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Reason: Definition Of The Concept By Aristotiles

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Reason: Definition of the concept by Aristotiles


Since the beginning of philosophical thought, multiple philosophers have recognized that man, in itself, is distinguished from other creatures by using rationing, thinking, reflecting, questioning, recognizing, verifying concepts, discussing them to deduce or induce aConclusion in a certain situation to know how to do it correctly, using logic and reasoning, thinking before acting;knowing the consequences that our actions can lead to, where our actions are not measures and correct bring an effect on society. Philosophy can be said that I help men to know how to act using rationality, reasoning as Aristotle said "man is a rational animal". According to Aristotle, there is authentic knowledge when the causes for which something is as it is, according to Aristotle, living beings are composed of soul, body and reason.

Philosophy is characterized by the use of reason, where logic dominates impulses, seeking the truth by distinguishing problems, as well as its principles and its ends;We can say and believe that all the actions of man are carried out for some purpose, our actions are "rational" in the broad sense of the word, which allows the great ancient and current philosophers to develop a greater intellect where the judgment, reasoning andarguments, be precise, correctly allowing philosophy to have a structure and logical sequence. The use of reason, for times ago helped the human being to think, reflect to reach a conclusion, but as reason arises in us, the person.

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The word rationalism comes from the Latin ratio = understanding reason, it can be understood that reason is the ability to arrive by deduction or logic, to solve or perform something creating a more effective society and layers of reasoning and achieving a solution to theproblems in life.

A chameleon or any other animal can be efficient and consistent, but it is not considered a rational being because it is not aware of its actions. At the University of California, researcher Benjamín Libet carried out some experiments whose results seemHis experiment concludes that the muscles received orders to act before the conscious brain made the decision to act. It is known that free will is the power that the human being has to act as he considers and chooses being the one who leads his decisions, regardless of what society thinks or creates, whether this is right or in turn this evil, theFree will explains that the human being has freedom both to do good and to do evil, being the human being who seeks alternatives that are offered or created new ones. But is free will is a contradiction to the use of reason?, as it affects that the human being has the "control" on the actions he performs, being free to choose something. Human beings, once developed the gift of intelligence, we have become very effective in the task of rationalizing, that is, in giving logical explanations to our unrelated ideas or behaviors, we become more effective and it takes us less to the time ofTry to explain something, increasing the performance of different fields and reducing efforts, achieving a more effective society when performing some activity.

But free will affect the use of reason, either when making decisions or is just something that is believed but, the truth, most philosophers believe that it does not exist, that it is just an illusion. We can get to Albedrio’s conclusion is nothing more than a lie, since several philosophers between these planck, Marx, Schopenhauer, Spinoza, Nietzsche are sure that there is no free will, since they think that it is conscious or unconscious, myI am brain, my identity, my essence and my being residing in my brain;The brain acts, does not think or feel, takes care of things as basic as the organism self-regular when it demands it. That is, we talk about pure survival and in that context the concept of free will not apply. There are several reasons why it is believed, and for the most part, they claim that the free will does not exist since;If there is an omnipotent and omnipresent God, there cannot be free will, since or there is a God (either the religion that anyone follows), who knows everything you are going to do or will happen, therefore, you are notfree to change that "divine plan", then there would be no free will. This is one of the most accepted reasons why it is believed that free will not exist.

In philosophy, multiple philosophers between these Aristotle, one of the philosophers who contributed the most in the field of philosophy, have recognized that man, in itself, is distinguished from other creatures by using the rationing, to solve doubtsand reach a conclusion in a certain situation to know how to do it correctly. The man is able to solve problems, situations and diudad for reasoning, knowing how to apply it correctly, thinking before acting, to carry out the activity correctly and achieve the resolution of the same. Philosophy, helps men to act using rationality, being more effective people and knowing how to analyze the problem to give an assertive solution, achieving an advance throughout philosophy.


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