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Pedagogy Of The Oppressed: Paulo Freire

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Pedagogy of the oppressed: Paulo Freire


The social sciences were studied by different types of critical thinking that seek to observe today’s world and social relations.Decolonial trends propose to discuss the approach of colonial legacies in Latin America, and is born within the critical dispute of social sciences, originally in the areas of history and sociology, not also forgetting in international relations in international relations. The knowledge of critical theory was used in philosophy to choose the discipline that was born in Frankfurt school to form a criticism of traditional theory.

Mr. Freire in the face of pedagogy and false in sociology, organized varieties of contributions to the development of social sciences, and have provided social development to communities in fragility situations. These coincide in the centered hypothesis of the actions, the language and analysis of the social phenomena.


Postmodernity arises in response to the rejection of positivist assumptions on which social sciences were based on modernity. In postmodernity what it is about is living freely without repressions, each choosing the way of its existence, seeking individuality. Starting from the influence of authors such as Nietzsche and Foucault, postmodern ones go through new roads.

Modernism changed the idea to the world since the man replaced the centralist position that, until time, had had religion within the debates of thought, when entering the Modern Age, we began to observe how man begins to become theCenter of the Universe and, therefore, they begin to emerge different philosophical currents headed by thinkers who have become personalities and renewed the conception of the world and that of humanity, among them we have.

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The modernity exposed by Kant, from the critical sense where the principles and limits of reason that Descartes initially poses is clarified, which criticizes the reason that goes beyond the experience. Kant as a forger of critical thinking of the contemporary era is consistent with the procedure that empiricism gives and in turn to rationalism, by giving notability to experience as a principle of knowledge.

The reason why Kant is as the greatest representative of idealistic philosophy because I designate his own philosophy where the essentials of this doctrine is the statement that human knowledge can only refer to phenomena and not things in themselves. There is talk of the Frankfurt School which arises as an approximately philosophical group in World War. In which the social guidelines exposed by Max, Marxist philosophy and anti positivism, modern aesthetics and those over popular cultures are right.

The critical theory of the Frankfurt School One of his theoretical thoughts refers to psychoanalysis as an improvement to this critical perspective of society, it was also necessary to achieve an adequate understanding of the individual. For that, Freud is taken as a reference. If one of the most important criticisms of both thoughts were also divergent, and these differences were those that, over time, caused the departure of Fromm of the Institute for Social Research.

This development its own concept of criticism as a way of approaching and complementing the previous thought. That were based on critical philosophy proposed by Kant long ago;Dialectic and contradiction as confusion intellectual properties, knowledge, pluralism, discontinuity and disorder.

Kant to include in the social area the analysis of the social phenomena typical of political, economic and social relations transmitted by historical situations, led to a discursive, and changing analysis, which involves a flexibility of philosophy itself based on itspractical and social character.

The main characteristics of Kant’s thought and the critical theory of Frankfurt school have been reason and thought, it was also characterized by praxis, flexibility and dialectical materialism, the critical sense which are its referents and are done withThe purpose of integrating and analyzing the problems that arise in the daily life since from there the social problems are constituted.

Frankfurt’s critical theory what he proposes is a awakening of society, in all aspects such as political, economic and religious, focusing on raising awareness of the human being, filling him with reason that through education the human being can evolve into knowledgeIn order to be a critical being in the face of the different situations that arise in life.

We also talk about Foucault in postmodernity focuses on discursive, historical and cultural studies, oriented in the linguistic and social construction of reality, on the influence of the social environment, open to an approach where many disciplines intervene.

It also speaks, about cultural sociology, which Fals Borda makes its greatest contribution going to the learning of critical theory which social actors are direct producers of knowledge, they are those who, with their voice of participation and reflection, obtain theknowledge from their realities.

Its greatest contribution lies in the ability to study social problems, from this a method of social research, focused on knowing the social reality of communities, transforming said reality in an incorporated way between researchers and social actors, always taking up the postulates ofMarx, the critical thought of Fals Borda motivated that many social scientists in focusing their interest in decolonizing the knowledge imposed by the United States and Europe .

Paulo Freire, he is the maximum representative of popular pedagogy, also called pedagogy of the oppressed or critical pedagogy, which has been considered by many as an alternative educational perspective. His contributions to development were influenced by the theology of liberation, dialectical materialism, critical theory, and postmodern discourse.

Freire accepts in the face of training as a political and social liberating practice in which the educator and educating promote an aware process through listening, intervention and respect for different opinions, where emancipation is attenuated, that is, from myContext as a professional in a case, where those involved must have knowledge of their problem, as an expert I must give the basis and knowledge so that they themselves seek response and solutions to those problems .

Critical theory is clear in projecting that reality is the starting point in the act of knowing and understanding, hence the social encounter will never be of knowledge transfer, but the possibility of construction and production for transformation. It highlights the importance of the knowledge of the student, such an important content in social research and action, recognizing in an ethical act, the knowledge that groups and individuals have to be reality and their environment. In Paulo Freire is thought and is action.

Freire documents that education decisively helps to transform the situations described, in which he discovers the key to the social vices of the countries analyzed. Education must point to a gradual, but total liberation of the oppressed man. Popular education shows us a pedagogy based on educational programs that based social construction, derived from their own culture. allowing strengthening for scientific and technological development that helps the production of student knowledge.

Popular Education has a political dimension, a communicative, a methodological pedagogical and another investigative since obviously, popular education makes three contributions: the conception of popular, liberating, dialogic, humanistic education, where the student recovers its leading role in the process in the processteacher to become aware of their transforming function of society.

In fact, popular classes are mired in misery and physical sufferings, but, in addition, they live imprisoned in the prison of their mystified conscience. It is clear that its release could not simply be of economic order. A transformation of structures is not possible, nor durable, without the mediation of an authentic liberation of consciences.

Freire prefers a process in which he shake his hand, completing, two elements: the search for educational means and the action of pedagogues within the populations that will be literate. Let’s not forget the principle of a method that aims to be effective. There is no educational action that can discard from a reflection on man or an analysis of the conditions of his cultural environment.

If we adopt the methodology advocated by Freire, it will be precisely through an active method of education, dialogue and criticism, with appropriate programs and contents for each case. Gathered in a Circle of Culture, a teaching unit that replaces workshops, clubs or houses to the traditional school, a coordinator and a few tens of men of the town, they are delivered for a daily hour to the conquest of their own language. It is about making the group discuss the program established by himself, after a preparatory survey.

In the first circle of culture that agreed to form under the direction of Freire in person, the issues that came out again and again were, among others, the following: nationalism, foreign capitals, political evolution, development, literacy, democracy, etc. It was thought that an organized but progressive discussion of these problems would allow a critical attitude to be awakened against these realities of social life. It was also a means of developing in each one the meaning and taste of freedom, because assuming freedom as a way of being a man is the starting point of work in the Circle of Culture.

The success of the first experiences and the frequent desire to discuss certain problems with priority led to propose a general scheme, which regrouped the problems that arose again and again, presenting them to the groups in the form of dialogues. An experience made about five illiterates had shown that, after twenty days of discussion, the level of participation in discussions, as well as the awareness of their own social situation, had increased considerably.

Seen in this double optics, theoretical and practical, the current problems of the Freire method are to move from ideological lighting to the operationalization of educational tasks, the discourse to the manufacture of permanent education guidelines and from there to the programming of concrete interventions. The problems posed by the Freire method do not constitute a privilege of poor countries, but the expression of human processes of universal validity: in the European developed world. To this extent, Freire’s method can be positive in all countries, more or less developed, where a stable validity can be called a truly democratic game.

The education and methods proposed by Freire are looking to respond to the needs and interests of the least favored, contrary to what is exercised by traditional education that only cares about filling students without knowledge without education today is ameans to get out of the subordination that political power wanted to exercise in the villages. 

Another important contribution was because he explained that teaching must transcend beyond class classrooms and that acquired knowledge serves to know how to face the real situations that happen in our environment and transform realities. Also of the right to education with good quality for the least favored class and that this is not only exclusive to the bourgeois class, they cannot contribute to their personal growth.

Paulo Freire proposes a transformative education, distance from the classrooms that leaves traditional paradigms, where he seeks that the least favored has access to it. It is a pedagogy that seeks the social transformation of the background and conscientious, being that mentally, ideologically, has dreams of changing the world, where it can be dream, does not seek that the student has a head full of numbers and unimportant topics. That you have issues that allow you to be free, so learn what information is in the midst of an unfair society and everything we live in the world

It can be concluded that Freire in front of the contribution to pedagogical education: it was carried out in order for human beings through education to see a liberating development;Then we also find the pedagogy of the oppressed where he sees in it the way to analyze the causes that oppress the man in turn looking for a solution to that situation that can contribute to take out that person from the world where that world of sadness is found, of injustices betweenothers.

Critical thinking invites us to continue questioning this whole socio -political system that have imposed so that every day we form, educate and learn to free ourselves from such a marked emancipation in which we are immersed, taking into account the skills, empowerment and commitment ofeach looking for the transformation of reality.

The way in its contributions has a critical thinking in education, curiosity creativity from social practice, in order to reach the transformation. False contributes that science is emancipatory and that collective research with popular participation recovers history produces a liberating social and political thought enables oppressed groups and classes promotes transforming creativity of the problems of subjects, regions and nations.


At present, human beings are pointing out that pedagogy is focused on the liberation of oppression wants human beings to stop staying with the half truths given by teachers conditioned by the system, so there may be generationsfree and entrepreneurs and pertinently to reduce the gaps between the ruling classes and the least favored is education with quality. From an excellent education, you can respond to all the needs that are presented in the towns, societies and people, since they facilitate the intervention from different fields, whether social, cultural, political, environmental, environmental.

Education is essential for the evolution of societies, since you dare of these we can build new knowledge that allows us to change our way of thinking and acting in search of better our quality of life for our development of humanity. It is very important that, as a future professional, keep in mind each of the contributions of these great thinkers who invite us, to a struggle from education, so that we can free ourselves from that yoke in which in the middle of the 21st century we find ourselves, withAll this wants to be educated so that they can free themselves and obtain what has been removed, due to lack of knowledge. 

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