer more. They ensure that such Christians never get to know the truth which can help them understand the world and themselves. The actual desires of humans are to feel safe and aware of their real environment. This has been denied to them as they are not able to continue anymore because of the hope they profess to have within themselves. Christianity according to Nietzsche is a way of inflicting pain and false information to other people who can maintain themselves with ease and without many conditions.
The body cannot be a recipient of temptations but a place where joy and happiness ought to exist at all times. When there is joy within the body people are able to exhibit their natural tendencies of diversity without any problems. It is therefore important for Christians to learn and understand the tenets of Christianity and other moral values before making concrete decisions on what to follow. When such information is understood they should also endeavor to teach others who are not in line with the information provided to them.
Nietzsche confirms that if the soul is the only way to heaven then its body is the mode through which sin penetrates to different individuals on earth. These sentiments often lead to unhappy feelings which lead to self-soothing conditions. The Christian principles therefore are a representation of hatred to freedom, courage and sense. People lose their sense and instead follow after concepts that are outdated just as the mode of their principles. Lack of evaluation and readdressing different facts that are embedded in the Christian walk is a tool that has led to overall defeat of the Christians. They have failed to recognize their efforts and powers which can enable them to make changes to the world they are living without problems.
The Christian faith has therefore become a sacrifice which is done to the freedom and pride of people. Individual followers sacrifice their health and pride for purposes of following after the principles of Christianity, and this are those that cannot be used by people who have understanding and courage to face the truth. Self-confidence is lost when people desire to follow after Christianity because of their self-pity and needlessness state of their mind. They often follow after other minds and thing that they are equal, but in real sense they are different with various abilities to change the world they are living.
Resentment has been seen as part of the Christian values. People have been found to be resentful when things happen contrary to their expectations. Such conditions also make individuals to seek other modes of operation and outlook of the world for purposes of fitting in without being noticed. Resentment according t the author is bad and only brings about problems in the life of individuals. People need to understand that there is a need to live as brothers and also have mercy upon each other. They should always feel the need to forgive and love one another as was stipulated by their God.
One of the major problems that are bringing Christian values down is the emergence of a different class that feels is priestly. They think they can run other classes which are seen as inferior to them. The people also feel that within their concepts of values they can be able to make judgments to other individuals whom they think have not done their job as required of them. Such sentiments are wrong and should only be addressed from a brotherly point of view. According to Nietzsche all things that are seen as having more value usually end up valueless because they never accept that they are not equal within their powers and abilities. There is a need for Christians to follow after values that do not undermine their dignity and presence around the world. They should develop concepts that are readily acceptable and available for all their companions to use.
In conclusion, the critique to Christian values stems out from the interactive relationships between ideology and religion. Nietzsche makes use of the real nature of power to disguise the moral values that are found within the Christian concept. This makes the author to argue that all the best attributes that should be put under the care of the Christians have been seen as evil. Such things like wealth, beauty, generosity and enjoyment have been seen as those that bring about evil in the nature of man. This is refuted by Nietzsche who claims that such conditions were only put in place to undermine the real nature of man and the society at large. He sees issues of revenge and punishment as those that do not need any explanation because God himself is seen as a person who preached and taught about love and forgiveness. Issue of hope and faith has also been refuted because they are seen as tenets that allow man to suffer self-pity and oppression while prolonging harm.

Works Cited
Fruncillo, John. “The development of ressentiment in Nietzscheʼs genealogy of morals.” ProQuest Dissertations and Theses 2007: 214.
Greer, Scott. “Freudʼs ‘bad conscience’: The case of Nietzscheʼs genealogy.” Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 38.3 (2002): 303-315. Print.
Morrisson, Iain. “Nietzsche’s genealogy of morality in the human, all too human series.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 2003: 657-669. Print.
Stevens, Jacqueline. “On the Morals of Genealogy.” Political Theory 2003: 558-588. Print.

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