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Quality Management In The Competitive Development Of The City Of Ambato

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Quality management are actions or instruments that are developed within companies to mitigate or avoid errors during the production or provision of services, within this essay we will address the issue of quality management and how this influences the development ofcompanies to be competitive.

In order to delve into quality management, different concepts, aspects and views will be taken, in order to reach a conclusion of whether quality management is a differentiating point in companies or do not have great relevance in the sectorcompetitive.

To understand the quality management approach, it is feasibleOr simply quality is the adequacy to the use and lack of defects, based on this, they managed to implement its ideology in the Japanese industry obtaining good results.

Crosby (1996) has a vision close to that of Juran, since it mentions that there must be zero defects and do it well to the first, motivating the work staff to do the work that should do the best way.

Based on the concepts and approaches of the aforementioned authors, quality is everything in a product or service, it doesn’t matter if it is a good size that has colors that highlight it above others or that simply complies for whatIt was created, if a product does not have quality is a waste of time and resources.

Giving a quick view to the past, companies used to market products and services locally or even regionally, which in a way had an ideal degree of competitiveness to maintain and grow a little (Lizarzaburu, 2015).

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However, as time after this paradigm has been constantly changing since, with the appearance of new competitors, companies had to look.

When talking about quality management, it is relevant to mention ISO 9000 standards since they talk precisely about how to carry a good quality system. Currently companies seek new ways to attract customers in order to loyalty with their products and services.

López (2015) has also taken references on several authors who name and focus on the quality of what comes to the conclusion that the quality of a service or product comes when this meets the needs and expectations of the consumer, that is,that a product must comply with the characteristics desired by the user so that it is considered quality, these characteristics cover safety, service, reliability.

In the Book Integral Quality Management, written by Luis Cuatrecasas (2017), mentions that the client is the one who defines and establishes the level of quality of a product, therefore companies must capture the needs of the client to reach this way to reachGet confidence in the market.

Currently, companies have higher priority towards customer satisfaction meeting their requirements and innovating within their products, this in order to achieve a competitive advantage and achieve superiority in the market (Alicia).

A characteristic about the competitive advantage in organizations is because it is directed by the wishes and needs of the consumer or client, under this approach it should be taken into account that client is not only the one to which he obtains in the final product but also encompass as clients to the clients to theWorkers’ collaborators, company and shareholders of the company.

Any company that you want to achieve quality in its services or products must take into account 4 key goals within the organization: meet the needs of its customers meeting their expectations, reach a higher level of satisfaction with respect to its competitors, retain themaximum time to its customers to loyalty and gain market share.

One of the studies that focuses on quality is the same quality engineering that is considered an interdisciplinary science that is not only dedicated to developing products to satisfy the user but rather this focuses on reducing the total loss, Prepare quality products through processes that are also of quality (Fanny, 2017).

The collection of data and processing of the same is a statistical technique that has great relevance when it comes to continuous improvement in companies, in the same way the improvement of operational systems and manufacturing processes causes products to be offeredmost competitive quality when operating under the concept of zero defects from the beginning of production to the end of the same.

When talking about a product quality, you must also take into account how much it costs the company to carry it out and obtain it in optimal conditions to offer it, this is done with a balance quality balance (Lluis, 2017). If a product has a low cost, this will be of low quality, and if a product has a high cost it will be of high quality but in certain cases the production value can exceed the value to which the product or service can be offeredThis is why companies must balance quality costs reaching what is called the optimal zone.

Within the tourism sector, the quality issue is not neglected, moreover, it is essential that in the tourism industry the services and products offered have high quality standards, since mostly the production and consumption of products or services areGive at the time the client or consumer requires it and ends at the same time that he has fulfilled its goal, thus leaving at this precise moment the client’s qualification or perception of the product or service provided.

When talking about hotel management, it mustMaterials with which the service counts (Lilia, 2017).

In Ecuador the quality is regulated by the Ecuadorian Quality System (SEC) which is a set of procedures, processes and institutions responsible for the execution of the principles of quality and conformity evaluation. The SEC is formed by government institutions such as the INEN the Interministerial Quality Committee, OAE Ecuadorian Total Quality Corporation (CECT).

From the aforementioned institutions the main one is the INEN, which is the main executor of quality policy. This establishment is responsible for gesturing quality standards in both private and public sector to build quality standards in quality (Ecuadorian Normalization Service, 2015).

According to Mnsalve and Hernznadez (2015), tourist activity defines a positive aspect of sustainable tourism as an economic and social growth of companies, so they cause an increase in work, economic benefits and increase in living conditions.

In the last years, tourist activity in the country has achieved positive development according to the figures of the Ministry of Tourism, positioning itself as a third in non -oil export activities thus achieving an income of 1.449.3 million (Tourism, 2019)

Jose, (2018) mentions that customer satisfaction as well as the quality of the service provided are strategic factors for travel agencies. But not only for these companies dedicated to tourism serves this thought, but TMabien for sectors such as restoration or hotel. The quality of the service is the primary factor for the survival of companies considering components such as competition and information that customers have.

Silvia (2017) mentions that the perception of customers in the quality of the hotel service is of utmost relevance and that this has caught the attention of marketing because this type of services is necessary to specify new visits and that in this way another is consumedType of tourist products.

According to Gracia and Torres (2015, pages. 45-46), to consolidate tourism "communication should be contemplated as a strategy to publicize the attractions and tourist resources existing in the local and regional areas of Ecuador".

The most effective way to achieve communication and be informed about tourist destinations and what the preferences of tourists, is through operators or travel agencies. The relevance of the tourist sector in the economy of Ecuador lies in the promotion of the conservation of cultural and natural resources The disarrool of the community and human development strengthening self – esteem empowerment (Rodas, Ullauri, & Sanmartin, 2015).

Some of the factors of an adequate quality management are those of leadership capacity to know how).

Ecuador is a megadiverse country, so being this way it has a great tourist offer, in the same way the competition number is large, either in the agencies, gastronomic sector or hotel sector, it is for this same reason that theCompanies should look for new ways to attract customers, either with innovation promotion or creation of new products or offers, the quality of them must also be emphasized so that the client who obtains such service or product disseminates the brand of the brand ofThis product or company, this is the fastest and most effective way to grow and expand.

However, this "mouth" is a double -edged sword, because if the customer is dissatisfied with his purchase or acquisition he will also disclose it and will be a large loss for the entrepreneurship, for this reason you have to be very careful when providingservices.

According to Villacis R. (2018) who conducted a study of the quality and satisfaction of the client in travel agencies in Ecuador, has reflected in its research work some meanings such as that quality is one that converts the needs of users into measurable characteristics taking into considerationcustomer satisfaction.

Quality is also taken as a “quality set”, where for quality in the product or service provided there must be quality in labor, quality in service, quality in information to provide, quality in the processes, quality of people, system quality, quality of the quality of objects.

In the province of Tungurahua there are a total of 58 hotels these distributed among 1-5 stars, being one of the smallest provinces we can see that there is a great hotel offer, for this reason experts in the field has seen the need to differentiate from thecompetition, either adding added value to your services or providing more services for a lower and quality cost (Tourism, 2019)

Only in the city of Ambato there are 64 establishments dedicated to offering the accommodation service, these are divided between hostels, hostels and hotels between 1-4 stars where the establishments included in 2 stars predominate.

Based on this information we can say that in the city of Ambato the quality of the hotel service is lower than the standard, since being establishments that have 2 stars their quality will be according to the price in which they offer their product, and to the amount of servicesand added value that have the same.

In the city of Ambato there is a great hotel supply which varies in price services and above all quality, and for a company to differentiate itself from the competition and on leaving it it is necessary that it manages to adapt or innovate so that the demandVisualize a point of change with respect to others. This is the case of Hotel Emperor the same as within the rate offers firm type breakfshopping.


  • Fanny, c. (2017). ISO 9001-2015 Management System: Quality Engineering Techniques and Tools for its implementation. Research and Development, Vol. 17, 59-69.
  • Jose, r. (2018). The quality of the service and customer satisfaction: key binomial in travel agency in Ecuador. Memoraalia num. fifteen.
  • Lilia, m. (2017). Objectives of Hotel Management. VOL ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS SCIENCES. 3, 163-176. Obtained from Hotel Management Objectives.
  • Lizarzaburu, e. (2015). Quality management in Peru. Lime.
  • Lluis, c. (2017). Comprehensive quality management. Barcelona: Editorial Profit.
  • López. (2015). Total quality in the modern company. Cochabamba, Bolivia.
  • Normalization, s. AND. (2015). Ecuadorian Normalization Service.
  • Silvia, m. (2017). Study of the competitiveness of the tourist services sector in Guayaquil . Spirals no. 7.
  • Tourism, m. d. (2019). Ministry of Tourism. Obtained from Ministry of Tourism: https: // www.sightseeing.Gob.EC/

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