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Organizational Culture As A Contribution To Human Talent Management

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Organizational culture as a contribution to human talent management


This essay will be announced what organizational culture is and how it contributes to human talent management.

It is important to know some relevant concepts for the development of information.

First, culture will be defined, which is that set of customs, ways of life that people have.

The culture is related to the organization, for which its meaning will be announced, which is summarized in the following, the organization is made up of a group of people, who seek a common purpose through available resources.

Then, based on culture and organization, what is called organizational culture is formed, something of great importance since people interact in the organization, and among their members they announce their predominant attitudes, assumptions, aspirations andrelevant issues. In addition, the staff must also comply with the rules established by the company in which they work.

Depending on the attitude and decisions of workers in situations in the company, it can be determined if they have a strong or weak organizational culture.

Based on these issues, the purpose is to know the contribution made by organizational culture in human talent management,

The human factor is closely linked to organizational culture and allows better management of human talent, since, this evidence the way companies work and the behavior that staff have when they face different circumstances.

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Developing excellent management, having a culture in the well -established organization, and that the staff is motivated to give their full potential, will make excellent levels of productivity, quality and competitiveness in the organization.


Organizational culture as a contribution to human talent management.

A culture is defined as the set of ways of life, customs, knowledge, development, which has a person or group of people. That is, it refers to the norms, values that follow, or to material goods that may have.

Another very important concept to be able to define what an organizational culture is and how it contributes to the management of human talent, it is necessary to know that it is an organization, according to (Thompson, 2007) “The organization is the result of coordinating, arranging and orderingThe available resources and the necessary activities, so that the proposed purposes are achieved ”, it is evident that the organization is made up of a group of people, who seek a common purpose through available resources, these can be mentioned, financial, physical, information, among others and each of the people who make up the organization must cooperate or work as a team to obtain excellent results.

In an organization there must be interest in each person since if someone performs something bad they can affect the work of others.

Therefore, by writing the definitions of culture and organization, the concept of organizational culture is reached, as stated (Cujár Vartel, 2013): “The organizational culture is universally known as the set of shared meanings and beliefs in the hands of acommunity;where it is evident the way companies work, and the behaviors that their members take when facing different situations ”.

Each organization is a different world, therefore each has its own organizational culture. At the time of entering an organization, its culture must be assimilated, participating in each of the activities, and carrying out the designated tasks.

“The way in which people interact in the organization, predominant attitudes, relevant assumptions, aspirations and issues in interaction between members are part of the organization’s culture.”(Chiavenato, 2011) In effect, it is all beliefs, norms and values that an organization establishes to have its own identity and positively influence its members.

Based on concepts, a strong organizational culture can be considered when:

  • The set of people conveys an adequate and relevant identity.
  • Through your actions you can distinguish from other organizations.
  • Their behaviors and attitudes are oriented to the established objectives.
  • Allows a stable relationship between members and encourage union.
  • They have an excellent work environment.

Organizational culture influences human talent management, which will detailed concepts, to relate how they influence or provide.

The word management comes directly from "gestio-onis": action of carrying out. Management also implies a conception and a practice regarding power, administration and circulation of it and the ways of building consensus and hegemonies within a certain organization or institution (Huergo, 2014), I agree with this contribution since,Management is each of the activities carried out to direct or manage a company or organization. At the time of offering an ethical or professional service, you must have a lot of patience, develop strategies and be able to follow the mission and vision established by the company to carry out excellent management.

On the other hand, the human talent factor in the company, which must be managed to maximize its value, and the company to have a good organization so that people work in the best way in the job granted, as suggested (MejíaGiraldo, Bravo Castillo, & Montoya Serrano, 2013) “Human talent cannot develop spontaneously, a structural complex is needed that allows the worker to enhance his human talent”.

All the potential of a worker must. In addition, staff must adapt to teamwork and develop effectively.

That is, the part of the human talent of a company is composed of the group of people who enter, last and contribute at any designated hierarchical level.

Among the hierarchical levels in which people work within an organization, are the following, according to (Chiavenato, 2011):

  • Institutional level of the organization (management)
  • Intermediate level (management and advice)
  • Operational level (technicians, employees and workers, together with first -line supervisors)

It should be noted that these are the only ones that make up the exclusive living and active resource of the organization.

Develop a harmonic work environment that allows good interpersonal relationships, is what is also achieved with well -managed human talent.

A very important point is that people are not equal, each one has a different personality, experience, motivation, which makes some stand out more than others, but this does not take away their importance within the organization.

The main theme of this essay is the organizational culture as a contribution to the management of human talent, so concepts have been detailed based on the subject to obtain more knowledge and be able to relate them to the general issue.

"The importance that is granted today to human talent is considered to be considered the key to the success of a company and its management is considered as the essence of business management". (Terán & Leal, 2009). In a company, employees must be motivated to perform each of their functions, be more efficient, only in this way can there be quality in the work they do, the human factor is linked to organizational culture and allows a better management of human talent, andThat, this evidence in the way in which companies and behaviors work that staff have when they face different situations, only in this way can high levels of productivity, quality and competitiveness in the organization be obtained.

The organization establishes an order to the elaborated plan that aims to meet the established objectives, divide the functions and works that each must meet. Together with the organizational culture, the security of the personnel goes hand in hand, which are all the actions aimed at reducing adverse events in the workers and if a bad situation occurs, improvement plans must be executed.

A company requires leaders, who work with will and create in their work potential, also there must be excellent communication and strengthen teamwork.

Additional, according to (Terán & Leal, 2009) “Competency evaluation systems allow analyzing the professional profile of people who integrate the company and their evolution throughout their professional career. In this case, they propose some indicators that allow to know the evolution of the improvement achieved ”

In companies they can apply evaluation systems to the personnel, to know at what level their performance is advancing, and if this positively or negatively affects the organizational culture and within the reach of company objectives.


It is concluded that, in companies, managers must take into accountto the unification of the personnel.

In addition, when new personnel enter, they must keep in mind that they must comply with the rules established by the company.

Having a good organizational culture will help in the management of human talent, will make each of the workers give their best, demonstrate their potential and that the company can achieve each of the objectives set.

There is much importance that is granted today to human talent that is considered the key to the success of a company, because the human factor is the active part of the organization and has to perform at any hierarchical level that is located. Human talent management is considered the essence of business management.


  • Chiavenato, i. (2011). Human resources management . Mexico: McGraw-Hill/Inter-American Editores, S.A. Of c.V.
  • Cujár vertel, a. d. (2013). Organizational culture: Evolution in measurement . Management Studies, 350-355.
  • Huergo, j. (June 5, 2014). ABC services. Obtained from management processes: http: // services.ABC.GOV.AR/INASTUTION/UNIVPAGAGOGICA/SPECIALIZATIONS/SEMINAR/MATERIAL.PDF
  • Mejía Giraldo, to., Bravo Castillo, M., & Montoya Serrano, to. (2013). The human talent factor in organizations. Industrial Engineering, 2-11.
  • Terán, w., & Loyal, m. (2009). Human talent management and organizational culture in insurance companies. Administrative and Management Sciences Research Center, 30-40.
  • Thompson, i. (October 7, 2007). Obtained from Organization concept: https: // www.Promonegocios.NET/COMPANY/CONCEPT-ORGANIZATION.HTML#Comments

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