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Old media & New media

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Argumentative essay on old and new media.
Remediation in media is a term used to refer to the representation or incorporation of one medium into another. According to this theory of digital media, it is always remedying the deficient of old media. This theory claims that all digital media are interrelated with other forms of media and cannot exist on its own. Thus it does not present a new form of media, but it is an improvement of the old media.
In a talk by Marshall McLuhan, he acknowledges that books were no longer the leader in his research on the effect of thought and behavior as a result of mass media (McLuhan). He argued that the world was turning in a “global village” due to the existence of new gadgets. His theory has proven to be true. People all over the world can interact on an individual level through the internet. People are more interconnected than ever before. Pop events have more followers online through online platforms (McLuhan & Eric 67). A better understanding of digital media can explain how mass media and popular art, in this dynamic world.
Marshall emphasized the importance of medium rather than content (Esslin & Martin 34). According to him, both old and digital media bring effect to society through its medium and not the content put forward by broadcast. The major difference in the two media is the size of the crowd that each medium can attend to (Jenkins 102). New media had the capability of reaching people in a more prominent geographical location compared to old media.

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The application like Facebook and YouTube have changed both political and social aspect of life. People can keep in touch with one another. They share their social life among their friends online. Politicians have taken these platforms as a stage to put their agendas to citizen (Danesi & Marcel 78). These platforms have also been used by the citizen to air their opinions to the political class.
Within ten years YouTube has grown to a be a dominant force in the digital content sharing industry. In those years it has influenced the popularity of popular arts like music(Dewey). Some artists like Justin Bieber have grown their careers from YouTube to become a megastar. This site was made to in a way that is accessible to everyone.
Countries have their unique preferences depending on their culture. For example, French people tend to share content like politics while American prefers fun topic(Dewey). For example, sharing funny animal photos. Content shared on the internet that leads to “internet culture” comes from individuals rather than the internet itself.
For an online video to go viral, some factors play a significant role. In a TED Talk Allocca give some of the reasons that make a video to go viral: participation and, uniqueness and unexpectedness. The ability of people to participate in making content go viral gives them a fantastic feeling. The general populations tend love content that is unique especially if it is made in unexpected ways.
Works Cited
Danesi, Marcel. Popular culture: Introductory perspectives. Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.
Dewey, Caitlin. “The Intersect You Should Blame America For Everything You Hate About ‘Internet Culture’.” The Washington Post, 2014, Accessed 8 Nov 2018.
Dewey, Caitlin. “Youtube At 10: How An Online Video Site Ate The Pop Culture Machine”. The Washington Post, 2014, Accessed 8 Nov 2018.
Esslin, Martin. The age of television. Routledge, 2017.
Jenkins, Henry. Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide. NYU press, 2006 p.102.
McLuhan, Marshall, and Eric McLuhan. The Lost Tetrads of Marshall McLuhan. OR Books, 2017 p 65-70.
McLuhan, Marshall. “Marshall McLuhan- The World Is A Global Village (CBC TV).” Youtube, 2009, Accessed 8 Nov 2018.

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