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Reader response Journal for The Chrysalids

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Reader response Journal for The Chrysalids
The chrysalids was written by John Wyndham and is a fiction novel on issues of science. It was published by Joseph Michael in the year 1955 and regarded as the best works by John. The novel indicates various changes in Waknuk, and religious practices are ensured through different personalities. The events are recorded through a sequential selection of the chapters.
Journal 1
The people from Waknuk have a different lifestyle as they are to deal with their deviations. The inhabitants are comfortable with their nature and desire to stay and live with their siblings who have deviations. They do not understand why Joseph is so strong in refuting those who have deviations. They are informed by Joseph to follow all the religious laws for purposes of making a strong community. Such sentiments do not go well with the inhabitants as they feel that the God they are to serve did bring them a cataclysmic event that might destroy the world. The people who are backward with their technology are beset by prejudice and fear to ensure the following of the Old Testament teachings (LʼHelias 100).
The teachings warn them to eradicate all forms of mutations from crops to humans for purposes of keeping a pure population and environment. The reasons given for the purity are that the people themselves are created in the image of God and that they should always follow his precepts and ways. Keeping the norm is a must for all individuals unless they want to suffer and get back to the years of tribulation.

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Joseph makes sure that every blasphemy and offense is punished without mercy. The strong nature of Joseph is also revealed when he reprimands his son David in public without any fear. This is when David makes a reference to having a third arm, a position that is not accepted by his father. He is a man who is strong in his calling and desires that all the people from the region to follow his teachings that are from the Bible.
The people from Waknuk are not ready to accept the ways of God and the Old Testament. They desire to live together with those who have deviations and without any rules imposed on them. They are comfortable with deviations a fact that is strongly refuted by Joseph. This becomes hard for them as they are punished when found with mistakes that are contrary to the teachings from the bible. They ought to stand together as a community and join hands in eradicating evil for purposes of preaching peace and development among themselves.
Journal 2
David’s mother conceives Petra, and during this time Harriet, who is David’s aunt, also conceives a baby. Petra is found to be fine without any deviations, and this is different from Harriet’s baby. Such a condition and situation forces Harriet to think of ways to save her child, and the only way is to exchange her with Petra for purposes of inspection. These are sentiments that are refuted by Joseph, who is a strong follower of the Old Testament. David’s mother also becomes angry with her sister and tells her to leave their house. During this time, Joseph enters the room and informs Harriet of the extent of blasphemy and the deviation nature that cannot be tolerated. Harriet is viewed as breaking the law; this makes her to commit suicide because of the love she had for her baby.
Joseph’s actions are justified in this piece because he did not compromise the issues of breaking the law even when it became a family affair. He stood firm to his calling and demanded that all the people who broke the law be punished and asked to repent for forgiveness from God. Alex had earlier told David all the stories he had heard from other regions of the land. This is after David talked to him about the Wenders. Uncle Alex himself does not know if they are normal because they have not visited other places. He thinks that maybe they are also deviations because they are not sure whether they are normal. Alex’s account helps explain why David was tough in his decision because according to him they were normal in their own way and standard.
Journal 3
Anne’s desire to marry Alan is not seen as a threat to the group because they thought that their different status would prevent them from getting married. The two get engaged and desire to continue with their marriage plans. Anne ignores the group and goes ahead to marry Alan and individual whom she says she loves a lot. Alan had earlier discovered Sophie and had even tried to catch her and expose her deviation. This brings a great controversy as to the ending of their marriage as the group can be easily getting exposed. The group saw themselves in danger and exposed if Alan got wind of their powers which are seen as deviant. Alan was later murdered, and this made Anne suspect David and the group of the murders which leads to her committing suicide.
There is sympathy for Anne for her desire to be normal and marry Allan whom she loved though he was normal. Their marriage lasted only six months and Allan was murdered and this made Anne to hang herself in their house. The consequences of their marriage led to their deaths, a fact that could be prevented if they decided to live their separate lives. Discrimination becomes the order of the day as members only desire to marry people from their side.
Superior intelligence should have been accepted in Waknuk because it was going to help them solve many problems technologically. The powers were important in that society as they could assist other people from other regions of the world. Such individuals can only bring good and no harm, and if there be any harm it would have been very minimal.
The women in this society are bearing an unfair share of these burdens because they suffer more when they discover that their children will be terminated. They find it hard to change something that is natural to benefit the desires of their society. Such happenings made Harried commit suicide because her child was found to be outside the norms of the society.
Journal 4
The Sealand woman has different description of the people from Waknuk. According to the woman those without telepathy are humans who can be described as half humans. She compares them little better to sublime animals that are inadequate in their capabilities. She feels sorry for all the people without telepathy powers because in their region all the people work together efficiently compared to those from Waknuk. The change in man is viewed as advantageous and able to help each other in their daily chores. Technological improvements and ideas often stream from people with extra abilities. She feels that God is not fair on His tenets of eliminating those who have extra powers with them.
Her attitude towards the people from Waknuk is not appropriate as every group or tribe often have their differences that make them who they are in their environments. She should not judge them, but get the good from them and avoid the bad she thinks is in Waknuk and among its people. The people from Sealand are arrogant and need to embrace their neighbors and accept their ways of life.
Journal 5
David escapes to the Fringes through the assistance of his mother who loves him so much. He travels with Rosalind and later explains to the people from the other side why he loves Rosalind. Such sentiments do not go well with people like Gordon, who feel that Waknuk was supposed to be his and not Joseph. He explains how David’s certificate was revoked and how his mother took him to Waknuk when he was three years old. After this, he tells David that he wants to have children with Rosalind a fact that angers David. This leads to his being beaten, and after he becomes conscious they continue to run to another camp in the Fringes. This is another place where he is also beaten for because of his desire to protect his love Rosalind. The story has a sad ending because the issues of deviation are not solved in Waknuk, and there is a great rift between those in the Fringes and those in Waknuk.
The rivalry and division between those who are normal and those who have deviations continue to increase leading to unhappy lives. The levels of discrimination are also high as those with extra powers are rejected to the end and not allowed to join hands in marriage with those who are seen as normal. It is also vital to note that Gordon has a bitter feeling about Joseph, and this may lead to even worse situations in the future.

Works Cited
LʼHelias, C., and J. Proust. “Genetic recombination and DNA transpositions induced by pteridines and extracts of pteridine-treated diapausing chrysalids and mutants injected in Drosophila melanogaster.” Mutation Research – Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 328.1 (1995): 91-111. Print.

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