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Prince Machiavelli And His Wise Reflections

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Prince Machiavelli and his wise reflections


Nicolás Machiavelo diplomatic, official, political philosopher and Italian writer;He was the writer of the work "The Prince", this occurs in a context of the policy that was lived in the Renaissance, when characters like Miguel Ángel, Leonardo, Copernicus, among others;They carried out great investigations that serve and endure today. The work already published by the year of 1531 is understood as a treaty of political doctrine that is addressed to Lorenzo de Médici known as "The Magnificent", by Nicolás Machiavelli, here lies information which said what to do to unify Italy and byeven get her out of the crisis in which she was.

The prince is part of an important contribution to modern politics, because he philosophically contradicts the ancient thought of politics, which was practiced by the idealization of governments and utopian cities, that is, that puts in a more realistic context of howIt must be governed. This work seen that was addressed to a prince, also serves to educate readers, to feed the extensive knowledge about how to govern a state and that he looks at you with his eyes correct, I mean that, Machiavelli implied usthat a leader must be prepared at any situation that was presented to him, that there are times when he must fight and know how to do it, also how to be ruthless and cruel, until he is lying and thus break his word and break their principles both bothMorales as religious when necessary, but it must also be compassionate, moral and devotee.

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This is because it is a form of strategy to be able to carry a good leadership, this is what is currently given and what makes us reconsider. It was Machiavelli who told us: "Be realistic", the distance between how we should live and how we live is currently very wide and it is the one that self-destructs us. And as she also comes the idea that "the end justifies the media", although he stated: "The actions of men and especially of the princes where there is no cut of appeals are judged by their results", the meaning is thesame and putting in context, it would be something as if you were in a war and you were winning it, as far as you would arrive to minimize the damage. As politicians today, Machiavelli justifies the hard or deceptive methods necessary for health, but their gaze is directed in the absence or presence of power, with questions such as what is it?, How do you get?, How is it preserved?, that this was raised by what was happening in his time.

Machiavelli also sought the form of the separation of politics and religion, regardless of whether this event was given and that he was watched in the United States, he saw that the notion that a good prince is not necessarily a good man, but ratherThat the appearance that it possesses is more important than reality, in other words, it is better to be feared than be loved.

Conclusions like this, they seem to us somewhat difficult or painful, even more coming from a man who could be considered as a Sunday Christian, who as at present, those who are going on Sundays to Mass;Machiavelli did not contradict the essential dogmas that the Church had, but rather that it made them on the side when it was a policy. If the work seems to have a great moral margin, paying a high price, since it is raised to the prince as a being that must love his country more than his own soul, with this we refer to that he must be prepared for anything, even go to hell for him. Here you can see that being a prince in itself is a tragic job, in itself and to govern a state, it is difficult, and to this those who must do to unify its citizenship.

Machiavelli with the contributions he gave and seeing himself in society where he lived took into consideration with the contradictory opinions that were said of him, since some said he was a type of antichrist, atheist as he is currently called. The work takes place so that there are different classes of principalities and also different ways in which they can be acquired. It also tells us that this can be hereditary. Then it gives us a brief explanation of how politically governed each principality, regardless of whether it was hereditary or mixed, since the government was not the same, and warns us about certain difficult that both can find at the time of quelling rebellions or even handling theinternal policy efficiently and caution.

What Machiavelli plates also is that there are two ways to govern a principality, there is clearly the point according to politics, the first is to hold absolute power, that is, exerting the position and having both political and religious power;The second is being administered by a group of men of their own nobility;But he advises to opt for the first. However, Machiavelli’s analysis expanded in several areas if it was a policy, because in the states that were directed by laws at the time of their conquest, they said that they only have three options, the first one is to destroy the State in itselfand with it everything that implies in terms of its laws;The second is to file in it, referring to the laws that it already has;And the third is to keep everything the same as before, but forcing taxes and being governed by the prince through a small loyal group to him.

Machiavelli warns us that, as in most Latin American countries, these types of states have a high pride in being free, sufficient cause so that they are willing to reconquer it, therefore, the only safe and strategic measure that a prince should take isThe one to disperse the population, since if a State is not united, it does not have the strength to rebel. To acquire principalities there are two methods according to him, which are, the first is to use their own weapons and their virtue of the conqueror, the most acceptable without a doubt, since, although they are difficult to achieve, they are easier to keep inhis power, taking into account if he has availability of forces;The second is to conquer with weapons or with the fortune of another, an acceptable but uncomplicable method, since although they are easier to achieve, they are more difficult to maintain, because they depend on a set of external factors than what itThey condition.

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