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Organ Donation Rate

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Organ donation rate


In Colombia, there are many patients with terminal illnesses that require recovery to receive transparent from some organ, since despite technological and scientific advances, these cannot yet be artificially created, additional to this health problem, it is faced withDifficulties of social, cultural order, while moralistic, religious customs have led to abstentionism in relation to the donation of the organs, this situation becomes more difficult, when the relatives of potential donors are those who were empowered by law for law forEstive the invasion in the body of possible donor to extract the patient’s organs to transplant in another person, who cannot settle.


In Colombia, from scientific and medical studies, potential organ donors have as a source corpses (patients with brain or cardiac death) and living people, however, on many occasions it is not possible to obtain a positive result in these processes in these processesbecause greater effects arise that are not possible to overcome in time before the organs that are required to withdraw are affected. The social and cultural problem of the Colombian population, a country even in development, and before 2016, also prevented in many occasions favorable results, since the relatives of the possible donor did not give their consent for this.

It follows from what is statuted in the regulations that regulate this matter that: it is the donors who directly with consciousness and will free of vices access to donate their organs or tissues, there is no regulation regulated in the subject, which imposed loads to the population, that voluntarily grant, even before they die authorization to extraction their organs at the time of their death;This rule had little application, or for normative gaps, or by protection of the rights of family members, who ultimately when the person died and had not given his express consent, this faculty was of the mourners, because this was consecrated by therule.

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Understanding that the problem of serious diseases that require this type of procedures (transplant) are increasing;And in the face of the abstentionism of Colombians, again and at a very good time, counting, with great reception from the medical part, it was possible for legislators to pronounce on this problem, making modifications to Law 73 by Law 1805 of 2016, by means of which the presumption of legality is extended, making the entire population obliged donors unless they expressly stipulate it, also preventing relatives or mourners from having the power of organ extractionor tissues of the body of the dead people.

Colombian legislation regarding donation

Colombia as a social state of law and guarantee of the entire population, in order to ensure the fundamental rights between them the right to life, health;consecrated in the Constitution. It promotes through its legislators bills aimed at achieving legal regulation, which allows it to obtain, use, and indicate the procedures, in everything related to organ donations, extracted from people who died or from living persons;After the efforts, the first regulation was implemented, this was Law 9 of 1979, currently known as the National Sanitary Code, by which the donation of bodies of corpses or living beings is regulated.

Law 1805 of 2016 that repeals all its predecessors, and as already statedAt the time of his death, except if in life I leave recorded of his opposition;If the person did not exercise the right to oppose, his families or mourners cannot do so;This refers to the presumption of consent which has taken strength with the applicability of this law.

It is not an arbitrary or forced law, since it allows the individual to oppose the presumption of donor through an early will, which to be taken into consideration must be processed as follows: through a written document that must be authenticated before a notary public andStanding before the National Institute of Health (INS), you can also oppose at the time of affiliation to the Health Promoting Company (EPS), which will be obliged to inform the National Institute of Health (INS). And the attending physician will only have the obligation to consult in case of doubt or inconsistency in the documentation, the presumed objective of this standard wasfabrics and thus improve the health and life of the Colombian.

Organ donation

It is the removal of an organ or tissue in order to be transplanted and according to our legislation the transplant is defined as the replacement of anatomical components for therapeutic purposes, by other and functional. On the other hand we understand as a donor to the person who in life or after his death, the anatomical components are extracted in order to be used in transplants.

When we talk about donors, we have to be clear that not every donor potential will be a real donor, since due to various conditions such as prior attention, donor causes and background during the devaluation process can be dismissed, there are also extrinsic conditions to theDonor such as few hospitals with capacity for procedures, high costs that must be assumed by health entities and taking into account the crisis through which this system currently passes, lack of population education to assimilate these processes, and capacity and capacityinstitutional country for organ and tissue collection.

Even with all the strategies that sought to promote donation, it was demonstrated that the Colombian population was not prepared to donate solidarily, for fear, religious or moral beliefs, which was reflected in the shortage of organs and a social problem, thereforeFrom 2016 with the established reforms that responded to this problem, I observe an acense in the donor figures Table 2 and therefore in the transplant;Even so, according to reports from the National Institute of Health (INS), in 2018, 398 real donors were registered, 9% less than in 2017, a period in which 437 were recorded and could be explained in a simple way due to the fact thatDonors and transplanted donors and organs increased, but the number of transplant equipment that exists in the country has not grown.

With all the efforts by the National Health Institution to integrate through a central information base that still allows the subdivision of regions a guarantor and timely control;And a better operation of the transplant network and its equipment, in Colombia, is reflected in the report for the cut of December 31, 2019 where they show an organ donation rate 8.4 per million populations compared to 8 per million populations for 2018, with an increase of 5%;and a number of waiting list receptors for that year of 3038 people.


In Colombia, although there is a bulk of norms that support the processes and procedures in relation to the donation of organs, fabrics, as well as the implementation of them in living people, and taking into account that every day the rules areThey make more demanding in favor of the health system and patients that require these processes, today the increase in donors both living, and deceased people who left their consent, or who by provision of the law are in charge have been observed todayUniversal, without their mourners preventing it, but the problem moved other spheres, which will have to be now able to recover the total of possible donations;They are particularly that the Colombian health system does not have an installed logistics capacity that allows them to carry out these processes,

The figures presented by the National Institute of Health are encouraging, since they show a variability with a tendency to increase in donor and transplant rates;surpassing countries like Chile in 2019, indicating this that coercive measures help save lives and that legislation on consent presumption is considered as an effective measure to improve organ donation rates. According to INS in the first period of 2016, 286 eligible donors left the protocol for the negative of their relatives,

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