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Presence Of Coliform Bacteria Of Escherichia Coli (E.Coli) In Bottled Water

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Presence of coliform bacteria of Escherichia coli (e.coli) in bottled water

Proliferation of coliform bacteria Escherichia coli (e.Coli) 


Water is a molecule formed by two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen, turning simple molecules to one of the compounds of vital importance for life.

"Water is a compound with unique characteristics of great significance for life, the most abundant in nature and determining in the physical, chemical or biological processes that govern the natural environment" 

We can see the water involved in several cell processes (cell breathing, allows the transport of nutrients to these cells) and the human, used to regulate body temperature, helps digestion, among others. Speaking of molecular level, without this compound, many processes could not work as the previous appointment mentions us.

According to the Mexican Center for Environmental Law 2011, in its work water in Mexico: "What we all should know," he says:

Water is indispensable;It has no substitute and no life is known to dispense with it. Forests, cities, poles, industrial areas, grasslands, plantations, babies, bacteria, whales, airplanes and rockets, all, in one way or another, need water.

Therefore, water could be considered as a non -renewable compound of great importance and therefore essential that it is not only required by human beings, but also for animals and nature. Despite the importance of this, drinking water is in a difficult situation since it is misuse of this and is not taken care of as and that we can see it reflected in the contamination of bodies of water.

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Water contamination

"Drinking water is threatened by the continuous pollution generated by human activity and the decrease in water resources as a result of global warming"

Many pollutants not only come from garbage or industries which flow into bodies of water, causing contamination of this. However, the waste of pollutant agents to the bodies of water are made to a greater extent by the anthropogenic activity that is adjacent to these bodies and that also affects the soil that is also affected by these factors;Although it does not look like rural areas are also contaminated due to wastewater that contain fecal matter of humans and animals, chemicals and pollutants from industries or activities such as mining or extraction of Petróle. Due to the proximity with experiential and industrial areas, rivers are the bodies of water that are mostly affected and of which more care should be taken.

Contamination of the rivers

Due to industrial and urban development, the bodies of water, especially rivers have been seriously affected due to the degree of pollution due to effluents from industry. However, in Mexico there have been no measures to counteract this problem. Another of the factors that affect is that communities have been established near the flows of the rivers since it has the meaning of abundance for the populations that reside there, thus being agriculture one of the actions that contribute to the deterioration of the quality of the quality of the quality of the quality of theWater.

However, drinking water pollution affects the health of the population, as well as the environment, increasing child morbidity and mortality indices due to potable water pollution, being many people who consume water contaminated with fecal matter.

"In Mexico, diarrhea associated with contaminated water ingestion have been considered as the third cause of child death," this is a fairly serious indicator since many people ingest water from rivers directly, without prior treatment.

Due to this problem, systems and processes have been created (as well as perfecting) so that the water is treated and can be of drinking use. However, these processes are not applied worldwide, nor throughout Mexico

In Mexico, according to the National Water Commission, Industry and Agriculture are responsible for most pollutants and less than 25% of the wastewater that is poured into rivers and lakes is treated. 

The National Commission for Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity states that it is only 15% of wastewater, and that the industry consumes 6 km3 of water and discharges annually 5.3 km3 of wastewater. 

Water quality

To evaluate water quality, processes have to be carried out where microorganisms are used that show a certain characteristic that contains, such as total or fecal coliform bacteria. This evaluation gives important information about the type of pollution found in that sample. 

The bodies of water become contaminated from fecal matter that come from the pipes of the housing areas and flow into sources for drinking water, giving way to the proliferation of coliform or gram-negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli (and. Coli)

Water purification

To reach water treatment and make it consumable for the population, a series of steps must be taken, among which are the following: the pretreatment consists in extractIncrease the proportion of oxygen present in water. Coagulation-flocculation consists of adjusting the pH, coagulant agents, flocculant agents for subsequent decantation are added. The supernatant of the decantation is filtered and final.


Bacteria are prokaryotic microorganisms which, unlike eukaryotes, have a simpler structure, since DNA is not packaged in chromosomes, on the contrary, it is dispersed in the circular DNA cytoplasm (nucleoid), of thesame way they contain 70s ribosomes found in the cytoplasm. Some bacteria may contain flagella or pili, depending on what type are.

Bacteria are classified based on whether they are: pathogenic and not pathogenic and malignant and benign:

  • Pathogen or malignant prokaryote. However, there is another process in which the bacteria "inject" their genetic material into a healthy cell, causing it to be divided by cell division (mitosis) and the infection prevails
  • Benign bacteria are microorganisms that do not generate any evil consequence, since they are necessary for certain processes, for example: lactobacilli and bacteria of E. Coli are in the intestine of the human being. Therefore, these bacteria are essential, however, some can become pathogenic due to the process mentioned above of the injection of affected genetic material, causing a mutation in the cell. This is frequently given in the bacteria of E. Coli, which is why there are different strains, because it depends on the fact that pathogenic bacteria comes.


Escherichia coli

The bacteria of E. Coli are gram-negative that are usually found in the intestinal tract of hot human beings and animals. In general, the strains of E. Coli are not pathogenic can cause diseases, this may be due to ingesting contaminated water or poorly cooked meats. The growth of E e. Coli can be demonstrated by a crop in agar. The presence of these in a sample indicates the quality of the water that it has

Therefore, water purifying companies must use reliable procedures in which they eliminate the presence of bacteria that can affect the organism of the human being, since this bottled drinking water is distributed to several parts of the country.

According to Eurotherm Spain there are different methods of purification of water such as leaks, distillation, radiation which allows the elimination of bacteria in water.

Due to this problem, the following research wants to verify if these really processes serve to eliminate harmful bacteria, and in case not, infer that biological factors have influenced their proliferation despite the processes by which it wassubmitted

Contamination on the Atoyac River

The Atoyac River is part of the State of Puebla and Tlaxcala in Mexico, for years it has been affected by the pollution that occurs there due to different materials and substances that are discarded in this body of water by the population of the aforementioned states. Among the different causes of pollution is the release of wastewater from the housing areas as well as industries (especially the textile and bottling industry), which also should be mentioned that only 66% of these waters until 2016They are not treated before discharge, and those that are treated are with poor systems. Inhabitants adjacent to the river have complained that different diseases that have been caused before the intake of this unrelated water, based on what Tapia mentions, 2012.

It is currently considered how a river of sewage, due to the large amount of fecal matter it contains due to the discharges of housing areas. Studies have been conducted in this same river where a large amount of coprostanol was found, which indicated a presence of fecal matter of humans and ruminants. Because of this, the question arises what will be the proliferation of coliform bacteria, specifically that of Escherichia coli in the Atoyac River and in human consumption water.


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