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Why I choose Nursing?
Most people both children and adults always have a dream career to achieve in life; this job mostly lies in the services sector. Professions range from engineering, teaching, information technicians, surveyors, nursing and in another field. Nursing is a specialized job as it entails service to humanity in special needs in a bid to save their life and taking care of individuals. One will have to handle the sick at all levels even at their critical condition when they can hardly do anything for themselves. Nursing is a challenging course but with real rewards and those who undertake the course are always in high demand both public and private hospitals. Nurses can also be hired by individuals to offer home services especially to the old people and to kids. Few people manage to study the course to completion. From my young age, I always had a dream to become a pilot until when I visited a health unit in my teenage and saw people dying of neglect. It was quite agonizing visiting the hospital where caregivers tried to reinstate people and save their lives unsuccessfully. In my opinion, if there were a well-trained nurse maybe those people could have been rescued from the jaws of death. It is here where I developed the passion for studying nursing.
This field requires a compassionate heart that embraces the strong ethical value and show respect for human’s life. A nurse should be selfless, and his efforts should be dedicated to human service.

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Other motivating factors towards pursuing the course include the monetary remuneration that nurses enjoy. There is a considerable flexibility in the working hours. It is a respected career that gives one the opportunity to save the life of others, ability to interact with the relatives and close friends of the victim. As a nurse you can meet new people daily, this is a good networking aspect of bringing social impact in society. There is a guaranteed job security as often people fall sick. Healthcare Providence has been in existent from the ancient times and will continue into the future. The medical and nursing profession will always be on demand for the job never falls in value. The services are a daily necessity to every society in the world. This makes nursing an exciting career now and then every health institution will need these services. There are many job opportunities for nurses, and one can be guaranteed to earn something good at the end of the day. It is a result of this demand that makes nurses feels safe in this career.

A nurse is seen as a savior and hence highly respected by others. If one practices the skills in good heart and with all efforts. The patients will like the service, and the nurse is praised by many. It is as a result of this recognition that one feels motivated to work hard and save more lives as possible. A nurse makes a difference in many people conditions of health. Through encountering different people with health difficulties. A nurse can appreciate the real value of life which he can use to teach members of the community on how to value health and life.
The nursing profession is a flexible one where one can learn very many medical skills altogether. There is an endless opportunity to keep learning especially when one is engaged in a different department. The ability to share knowledge with other health experts adds more skills; it is in these avenues that a nurse can quickly train to become a medical assistant. This is known as learning through apprentice. As a nurse, you can help to build a career for those aspiring to practice the profession. As earlier stated nursing is a profession guaranteed of growth in its demand. When qualified to practice nursing many will find themselves in diverse job opportunities where they are free to choose their desired career path.
I currently work in a hospital in the radiology department. Working together with nurses’ teamwork seems to bring the best results and it an important factor in achieving goals. Radiology entails using imaging to diagnose diseases. This is whereby diseases are complex, and there is dire need for specialized treatment. As a radiographer, I have been able to offer radiologist services to more than 1000 patients. Most of them have benefited from proper diagnosis, treated and discharged. Just like nurses radiographer needs to embrace ethics in professionalism and human health should have the priority.

Having obtained an experience of more than ten years in the radiography department. I have made steps to achieve my dream of becoming a nurse. I have interacted with professions in the field where I have been taught the skills. In the case, I am attending a critically ill patient I offer nursing services before taking him for radiography services. Through this, I have seen myself practice nursing indirectly. In future, I will have to go to school and study the course to become a qualified profession.

For me to become a nurse, I shall have to enroll for the course in a reputable training college or university authorized to offer to nurse as a course. A diploma is necessary for one to obtain a license to operate. Many health institutions will consider the training as a prerequisite for employment. One may also undertake an associate degree in nursing which takes two years or Bachelors of Science in Nursing that takes four years. When through I am sure of being equipped with the necessary knowledge to practice my career.


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