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Project Design And Management

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Project design and management


The elaboration and execution of a project involves a series of processes through which it must be passed to successfully achieve its purpose inside and outside the organization. Complying with each and every one of them to the letter, facilitates and improves the way in which those steps that will guarantee the achievement of the objectives established by the people involved will be carried out. 

For this reason, it is of great importance to take into account one or more methods of feasible analysis, which helps establish a certain order in the execution of ideas, since when the formulation of a project is raised, carry out the actions without first stipulating basic aspectsAs the mission and vision that it possesses or the weaknesses and threats that put its elaboration at risk, it can be said that it would be destined for failure, since without handling these elements it would not be prepared for any inconvenience that may arise.

In addition to this, knowing how viable, profitable and sustainable it can be said project for those involved, and also its environment, it is one of the main objectives that any organization is large, small or medium, must be drawn to respond to theadaptation or termination of the same.


The objective situation of the Disaster Administration Project. Objectives and goals. Beneficiary population.

Disaster Administration The body of policies, administrative decisions and operational activities within the different stages of the disaster, at all levels.

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It can also be defined as the set of provisions, measures and actions aimed at the preparation, response and rehabilitation of the population to disasters.

It is based on the set of knowledge, measures, actions and procedures, which, together with the rational use of human and material resources, are oriented towards planning, organization, direction, execution and control of activities that allow avoiding or reducing the effectsof disasters about the population and services infrastructure and productive.

Disaster Administration Objectives

The objectives of disaster administration are:

  • Reduce or avoid human losses, physical and economic suffered by individuals, by society or throughout the country.
  • Reduce the suffering of people.
  • Accelerate recovery.
  • When refugees or displaced people are attended, a fourth objective is to give protection to victims or people whose lives or properties are threatened by armed conflict, tribal problems, religious persecutions, etc.

Resources to develop the project.

Resources are all those that influence the organization to carry out or materialize work that supports an objective. These necessary resources for the project are expressed in the initial investigation, which exposes how the process will be developed, the realization of the products and everything that is required based on the objective to be achieved.

However, it is necessary to determine the necessary resources and components, therefore the resource plan is designed since whose function is to quantify the same in detail, this consists of a list that shows the main resources in groups, that is, those thatThey are required for each task either in the planning or execution of the project;This can be divided into categories such as labor, equipment or materials and in turn a schedule within the categories that will identify the periods of time in which such resources are needed, either per day, week or month.

Types of resources in a project: What are the indispensable for the execution process?

In addition to the aforementioned categories there is a classification that serves to define the types of resources in a project according to their nature, which are:

• Physics: also called tangibles, they are those that cover: facilities, offices, warehouses, land, distribution centers, machinery, equipment and tools. Some of these resources require great investment and their life is prolonged, however others are with a lower investment and their permanence over time is less.

• Humans: Refers to human capital at the service of the project;Each team member has specific knowledge, talents and tasks that in sum promote the achievement of the goals set.

• Know How: This category of resources covers intellectual property or knowledge that the organization manages to carry out its objectives, covers the patents, confidential and general information of the organization, methodology, techniques or software used.

• Relationships and contacts: these are the links and connections that the organization has. Those who have its suppliers, distributors, partners, collaborators and customers are counted.

• Financial: corresponds to the financial capital of the company, that is, banking funds, cash and that from operations. If the project does not belong to the company directly, but develops for a client, it is also resources that can support or not the scope a specific goal.

To achieve the best performance of resources in our project, this must be optimal from the beginning until it culminates, that is, from the planning stage to the execution of the project since it is the guide in the development of the operating system, the plans and plans andprocesses for innovating even the acquisition of resources;To take advantage and achieve the optimization of resources, the following recommendations are very useful:

• Externalize the real cost of resources and keep in mind that there may be variations throughout the project.

• Evaluate and calculate the costs of material and human resources separately, and thus compensate or reward the effort of the human resource.

• Continuously differentiate the planned consumption of the material resources set out in the schedule with reality, analyzing the expenses in matters throughout the execution of the project.

• Examine and determine the changes required by planning regarding resources to make decisions that allow correcting any instability.

• Detail resources according to their use, quantities, requirements and costs, for supervision purposes.

• Keep the team aware of the data thrown in these reports to promote the consciousness, importance and fair use of them.

• Fortunately, today it is possible.

• What the current market scenarios establish for companies in the field in this case in tourist matters. This tool allows the work team to be informed about each event regarding these matters. They also turn out to be so efficient that they make it possible for how much budget has been used and for what.

• Make a list of activities regarding time deadlines. This prioritizes tasks and minimizes possible errors.

• Examine the available resources base. How those available resources are managed and related within the organization.

• Check which of the resources that are missing or are lacking for the implementation of the project.

• Evaluate which strategies will be assumed to complete the necessary resources to materialize the project.

• The determination of the necessary resources for a project must contemplate a margin of flexibility that considers the evolution of the project, the behavior of the environment and, if necessary, the client’s decisions.

Project Organization

The identification and analysis of the relevant factors for the organization of the project will correspond to five interrelated groups or categories, they are:

• Participation of managers and their team in the organization of the project in general

• Relationship with the permanent organization of the company

• Own characteristics of the project in question

• Strengths, weaknesses and third -party participation analysis

• Increase or marginal costs.

Certainly, the success of a project is determined by the achievement of the objectives for its extension, time, costs and quality. However, reaching the goal with respect to the administration of resources depends on the tool that is used, it is essential that the organization has a tool that aligns with its structure, dimension, objectives and the funds that have destined to acquire them;what will promote in good project management to be implemented.

Project feasibility.

Feasibility is understood as the chances of success that a project has, that is, those possibilities of becoming and meeting the objectives and expectations that the organization has.

Carrying out a feasibility study in any project is a very important step in the process of elaboration and execution of the same, since it allows obtaining a diagnosis prior to the results that are expected to be obtained and answer to questions such as: Is it viable?, Can you move forward?, Should we leave the project?, What results can we obtain in the short, medium and long term?

Financial feasibility

It refers to the general analysis capable of calculating the amount of funds needed to carry out the project that is in mind, in addition to determining the viability and economic profitability that the materialization of the same could have. This study is of true importance within the elaboration process, since without it you cannot proceed to the preparation of a detailed plan on how the project will be implemented and the project will be administered successfully (business plan).

Source of National and International Financing

It is known as financing to the set of ways in which a company obtains economic resources that are necessary to maintain its operation or simply carry out a small long -term caus. It should be noted that this mechanism is used when aspiring to found a company, business or simply carry out a project a project. Regarding national and international financing, reference is made to the request for a financial loan to competent agencies in the matter to maintain good growth and development in the organization, and also contribute to the country’s economy;such as: the Inter -American Development Bank (IDB) in international matters and the Comprehensive Assistance Program for Small and Medium Enterprises (PAIPYME) in national matters respectively.

The negotiation of the projects

It is the presentation of the project that is offered in front of possible investors to capture their attention and reach the mediation of an agreement where both parties are benefited from the materialization of said plan. At this stage, the elaboration process is presented and therefore the execution process involved in the materialized elaboration of the same, that is, aspects such as: vision and mission, viability and profitability, proposed objectives, schedule of activities, budget, budget,Material and human resources, scope, risks, among others;In order to achieve your participation and financing in the successful achievement of the general purpose of the organization.

Project control.

Projects must be controlled with certain elements, such as the organization of the stages, the monitoring, evaluation and proactive leadership. It is the essential that is required to thoroughly control each function or action in strategic planning and then explains the most vital for such control.

Monitoring and evaluation of projects

Every project must be reviewed and supervised, which means that each stage from the first step to the lastadvances, and in general, everything related to it, to verify that it is being carried out in the right way. The monitoring is basically the observation of the entire process in order to make sure its adequate implementation on the site or community of choice, in other words, guarantee the practice of what is reflected in the brief based on the objects set out.

As for the evaluation, the result of such an important implementation is emphasized. It is evident that projects are plans that seek well -being in some way in some community and for some specific reason that harms it in it. But clearly, the objective is not always achieved. Sometimes helpful results are obtained and in others, and that is the evaluation of the project, the consequence, positive or not, of the initial plan, of the initial plan, of the initial plan. It should be noted that monitoring is vital for the good results of the evaluation, since good practice leads to the great proposed goal.

Indicators design

An indicator is a comparison between two or more types of data that serves to prepare a quantitative measure or a qualitative observation. This comparison shows a value, magnitude or a criterion, which has meaning for those who analyze it. Generally these indicators are measured by percentage, and some of the most used are the following:

Management indicators

Which focus on the percentage data of the process monitoring and activities with the aim of achieving the goals.

Result indicators or product

They relate the goods and services generated by the training action;They result from input transformation activities and generate an increase in products applicable to training.

Effect indicators

They refer to the immediate consequences of the training and development of competencies on people, companies or society. They represent the meeting of training actions, with the demand of the participants.

Impact indicators

They represent the expected change in the situation of the participants once the training is carried out. They can usually be measured in medium or long term periods because a period is required, so that the improvement of income, working conditions, employability and other impacts mentioned in Axis 1 “context” can be measured.

Project Management

Project management is nothing more than the management of the same. You must work as a team, but at the same time the allocation of shared tasks, or its distribution is ideal. It is also considered the choice of a leader for the coordination and effective direction of all parts and stages, with the aim of clarifying individual goals to achieve the common goals of the project. This point facilitates the creation of the writing and the implementation of the planning.


At present there are multiple ways to make all the ideas that arise from the mind materialize in a successful and satisfactory way. One of the implemented methods is the elaboration and execution of projects that are able to achieve a micro or macro impact for society.

Wanting to mark a footprint with sufficient strength, means knowing and managing in a concrete and unequivocal way all those ways in which the process of materialization of a project is synthesized. That is why it is fundamental to know the parts that make up this process, since it will guarantee the achievement of the initially embodied objectives and in this way, cause significant changes in the life of those directly affected.

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