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Pedagogy, The Impact Of The Teacher And The Group Of Students

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Pedagogy, the impact of the teacher and the group of students


The motivation process, personality of the students in the classroom context cannot be left to chance, for these processes several factors can influence which are of the utmost importance, but in the following text only three are mentioned that cover the classroom context. Students, group and teachers are in charge of social development, which has to meet a goal in this case is to ensure that students have integration with their other classmates where they feel identified so that they can develop apersonality and also have motivation to achieve it. Another process is the interaction and cooperation in the classroom, which the teacher is in charge of promoting them since with different activities they carry out, students can interact and exchange ideas also carry out activities where cooperation will be essential to achieve some objective. The processes of motivation, personality, interaction and cooperation are mentioned which the processes applied, go hand inWhere they can comment, modify performing activities etc, and this will take us teaching and learning where the student will have the ability to solve the problems they face, where then it is explained a little more about how it will take place.


Motivation and personality processes in students in the classroom

The motivation and personality processes of the students can influence several factors to develop them, the main factor is the students who are the carriers of the personality, and to develop it they support their social relationships, the development of a studentIt can be very complex since when some learning is transmitted, a council has to be very organized and structured, each student has a teaching-learning process.

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Learning is formed from the development that is being obtained from what is aRelationship with teaching, to determine the contents and conditions of development. The dialectic between teaching and learning in a pedagogical process helps us to measure the level of motivational development that the student and their personality development has since pedagogical processes will be to build knowledge so that students can continueBuilding it. Which means that, in principle, there is no demotivated students but with different levels of integration and effectiveness of its motivation to perform the tasks and actions of the teaching-learning process, as well as with certain potentialities of motivational development. Another factor is the group which will take the process of communication and social integration, thus the group of students becomes a motivational stimulation, although in the student groups the operation and motivational development is much more complex the integration, according toThe links, objectives, goals, values and expectations shared with the other students. When it is a group, motivational stimulation is organized through motivational models that imply: an environment or place that help favor interest, effort and commitment to learn, also carrying out several group dynamics that through the links thatVallan forming the members, the valla unit taking the stimulation so that the motivational factors are focused on communication, interpersonal relationships and collective effort, structuring tasks and work according to the expectations, goals, objectives and values taken by the group. Finally, the teachers are, which their participation for motivational stimulation is very important, their responsibility as teachers and guide is that through the teaching they transmit and education the student can have the best learning, which teachersThey are responsible for organizing the learning system or the curriculum that through the conditions that have the tasks, or the contents, are with an objective with the purpose of teaching so that the exercise of the regulatory functions andself-regulatory of students’ motivation according to Pérez, (1992) P. 111. That is why the participation of teachers in the stimulation of motivations is very important since it must be focused on helping students and groups so that they can find the meaning of activity and communication, since with this students can find themotivation, there students who share many experiences with classmates and that is why they feel motivated to continue learning from them.

The processes of interactivity and cooperation in the classroom

Interactive processes are identified because the element that consists in solving a case or a problem, implementing a simulation, answering a question, conducting an investigation or project. For that, students have to analyze, think, organize, look for information, work as a team and make decisions. Thus, interactive methods encourage cooperation, since interaction produces among the students themselves and facilitates their learning. In this regard, Zabala (2002) points out that the analysis of educational practice must be carried out through the events that result from the master -student interaction and students -students. That is why it is necessaryIt has, as the evaluations for being part of the process that the teacher has. Interaction also helps us develop interpersonal and teamwork skills. In a classroom, the main function of the teacher is to help student in the construction of knowledge which presents tasks to help reinforce it, organizes material based on cooperative work, stimulates the exchange of explanations and justifications in the performance of a task, in thesequence of work and in the assessment of results, with each strategy the teacher will achieve interaction in his group.

The teaching-learning process from an approach

Constructivist, in its origins, constructivism arises as a current concerned about the problems of knowledge formation in the human being, there are some authors who focus on the study of the functioning and content of the minds of individuals for example, thePiaget’s psychogenetic constructivism, another would be the development of domains of social origin (such as Vigotsky’s social constructivism, as there are many more and each author to be noticed by their different approaches, but all are linked to an interest which is knowledgeof the human being. Constructivism postulates the existence and prevalence of active processes in the construction of knowledge: speaks of a cognitive contributing subject, which clearly exceeds through its constructivist work which offers its environment. In this way, according to Rigo Lemini (1992), the genesis of behavior and learning is explained, which can be emphasized in the mechanisms of sociocultural influence (Vigotsky), socio -affective (Wallon) or fundamentally intellectual and endogenous (Piaget). For constructivist teaching-learning, the student is responsible for their own learning process. He is the one who builds the

Knowledge of your group, explores, discovers or invents, even when you read or listenA meaningful learning, which means discovery learning by giving the student repeatedly discover new facts, forms concepts, infers relationships, generates original products, etc.) But it is evident that currently school institutions almost always teaching in the classroom is organized mainly based on reception learning.


There are students who are difficult for them to relate to different people, that is why the motivation towards these students in very important so that they have the integration initiative, this can help them to interact with more people and be able to develop their personality, the group It is one of the other factors which is also very important for the development of personality and motivation since it is much easier to relate several people at the same time, group activities can be carried out taking into account the first part that are the students and What to have a socialization relationship to have a group activity, finally factor are the teachers who are responsible for directing the group, creating strategies with their activities, so that students can integrate, and among them they can share experience thus develop their personality, through them they are motivating them for a better result, in the previous text there is also talk of interaction and cooperation which are very fundamental for the classroom, the teacher is the mediator who is doing different activities this for the interaction of his students, also proposing activities, games, of interest so that they can do them with Their classmates can also interact, activities where there are cooperation which will serve their lives since interaction can help them better relate to people, they will also find out that cooperation will be the help to achieve a goal, which not only They will have to help themselves if they will have to help their other colleagues so that everyone achieves the goal and that they will have that same help. Finally, there is talk of teaching-learning from a constructive approach, which speaks of significant learning, and cares about the knowledge of people, for constructivism the most important thing is that the student has a teaching by theirTeachers, classmates or that the same student is in charge of their own learning either by exhibitions, research, readings etc but that this teachings is a significant learning that is to say a learning by discovery, even that at present many institutions or teachers prefer theReception learning is to say that the student only has to learn and understand the content to be able to reproduce it but in reality the student does not discover anything and that for me is less favorable since when the person is presented a problem will not know how to solve it.    

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