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Pim And Bill Presented In Colombia (Migrations)

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PIM and bill presented in Colombia (migrations)

We understand immigration law, as this set of public law norms that govern the transit of national and foreign persons, also establishes the conditions the different forms to which the entry, permanence or stay and exit of foreigner will be subject, like all branchesof the law, we know that the norms are changing in a dynamic way according to the different social realities and events.

I would dare to express that immigration law could be one of the most dynamic law branches that exist, the migratory phenomenon is not something of today, for years the transit of people to different countries has been constant, this is merited to differentReasons, political realities of a country, labor issues, armed conflicts, tourism, among others, but it is clear that all are united to the same purpose, you are looking for better opportunities.

Colombia maintained a separate management of the migratory flows of entry and exit of the country, commissioning different entities the definition and implementation of its policies in this matter, adopting partial measures and little consistent with each other. With the Document Conpes 3603 of 2009 the State approves the comprehensive immigration policy (PIM) in which the guidelines, strategies and intervention actions for Colombians abroad and for foreigners in the country are systematically defined in the country.

The PIM set the objectives of: protecting, protecting and guaranteeing the rights of Colombians abroad and foreigners in Colombia;Fortify the transfer of capacities towards the country of those Colombians with a high human capital and expand training opportunities in the countries of destination and for foreigners in the country;guarantee a permanent, sufficient and effective state offer of Colombians abroad and foreigners in Colombia;and guarantee regular migration according to international regulations.

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To this end, the PIM defined an action plan with the review of the existing institutional and regulatory frameworks, involving various state sectors. (educational; cultural; social; economic and community; security and information;and interior;as well as by other entities, such as the Colombian Institute for Educational Credit and Studies abroad (Icetex), the National Learning Service (SENA), Migration Colombia and El Dane. Specifically.

The PIM suggested strengthening both the National Intersectoral Commission of Migration and also the Network of the Diplomatic and Consular Service abroad. He also recommended adopting measures to facilitate the participation of Colombians abroad and promote their participation in decision making that concern them. He proposed in the same way to expand the access of migrants to the network of services, education and social security, involving for this purpose, not only to the public sector, but also to the private.

He focused his interest in labor migration and the productive benefit of remittances, and proposed to improve the visa regime for the entry of foreigners to the country, as well as the strategies of the fight against trafficking and traffic of people.

A bill in our country with respect to migrations has been submitted, contemplates the reform of the country’s current immigration policy.

In spite of being a country ‘mainly issuer’ with more than 5 million Colombians residing abroad, with the Venezuelan crisis it has become ‘Paso de Paso’ ’of more than 1 million 300 thousand migrants. 

It contains the rights and obligations of migrants, the sanctioning form for violation of the regulations, the international protection requirements for foreigners, passports and visas, Colombian nationality and migratory procedures and services.

It talks about the National Migration System, it also institutes that the National Government, in a time not exceeding six months, will govern the distribution and work of the National Intersectoral Commission of Migration. And constitutes the National Civil Society Table for Migration.

The Colombian State will institute the guidelines and policies for the protection of ordered migration to lessen the harmful effects of irregular immigration, the illicit traffic of people, the migration of unaccompanied unaccompanied children and adolescents irregular and trafficking by people, including a systemof early alerts, ”says the project.

Colombia’s Foreign Minister affirmed that “Colombia’s immigration policy was oriented for several years in the surveillance of Colombians abroad and in the necessary devices for their composition and linking with the country. Colombia remains primarily a issuing country, however, it is a place of reception and transit of thousands of foreign citizens, including Venezuelan citizens, who in recent years have entered in search of better economic conditions, assistance and protection of the serious political situation andsocial that crosses your country. We are at a time when the number of Venezuelans has reached 1 million 300 thousand, being the second largest migration in number and the first at the rate of increase of the phenomenon ”

Our current situation forces us to change migratory policies and as always focused on human rights and dignity, we cannot ignore the different social problems that happen around us, because it is clear that all this in one way or anotherIt affects as a nation, it is not only time to implement the strategies, but to implement them in an effectivelyminimum guarantees that we have as human beings.

The Government must intertwine with local authorities, generating public policies, which are effective and allow to protect not only immigrants but also the population in general. Always seeking equity and social welfare.   

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