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Of Multiculturality At Interculturality In This Society

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Of multiculturality at interculturality in this society

In this society, in this era or as we want to call it, one has not been opened to other cultures and publicize ours, to participate and participate to other people we do not even know. Migratory problems and new technologies present interpersonal relationships that are the fruit of the union of different cultural realities. Therefore, culture is a very wide concept where these relationships are developed, which also affects such important concepts within a society such as gender, age, gender identity, disability, among others.

Many times we use the terms of multiculturalism and interculturality as if it were the same meaning but there are big difference between the two, since we live in a highly globalized society in which television and new technologies are quickly seized. It is increasingly usual to meet people of different nationality, of customs other than ours, either in a shopping center, at work, at school, in the streets;Today it is very important to be clear about this type of concepts, since it is a reality that we have to live day by day, we must know, investigate, instill, so that we learn to give value to the other. "Interculturality is the great sphere of diversity".

Interculturality is something beyond multiculturalism because it makes or creates more critical young people, more fighters, where it is debated and defends so that at least we can have a minimal solid relationship between similar.

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Multiculturality and interculturality is a way that we carry to understand racism for example. Multiculturalism understands it as an error in the process of socialization and interculturality understands it as a social problem and tries to remedy, also in culture. Multiculturality understands that if you are born in a given culture you cannot acquire another type of culture, while in interculturality they accept the assimilation of customs or norms of other cultures outside the own.

"We are different and similar," although many things differentiate us and that we look differently, all human beings have similar needs in our existence, the simple fact of loving, of being happy, building a home, etc. But oh, understand that we do it in different ways and that these forms influence our ways of life and this structures our own culture as a country.

For many years, humanity has been wrong to understand the differences that exist between human beings and that in reality we are all equal and that we have the same rights, this is evidenced that in some period of history there was slavery, existing existing, existingTheories that proclaimed that there are races lower than others, now fortunately.

Nowadays interculturality is of the utmost importance in society since it occurs in it and goes towards it, seeks the encounter and communication between people of different cultures in mutual equality, this influences their way of thinking and seeingTo others, which can mean a possible solution to racism, xenophobia and discrimination.

Regarding development, interculturality allows the discovery of cultural values, so that people are more tolerant and accept the idea that there is only one human group and many cultures, while contributing to define their own identitycultural.

Undoubtedly the phenomenon of interculturality occurs in society and goes to it, with defects and successes and that is where the greatest controversies occur

Although I think that multiculturalism has never worked why. We are plagued by crime and racial clashes.

Multiculturality is very good, but with each culture in its field. What I do not drink is that my country is filled with parallel societies, with cultures, sometimes, absolutely incompatible with any other we call things by name, this is not multiculturalism is an invasion.

"… I am not there we are always us … show your face at last to see my true face that of the other my face …"   

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