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Poverty And Its Relationship With Poor Health

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Poverty and its relationship with poor health

There is an undeniable relationship between the bad health and poverty. This association works in the two senses: poverty generates poor health, and poor health makes the poor remain poor. Poor countries, marginalized neighborhoods and less favored citizens suffer from multiple social discrimination: they have less socio -economic resources, have worse health care and are more exposed to risk factors that worsen their health causing multiple diseases, this isIt adds the lack of access to other rights such as education and public health.

People who have few economic resources also have little access to health media which leads to serious health effects since many of the diseases that are triggered from poverty could be prevented with appropriate phytosanitary measures. Although in most countries there are constitutional rights that guarantee access to public health and that there are also several humanitarian aid institutions there are several factors that prevent poor people can access these media, including the lack of the lack ofKnowledge about these rights and means of help, the little level of information of what happens in the outside environment that inhabits and the complicated access to spaces where these services provide either due to the lack of transport possibilities due to their location or thelack of money to access these .

The progressive growth and inevitable deterioration in the infrastructure of precarious homes, lack of hygiene, non -access to public health and the absence of a culture of prevention, causes low hope of life for these people.

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Among the multiple highly avoidable death causes are "diseases" .Being poor is to be "destined" to suffer not only basic needs, limitations of access to goods and services, but additionally to get more ill.

The disease is a complex phenomenon that cannot be defined only from a single point of view, because it derives from an articulated set of cultural and political processes, loaded with social connotations (Moreno, 2007).

In other words, health problems are the result of many variables such as environmental, genetic and sociocultural factors but the political and economic structures that meet and manifest in a particular way of person in person also intervene, they must be seen as a network ofconnections that directly cause the progress of any disease, and people with less economic resources are obviously the most harmed in this network.

Among the most frequent diseases that trigger high percentages of mortality among poor people are:

  • Infections of the respiratory tract: it is one of the main causes of disease and death in children and adults worldwide, alunas of pathologies that are located within this category can be acute bronchitis, bronchiolitis, flu and pneumonia.
  • Diarrheal diseases: These are pathologies that, for the most part, can be prevented through access to drinking water and adequate sanitation and hygiene services.
  • In addition to being the second cause of death of children under five years, diarrhea is one of the main causes of malnutrition in children of this age.
  • HIV/AIDS: It is still a worldwide pandemic. People with low economic resources for not accessing treatments to avoid the progress of this disease die more accelerated.
  • Tuberculosis: it is a serious illness that still remains among the ten fatal diseases in the world, a remarkable fact is that the world incidence is decreasing approximately 2% every year. The WHO aims to end 2030 with the tuberculosis epidemic.


These diseases would be attached to the factor of: bad nutrition: poverty multiplies the risk of malnutrition and its consequences. Poor people are more likely to suffer different forms of malnutrition. For its part, malnutrition increases health care costs, reduces productivity and brakes economic growth, which can perpetuate the poverty and poor health cycle.

To reduce poverty, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposes to address the social determinants of health, which include access to health care, working conditions, housing, basic education, recreation, among others, which, whichIn no way depend on a natural selection of people, but on the contrary they depend on a "disastrous combination" of poor public policies, poor social management programs and unequal distribution of power and economic resources, among others.

Within these determinants, there are two more urgent and important to consider are education and work, which are the source to overcome limitations, recover capacities, plan a better future and get out of poverty. Educate people to give tools, which can then use to increase their abilities and help them plan various possible ways to get out of poverty. Likewise, by improving working conditions and obtaining greater benefits, people can have access to a certain level of economic security, which allows them to better address their health and health care problems.

It is evident that if you do not have these basic tools to arise, such as an adequate educational level that will allow access to decent job and to generate sufficient income to solve basic needs, you cannot get out of this condition andTherefore diseases are maintained, reproduced and perpetuated within the individuals living in poverty.

According to UNDP, good health is essential for sustainable development, and in Ecuador the 2030 Agenda reflects the complexity and interconnection of both. Take into account the expansion of economic and social inequalities, rapid urbanization, threats to climate and environment, continuous struggle against HIV and other infectious diseases, and new health problems, such as non -transmissible diseases. Universal health coverage will be comprehensive to achieve SDG 3, end poverty and reduce inequalities. Emerging global health priorities that are not explicitly included in the SDGs, including resistance to antimicrobials, also demand action.

However, the world is not well aimed at achieving health -related SDGs. Progress has been unequal, both among countries and within them. There is still a 31 -year discrepancy between countries with the shortest and longest life expectancy. While some have made impressive advances, national averages hide the fact that some populations, groups and communities are falling behind. Multisectoral approaches, based on rights and with a gender perspective, are essential to address inequalities and ensure good health for all people.

In conclusion, the relationship between poor health and poverty is undeniable, which cannot be analyzed solely from the economic perspective but also as the set of conditions that can gather a certain person who decrease their life capacity and constitute a limitation forcan develop as a human being with all their fundamental rights in this society, either because it lacks physical or economic means. What causes more or less health, more or less diseases, better or worse quality of life isResources to treat them and much less to prevent them what causes in most cases a high incidence of death, these factors also influence low intellectual level due to the lack of educational instruction which is essential to improve their living conditions,its personal development and the ability to apply knowledge that allows you to get out of poverty.

The strengthening of programs aimed at improving working conditions and the quality of life by the rulers aimed at reducing poverty and lacks in the educational field, could contribute to improving the health condition of populations, which remain in stateof poverty and thereby contribute to the decrease in certain diseases that are maintained and reproduced in this sector of the population.                 

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